Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 99

Jing Yichen is on a business trip abroad these days. Mu Qing personally sends shangguanning back home, and immediately tells Jing Yichen about the situation.

Jing Yichen received the news that Shangguan Ning was scalded. He threw his work aside and immediately flew back to a city.

Therefore, shangguanning was surprised to see that the man who should have been in Australia stood in front of him when he was eating dinner at home.

Jingyichen's angular face is obviously tired. Shangguan Ning pulls him to sit down and asks in a low voice: "aren't you on a business trip abroad? Why are you back? "

Jing Yichen looked at her original delicate jade face red and swollen, heartache can not.

He's been away for a few days, and she's hurt again!

The anger in his heart made him want to tear the person who hurt her directly!

He raised his hand and tried to touch her face, but he was afraid of hurting her, so his big hand stopped at her ear.

"Ah Ning, I said that you will not be hurt again. I will not let go of those who hurt you. Don't let them go soft hearted. This time, you should listen to me." Jing Yichen's voice is hoarse because of his long journey, but he can still hear his tenderness and firmness.

Shangguan Ning was silent for a while and nodded his head gently: "OK, listen to you. I'm not soft hearted. I just don't care about them before. I just want to live a good life. Now they don't want to let me go. Of course, I won't let them do this. I will protect myself

Jingyichen gently holds her in her arms and hears her saying that she will protect herself and puts her heart down slightly.

He was afraid that she thought those people were their own relatives, and she tolerated them again and again.

"And," Jing Yichen thought for a while, and then said, "my people still have to follow you, otherwise I can't be completely relieved. If someone is following you today, maybe there won't be an accident."

Shangguanning doesn't like being followed by people all the time, and thinks that she has nothing to protect. After knowing that Li Duozhi has several people following her, she tells jingyichen that they don't need their protection.

Jing Yichen promised that she would not be followed, but in fact, she still sent someone to protect her secretly. However, the distance of protection was further, which could ensure that shangguanning could not find out.

But in this way, Li duo's protection and rescue will not be timely, and sometimes even lost.

He was really worried.

"They won't be too close to you, just want you to tell me something at the first time, and I can protect you."

Shangguan Ning feels that jingyichen is too nervous. She used to have a safe and stable life for more than 20 years.

It's just that there are a lot of things going on these days, and things just go wrong every once in a while.

However, others she did not worry much, just a little afraid that Jing Yiran's paranoia would come to her for trouble.

She later heard Jing Yichen say that at the engagement banquet last time, jingyiran and shangguanzheng and Shangguan rouxue united to give her medicine. If it was not for jingyichen's timely arrival, the consequences could not be imagined.

He has not been successful, sooner or later he will find her again.

Think of here, Shangguan Ning gently nodded: "good, let Li duo and they follow me, just want to work hard for them."

Seeing her promise, jingyichen finally breathed a sigh of relief: "this is where their duty lies, what hard work there is."

He pays these people a lot of money every month, which is not for them to enjoy every day.

He put his heart down and took shangguanning to eat together.

It's been a long time since two people had dinner together at home. The meal was very sweet and warm.

After dinner, jingyichen hugs Shangguan in her arms and sleeps with her soft body.

He sighed a little contentedly, kissed her slightly swollen forehead, and closed his eyes to sleep.

He was on a business trip abroad alone. He was not accompanied by shangguanning, which made his heart empty. Now when he came home and held her in his arms, his heart was filled and his sleep became better.

The next day, instead of returning to Australia, he took shangguanning to MuQing to change his dressing.

Shangguanning's face has been detumescence under the effect of MuQing magic ointment. In addition to some redness, it doesn't hurt much.

It is estimated that it will be fully recovered in two days.

She thought there would be ugly scars on her face, but it didn't.

Mu's hospital is worthy of its reputation.

"I'm ok. You'd better go to work first. Don't delay." Shangguan Ning sits in the car, trying to persuade jingyichen to go to the airport. She knew that many of Jingsheng's affairs needed to be handled by him in person, which might delay one day and cost tens of millions of yuan.

She felt uneasy when she thought about it.

Jingyichen knows what shangguanning is worried about. Although the affairs of the group are really important, shangguanning is more important to him. He can make money again when he has no money, but there is only one person.

He gently pinched the soft and tender hand of Shangguan Ning, and comforted her in a tone of Indulgence: "it's not too late to do it after a few days' work. You are injured. I want to be with you. You can't deprive a husband of the right to take care of his wife."Shangguan Ning's lips show a smile, and his heart is full of emotion and warmth.

She got out of the car with Jing Yichen. In the envious eyes of the little nurse in the hospital, she walked with his fingers to the high-grade ward She used to use.

Mu Qing has already received the information from jingyichen and knows that they are coming. He has prepared the medicine and is waiting in the ward.

He now has a new understanding of jingyichen's love for women. He never thought that the indifferent and cold jingyichen would treat a woman so well, and he would think that women are more important than work.

As soon as he received the message he sent, he rushed back from abroad, worth several hundred million yuan. If he said no, he would not!

Mu Qing has a new understanding of Shangguan's position in jingyichen's heart.

Fortunately, shangguanning's face is much better. My grandfather's exclusive secret scald medicine is extremely expensive, but its curative effect is remarkable.

He was relieved.

If Shangguan Ning's face is not good, it is estimated that jingyichen will tear down their hospital!

As for the person who hurt shangguanning, Mu Qing thinks that the person must not die, because jingyichen will make her worse than death!

Mu Qing's guess is correct. There is no hospital in a city who receives Yang Wenshu.

From last night until now, her face and body had been scalded by hot water, and the whole person could not see the original half gentle and beautiful appearance.

Shangguan rouxue has been crying with her in her arms. Xie Zhuojun, who should have been with her, has gone back to take care of affairs and accompany big customers to dinner because the company has received a good order.

"Dad, what to do? The hospital refused to see her mother. If it goes on like this, mom and she..."

"Disfigurement" two words, Shangguan rouxue how can not say.

From last night, as long as Yang Wenshu saw her face and body in the mirror, she would faint with anger. , the fastest update of the webnovel!