Black Lotus

Chapter 51 - Get Back Here Immediately

Wen Niannan contacted Dr. Li last night and drove to the hospital again. When he got there, the doctor was already waiting for him.

“Niannan, how are you feeling recently? You can tell me anything you have to say.”

Doctor Li looked tenderly at Wen Niannan while sitting on a sofa across from him. Wen Niannan looked much better than yesterday, and it seemed like he did recover better at home than at the hospital.

Wen Niannan kept his head down and did not speak. After a long time, he said, ”My… insomnia seems to have worsened. I know that these comments online will affect my emotions, but I just can’t control myself to not look at them…”

“Niannan, you don’t have to care about what other people think about you. None of these people online knows the full story. They are just commenting for their own selfish pleasures. Your partner is special in some ways, so their only outlet for this incident is you.”

“He didn’t delete the video as soon as it appeared because he is trying to use the public opinion to get rid of me. What should I do? I feel like I’m nearly hanging on.”

There were tears in Wen Niannan’s eyes, and as he was talking about Gu Yansheng, his tears fell onto the cold floor.

His body began to tremble. Seeing this, Doctor Li got up and poured a glass of water for him.

Doctor Li was worried. Ever since he and Gu Yansheng married, Wen Niannan came to his place with a warm smile on his face.

However, sometime recently, the calming smile gradually disappeared from his face, and his medical condition started to become unstable.

“Niannan, follow your own path. Do what your heart tells you to do. You are not inferior to anyone else, so why feel so shameful of just being the person you are? If you don’t want to give up, then let no one stop you from pursuing your dreams.”

Wen Niannan raised his face covered in tears and looked at Doctor Li with a pair of eyes in astonishment.

Back then, Uncle Xu and his mother both said the same to him. They told him as long as he was beside Gu Yansheng, everything will eventually get better.

But if he hesitated, it would only bring their relationship to a dead end. He wasn’t inferior to Shen Luoan, and he didn’t want to give up his love.

Even if he might suffer along the way, Wen Niannan was determined that it was worth a shot.

Suddenly there was a ringing from his phone. Wen Niannan took out the phone and saw the caller ID. He was quite shocked… it was Gu Yansheng who called him…

Seeing that he took out his phone, Doctor Li noticed something and asked, “Who is it that called you? What’s the matter?”

“It’s… Yansheng.”

Even though he always had Gu Yansheng in his contacts list, Gu Yansheng never once all him. This sudden called scared Wen Niannan. He quickly wiped away the tears on his face and picked up the call.

“Hey, Yansheng.”

Right after he picked up, he already heard Gu Yansheng’s angry roar from the other side.

“Wen Niannan! Where did you go? Fucking get back here immediately and look what you have done!”

“What? I… don’t know what you’re talking about,” Wen Niannan didn’t know what’s going on nor why Gu Yansheng was so mad.

“Get your ass back here right now!” After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon