Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 938


Of course!

Jingzhi dreams of revenge!

He will never forget the pain and suffering before!

But he is not stupid, Shu Yin asked him to take revenge, is he going like this?

"What's good for you if I kill them?"

"The good thing is, I'll feel better. I want to cooperate with you, because I don't have the ability to kill people personally. You can think about it. If you don't want to take a risk, you can think of it as if I didn't say anything. "

Jing Zhi was stunned for a moment and then responded: "do you hate them too?"

Shu Yin's cool smile: "of course! All the virus left in my body is due to them

Jing Zhi knows that Shu Yin also has viruses in her body. In fact, almost all the people in the research institute carry the virus, including Peter.

The viruses developed by the research institute are not all harmful. Many of them are beneficial to health. Some can greatly improve immunity, some can maintain beauty for a long time, and others can increase intelligence and promote physical development.

Since she entered the Research Institute, Shu Yin has never had a cold or been sick. The basic reason is that the virus in her body has enhanced her physical fitness, and it is difficult for the external virus to invade her body.

However, Shu Yin can live to this day, relying on her own research and understanding of the virus. She once had many kinds of viruses in her body, which were gradually cleaned up by her own. Now the virus content in her body is very low.

Jingzhi did not immediately agree to Shuyin, and Shuyin did not immediately let Jingzhi reply to her.

In order to let Jing Zhi go with her for revenge, she needs to talk to Jing Rui first. If Jing Rui doesn't agree, she won't let Jing Zhi do it.

Shu Yin is now completely free. Although she is still called Jingrui boss, she is no longer under his command.

She received a large amount of reward from Jing Rui. However, in fact, Jing Rui doesn't need to pay her a cent, because they all get what they need. She takes care of Jing Zhi and Jing Rui protects her.

Receiving Jing Rui's reward, Shuyin was puzzled for a long time.

She knows that Jing Rui is not a stingy person, but she can never be generous to this extent.

There must be reasons why she didn't know.

Shu Yin's smart people didn't ask much and didn't refuse. She knew that she couldn't find out the reason and couldn't refuse at all.

Since Jing Rui says that this is what she deserves, it must be what she deserves.

She believed that she would find out the real reason.

Shu Yin takes Jing Zhi's blood and goes to the laboratory of Mu's Hospital, where she begins to decompose the blood for testing.

In North America, Jingrui received a message from Shuyin.

He frowned slightly, and she wanted to work with Jingzhi to eradicate those virus researchers scattered in a city?

This is a very dangerous thing. Maybe for Jing Zhi, a killer with special training, killing is a simple thing, but for Shu Yin, it is easy to kill herself.

He promised that Shucheng mountain would protect Shuyin and let her live and live forever.

Therefore, he directly rejected Shu Yin's proposal.

Shu Yin is not too surprised to receive Jingrui's refusal, but she never thought that Jingrui refused to let them take revenge, not worried about Jingzhi's safety, but afraid of her accident!

It was not until Christmas day that she received the news that three researchers from a city who had come to find Jingzhi had died. She was shocked to find that all three people had died in Jingzhi's hands!

Jing Zhi kills people. It must have been agreed by Jing Rui, otherwise he can't show up easily!

Shu Yin's clear thinking has become a little confused.

Does Jing Rui refuse her revenge for her safety?

How could that be possible!

Jing Zhi takes a huge risk to revenge. Jing Rui can agree. Why does she take the risk and he doesn't agree?

Shu Yin and Jing Rui have known each other for nearly three years. She has never been good at qijingrui's identity, appearance, age and nationality. She has never thought of meeting him. They have always used words to communicate with each other and have a high degree of trust in each other.

However, she wants to see Jing Rui for the first time today!

She wanted to ask him, what happened, which caused him to change one after another!

Originally, she did not intend to come to city A. compared with city a, she is more familiar with the foreign environment. She wants to settle abroad for a long time.

However, Jing Rui, who had agreed to give her enough freedom, went back on his word. He asked Peter to bring her to city a - because this is Jingrui's territory, which is safer than abroad.

Compared with Shu Yin's confused doubts, Jing Zhi is in a very happy mood these days!

My brother agreed to his revenge plan!

He's almost moldy in the hotel. He has nothing to do every day. Except Xiao Xixi, who occasionally comes to play, there is no one to talk to.He thought that his brother would worry about his safety and would not let him go out. Unexpectedly, his brother trusted him so much and allowed him to show up for revenge!

What Jingzhi doesn't know is that although Jing Rui believes in his strength, in order to ensure his safety, he specially finds someone to protect him secretly, so as to avoid accidents.

Those people in the Institute of virus research, hearing that three colleagues died, all hid up and did not dare to go out and wander around.

If the elites are still alive, then they are really startled! They came here to die!

North has hated Andrew. He is very sure that Jing Zhi is still alive!

He thinks Andrew is an idiot! Not to say how powerful the chips developed by ourselves, as a result, there is no restriction on Jingzhi at all!

What is more hateful is that Andrew has trained Jing Zhi into a master, and the idle people are not his opponents at all! How does that make them arrest people?

North has lost three elite researchers. He is suffering from heartache. His staff has been sharply reduced. Many people choose to leave him and find another way out, because he can't give the temptation of immortality.

He originally wanted to put his idea on Jingxi, but unfortunately, Jingxi was protected so well that his people could not get close to this clever girl.

However, the little girl can't, the big girl may be able to - his people, now 24 hours a day monitoring and tracking Zheng yuluo!

At that time, North's men were Jing Zhi, who was taken away from Zheng yuluo. They were extremely impressed by Zheng yuluo.

Isn't Zheng yuluo always looking for Jingzhi?

They just need a little guidance, Zheng yuluo can take them to find Jingzhi!

After seven years, Zheng yuluo once again became their "assistant"! , the fastest update of the webnovel!