Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 846

Gu Qianyue's voice was drowned in the noisy noise. He was anxious to get out of bed and go to Gu's husband and wife to explain the situation in front of him, but the children all hugged him and refused to let him go.

Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi stood by the door and looked at him across the tearing crowd. Their feelings are now extremely complex, including hatred, heartache, shock and confusion.

I don't know how long after that, the beating and scolding in the ward has become more and more fierce, and screams come and go.

The couple's heart has gradually cooled down, Gu Yingjie took his wife's shoulder and walked out of the ward gently.

Zheng Jing followed him out: "uncle and aunt, do you believe that Lun Lun was hurt by the ancient thousand?"

The husband and wife stood in the corridor and said nothing. They always felt that they had a lot of responsibility for this.

Hate is naturally hate. Gu Qianyue has so many minds at a young age. To deceive their feelings, the most important thing is to hide Zheng Lun's whereabouts, otherwise they would have recovered their daughter.

Zheng Jing whispered that Zheng Lun had suffered in the hands of human traffickers when he was a child, and also said the suffering suffered by being poisoned this time.

He must let the soft hearted and kind-hearted parents know that Zheng Lun has suffered so much inhuman torture because of Gu Qianyue, otherwise they will be soft hearted and let go of Gu Qianyue.

The couple still don't know that Zheng Lun was once forced to be a little beggar by human traffickers. What's more, they don't know that this time Zheng Lun was poisoned by Gu Qianyue.

In one day, both of them received so much shocking information that they were in a mess and couldn't think at all.

Zheng Jing said what he should have said and drove them home.

Zheng Lun stayed in the hospital for another two days and then went home.

She is a little confused and unfamiliar with her own parents. She still likes Zheng Qinan and Pei Xinhua. After all, she has been very familiar with each other for 20 years. She doesn't remember Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi. She only remembers that when she was a child, Zheng Qinan still liked to carry her on her shoulder and tease her.

Gu's husband and wife did not come to the Zheng family to see Zheng Lun these days. It's not that they don't want to come. They can't get out of the house at all!

Gu Qianyue refused to be hospitalized, so he took a taxi back to his home. As a result, all his relatives flocked to his home!

The villa of the ancient family was quickly captured. They bravely climbed into the courtyard wall of the villa, destroyed all the flowers and plants in the garden, smashed the French windows of the villa, and scrambled for the things of the ancient family and ran out.

The LCD TV, the refrigerator full of food, and the automatic washing machine are all carried away by the parents, brothers and sisters of ancient Qianyue!

Children can't take big appliances, they have to grab blankets, vases, antique ornaments and other small pieces.

Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi were frightened by their bandit like behavior for more than half an hour before they recovered!

This is what age, how can anyone dare to break into other people's homes and rob things in such a blatant day! This is not the old society! It's not a refugee camp!

Originally, for the sake of Gu Qianyue, their husband and wife didn't want to have a conflict with those people. However, seeing that their home was empty, and even some people began to rob their wallets and mobile phones, they finally couldn't bear to call the police.

The current director of public security is Zheng Qinan, and Zheng Jing is also the leader of the criminal police team. Within a few minutes, Zheng Jing personally brought people.

Father in law and mother-in-law were robbed, which is good!

Zheng Jing sent out the best equipment and police force of the criminal police team, not only with helicopters, but also a large number of police cars to help recover all the lost items.

Two hours later, except for the broken vases, antiques and other things, all the lost items were found.

All the troublemakers were taken back to the Bureau, including Gu Qianyue, who was also directly taken away.

Zheng Jing is the first time to visit gujia. He stands in the messy living room of gujia, but he is not at all restrained and uncomfortable.

"Uncle Gu and aunt Wu, you can see if there is anything missing. Then you can count your losses and the Bureau will ask them to make compensation. Those people are used to being tough. I hope they didn't scare you. If something like this happens in the future, just call me and let me deal with it. "

At noon, the sun was warm and brilliant, shining on Zheng Jing's handsome and dignified face, giving him a kind of shocking brilliance.

He is a criminal police uniform in dark blue, with a pistol in his pocket around his waist, black military boots, upright posture and calm bearing, which makes people trust and rely on him from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of Zheng Jing is in sharp contrast to Gu Qianyue, who has just been dragged away by the criminal police.

His voice is steady and powerful, with the maturity and charm of a man in his 30s. Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi finally calm down from the panic of being robbed by more than 20 people.

Gu Yingjie stepped forward and patted Zheng Jing on the shoulder. He said happily and gratefully, "ah Jing, thanks to you today. Your aunt and I didn't know what to do just now! All the things have been found, but the rest of them have been smashed. Forget it! "He and Wu Zi are both university professors. They only deal with books and students all their lives. They never saw that kind of chaotic and terrible scene!

Just now I really scared them both. Those relatives of Gu Qianyue are no different from thugs!

Gu Qianyue himself is just like a madman. He yells and screams, but he has no effect.

As soon as Zheng Jing arrived, the scene was immediately under control, which ensured the personal safety of their husband and wife. Without saying anything, they found all the lost things. This really impressed them.

The Zheng family has a good son!

"Well, if uncles and aunts don't want to be investigated, they will not be investigated. However, according to the law, they will still be punished. And these people are brought back by Gu Qianyue, and he will also be punished. "

Zheng Jing already knew that the couple were kind-hearted and kind-hearted people. He felt that Zheng Lun's personality must have been inherited from them.

However, the two of them are soft hearted, but Zheng Jing will not.

That group of people, except for children, will be severely punished!

Break into other people's home and rob things at will. Is there any royal law! Take the ancient family as your own backyard!

Although these people were brought to a city by Zheng Jing, his original intention is to let them deal with Gu Qianyue, not to trouble the future father-in-law and mother-in-law!

Zheng Jing felt a little guilty, but for him, the honest and kind husband and wife would not have been so frightened.

Before leaving, he said solemnly: "uncle, aunt, after some time, I will transfer Lun Lun's account to your home." , the fastest update of the webnovel!