Black Lotus

Chapter 57 - He's At Home With Wen Niannan

“Mr. Zhou.”

The people in the Gu Family Corporation were all shocked to see Xiao Li reporting the company’s situation to Zhou Yuanfeng. Where did Mr. Gu go? How come the general manager Mr. Zhou came over?

Seeing everyone’s visible confusion, Zhou Yuanfeng stopped what he was doing and said to the workers, “Mr. Gu is accompanying his partner for the next few days, so I will be helping him with the necessary tasks.”

His partner? The one that he hates?

Zhou Yuanfeng suddenly seemed to have suddenly thought of something and said as he glared around everyone in the room, “I heard that Mr. Gu fired a few big mouths recently, hopefully, I hope that I don’t have to deal with any of these kinds of people. Understood?”

Everyone was taken back by Zhou Yuanfeng’s terrifying eyes. They all closed their mouths and nodded in agreement.

Zhou Yuanfeng was working on some documents in the office as Xiao Li walked in with a pile of contracts.

“Mr. Zhou, these are the companies from Nation F that are interested in cooperating with us. Please take a look.”

Zhou Yuanfeng glanced over the contract one by one and paused on one of the sheets.

Qiyue Group…

He squinted his eyes, isn’t that Tang Shuo’s company? He looked up at the person in charge of the company written on top of the document: Tang Lunxuan.

Sure enough, it was Tang Shuo’s brother. Zhou Yuanfeng had done extensive research on Tang Shuo’s family background after Tang Shuo proposed to Wen Niannan. The eldest son of the Tang Family, Tang Lunxuan, was a smart and talented young man, and his father let him take of the business a long time ago. Now, Tang Lunxuan was solely responsible for the Qiyue Group.

Interesting, why would Mr. Lu list his son’s rival as a business partner. What’s the purpose behind this? Since the contract is perfectly timed so that it is sent during the period I am taking control, he must really want his offer to be accepted.

“Make arrangements. I want to meet Mr. Tang of the Qiyue Group.”

“Yes, Mr. Zhou.”

Tang Lunxuan was so shocked when he received a meeting invitation from the Gu Family Corporation that he subconsciously thought that Tang Shuo messed something up for him again. So, the first thing he did was to call Tang Shuo.

“Hey brother, what’s up?” An energetic voice along with some quiet piano sounds came from the phone.

“Shuo, did you do something bad outside again? Let me guess, you went to see Wen Niannan!”

“What? I am busy arranging music with my clients demanding a quick turnaround, how will I have time to hang out… hold up… did you just say Wen Niannan? What happened?” Tang Shuo heard that it was about Wen Niannan, he lost his calm.

Knowing that Tang Shuo wasn’t lying, he became even more puzzled why the Gu Family Corp. suddenly wanted to meet him.

“Huh? Brother? Are you still there? Tell me what happened to Niannan!” The sudden silence from his brother scared Tang Shuo.

“No no, there’s nothing much. Just some usual business. By the way, how’s your trip to Nation Y? Everything going well?”

“Yeah, I’ll be heading back the day after tomorrow. Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?” Tang Shuo still felt uneasy. He knew that his brother wouldn’t give him a call for no reason. Something must have happened.

“Is it about the video? Is it still not removed? I’ll go find someone to remove it myself. I knew I should take the business trip and spend more time with him.”

Tang Shuo regretted his decision already. His mother called him and asked him to go to Nation Y to help her friend write some music. He didn’t have a good reason to reject his mother, he just went there.

Tang Lunxuan suddenly remembered that there were some heated discussions about his brother and Wen Niannan. Perhaps it was because of that photo?

To comfort Tang Shuo, he said, “Don’t worry, nothing happened, seriously. Don’t worry much, you can still be with him after you come back.”

After comforting his brother, he hung up the phone and arranged to head to the meeting location.

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon