Black Lotus

Chapter 69.1 - If You Divorce... Can I...? (1/2)

“Do you know what I was thinking when I saw you from outside of the classroom?”

Tang Shuo turned his head and looked affectionately at Wen Niannan, his eyes full of love.

Wen Niannan lowered his head to avoid Tang Shuo’s intense stare and whispered, “What was it?”

“I was thinking, how could there be such a beautiful angel in the world? How could the sound of a piano be so beautiful? From that point on, I was determined to open my own music studio to make music, because this is what you like, this is what you have always loved the most.”

Hearing that Tang Shuo opened the music studio because of him, his guilt for him grew even more.

Wen Niannan suddenly crouched down and said while sobbing, “I…I’m not that good…I don’t deserve these from you. Tang Shuo… I’m nothing, I’m a person whose life is falling apart, everyone hates me… but why are you doing so much for me? I’m…sorry…sorry, Tang Shuo…”

Tears were streaming down from his cheeks to his chin and falling on the ground. While speaking, his voice choked, as if he was trying hard to hold back the tears.”

“Niannan, do you know how good you are? Why do you have to think that you aren’t worthy? In my heart, you deserve the best of everything. Your wings shouldn’t be broken, and you shouldn’t give up your passion for music.”


Wen Niannan raised his hand and wiped the tears on his face over and over again as he tried to control his emotions and let them come out again.


Wen Niannan kept his head down and continued to wipe tears from his face. But the more he did so, the more tears there were. After hearing Tang Shuo’s voice, his hands stopped for a second.

“Just let them out… stop holding back anymore, you would feel better after crying it out, okay?”

Suddenly, all his feelings of being wronged and the pain poured out. Wen Niannan burst into tears, the tears streaming down with all the endless despair and sorrow.

Being wronged for so many years, being hurt so many times, his disappointment over and over again, that was enough…

Tang Shuo listened to the cry that Wen Niannan has been holding back for years. Tears also started to form in his eyes as he stepped forward and also crouched down.

The two were very close to each other. Tang Shuo slightly reached his hand out towards Wen Niannan, seeing that he didn’t reject him, Tang Shuo reached out to Wen Niannan’s red crying eyes and gently wiped away the tears on his face.

“Niannan, can I hug you just this once…” Tang Shuo asked with a trembling voice.

Wen Niannan was stunned. After a long time, he slowly raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. His voice was also trembling, “Okay…”

Hearing this, Tang Shuo’s hands trembled with excitement.

“Can…can I really?”

Tang Shuo gently held Wen Niannan in his arms, as if he was holding his world, as if the next second, it would disappear…

Thank god…this time… it’s not a dream…

Time seemed to stop at that moment. The silent room had heartwarming decorations, a beautiful piano, two people hugging each other tightly, and two hearts that finally received comfort.

Tang Shuo reluctantly let go of the person in his arms after a long time because he felt the slight trembling from him. Knowing that he was trying his best to control himself, his heart hurt even more.

Why do you always care about other’s feelings and not your own?

Wen Niannan’s body was still trembling. He hated himself for his body trembling whenever someone touched him.

He turned to look at the piano on the side, and a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes. He stood up and tried to leave the piano room, but a sudden dizziness hit him.

“Niannan! What’s wrong, Niannan?” Tang Shuo asked nervously as he stepped forward to help him.

Wen Niannan’s head was hurting so much that he felt as if it was about to explode. His vision was getting blurry as he reached out his hand to press against his head.

“My head hurts..”

Tang Shuo squeezed Wen Niannan’s hand and said with worry, “Quick, I’ll help you to the sofa to rest.”

“No… it’s fine, I can get there myself.” Wen Niannan pushed away Tang Shuo’s hand and walked towards the sofa while pressing against his head.

Tang Shuo looked at his hand dumbfoundedly as he tried to control the emotion flashing in his eyes. He still walked over, worried about Wen Niannan with such a terrible headache.

Because of the pain from his head, he took off his hat, and the noticeable bandage above his head was shown. Tang Shuo kept staring at the bandage with some deep look in his eyes.

“What do you want to ask? Go ahead, I’ll tell you everything,” said Wen Niannan as he saw that Tang Shuo wanted to say something but was too afraid to do so.

“Don’t be afraid to ask because of my emotions, it’s okay, I’m really okay, just go ahead.”

There was nothing he couldn’t tell him; perhaps in this whole world, only Tang Shuo cared this much about him.

Tang Shuo was stunned for a second after hearing this, then said hesitantly, “Niannan, that wound, was it because Gu Yansheng hit you? Was it because of me? Because of that picture…”

“Yes, he did hit me, but this isn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have gone for something I couldn’t get in the first place. So what that I get to stay by his side? Did I receive his heart at all?”

Wen Niannan laughed at himself, but his face didn’t seem like it was laughing, it was more like he was crying.

“I… want to divorce… this time, I might be leaving for real.”

Translated by: UnderTheMoon

Edited by: Summit