Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 838

Zheng Jing light way: "yes, I not only know your past, but also know my sister's past, she is really miserable ah! When I was a child, I was trapped by you. I couldn't reunite with my parents. I was sold to another trafficker. I was hungry and cold every day. I was whipped like a dog and forced her to beg for food. If she had not met me, she would have starved to death, or she might have been killed. "

"Brother Zheng, what are you talking about! When did I get into Lun Lun? I didn't know her before! I... "

Gu Qianyue's words have not finished, he was kicked down to the ground by Zheng Jing.

With a scream of pain, he huddled up on the ground.

He felt that his rib seemed to be broken by Zheng Jing!

"You What are you doing? "

Gu Qianyue was so painful that he couldn't even speak easily. He wanted to get up and beat Zheng Jing, but his cold sweat was so painful that he couldn't get up at all!

Zheng Jing looked at Gu Qianyue from a commanding position. He could not suppress his anger and beat the scum!

He had thought that he had not told the truth of Gu's husband and wife, and had beaten Gu Qianyue badly. But when he saw the hypocritical face of Gu Qianyue, he could not control it at all.

Zheng Lun has suffered so many crimes. Why does ancient Qianyue still live so freely!

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you have to break through, ancient thousand Yue, you think you did not leave any handle, I don't know what you did?"

Zheng Jing's face was full of anger and hatred. He kicked Gu Qianyue's chest "bang bang bang" until the viscera of Gu Qianyue's kick was broken and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood, so he stopped.

He saw the cold sweat of ancient thousand more painful DC, but still had the mind to look outside, could not help sneering: "how, still rely on your partner to save you?"

Zheng Jing's black military leather boots, mercilessly stepped on Gu Qianyue's white face, and changed his beautiful and handsome face into a shape, looking ferocious and terrifying.

"Zheng Jing, are you crazy! Let go of me

Ancient thousand more painful tears all flowed out, he gritted his teeth, and tried to squeeze a few words from his teeth.

"I can tell you clearly that all three of your companions are dead! Next, the damned one is you

Zheng Jing's feet a force, Gu Qianyue face delicate skin was rubbed broken skin, outflow of bright red blood.

"Ah! I want to call the police! You are deliberately hurting my personal safety! "

Gu Qianyue tried to hold Zheng Jing's feet and not let him step down. Unfortunately, he was thin and weak, and was not a strong opponent of Zheng Jing at all.

When he faced Zheng Jing with hatred and fear, he was shocked. Were all his three helpers dead? How could that be possible! The three of them were so secretive that even he was very hard to find them. How did Zheng Jing find them?

Moreover, how could Zheng Jing know the existence of these three people?!

Zheng Jing seemed to know what Gu Qianyue was thinking. He said coldly: "do you think that Yang Muyan is invincible? She is human, not God! The three people she gave you, unless they don't eat, drink or move, they will surely leave traces. It doesn't take any effort to find them! "

Of course, he didn't spend a little effort. The person who spent human and material resources to find was jingyichen.

"If you dare to come to see me alone, you feel that you are protected by someone behind you? Unfortunately, those who protect you now are dead! "

Looking at the miserable appearance of ancient Qianyue, Zheng Jing finally felt better.

He is Zheng Lun's brother. If he didn't protect her, he should revenge for her!

Zheng Lun suffered pain, he must let Gu Qianyue all taste it!

It would be nice if Mu Qing were in China now. He had some good ways to torture people, and he could not see any trace from his appearance.

Gu Qianyue still pretends to know nothing and still pretends to be innocent, which makes Zheng Jing's impulse to beat him even stronger.

Zheng Jing's feet let go of Gu Qianyue's face and stepped on his well maintained fingers as delicate as a woman's hands.

"Won't admit poisoning my sister? Well, I'll break your fingers today, and then I'll also feed you poison! "

Gu Qianyue immediately screamed: "what are you talking about? It has nothing to do with me! If you are a criminal police officer, you can hit people at will

"You don't deserve to be a man! What's beating you? I still have a lot of ways to torture people, so don't die easily

Zheng Jing stepped on it one finger at a time. In the quiet villa, the sound of "creaking" made people's teeth sour. Then, it was the scream of the ancient thousand Yue killing pigs.

Gu Qianyue regretted to keep the appointment!

I haven't seen Zheng Lun these days. Every time I come to the Zheng family, either Pei Xinhua is alone at home, or Zheng Qinan is alone at home. In fact, he has noticed the abnormality.

However, he carefully recalled that he did not leave any handle and evidence, and Zheng Lun's body poison, far from the time of the full outbreak, she should now have no symptoms.He felt that he had not been exposed. Zheng Qinan and Pei Xinhua seemed to be the same to him as before. There was no change.

He came today to see when Zheng Lun could come back, because he still needs to continue poisoning Zheng Lun, so that the dosage of the poison can reach the level of cancer. By then, the immortal Dara will not be able to save her!

Unexpectedly, after he came, he was beaten by Zheng Jing!

He didn't know where he had made a mistake!

Oh, yes! Is it the death of those anchovies raised by Zheng Lun that caused Zheng Jing's suspicion?

But he ate all the snacks! Nothing left!

Yes, he also ate those poisonous snacks. However, every time he finished eating, he would excuse himself to go to the bathroom and force himself to spit out all the snacks he ate. Therefore, he had only mild poisoning symptoms, which was not as serious as Zheng Lun.

Zheng Lun is not at home these days. Is it not that he went to Germany to see some friends, but was poisoned and hospitalized?

In any case, Gu Qianyue decided not to admit it.

Zheng Jing has no evidence to prove that Zheng Lun was harmed by him. Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi love him very much and treat him as their own son. They will certainly believe him and not Zheng Jing.

In any case, he can not lose this pair of parents who are not easy to cheat!

He needs such parents, he does not allow them to find their own daughter! Otherwise, everything in that year will be exposed, and he will lose everything he has now! , the fastest update of the webnovel!