Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 834

Mi Xiaoxiao into the ward, the face of anger has long disappeared, replaced by a decent smile.

What's worse, she came to the hospital today and didn't bring anything. It's like visiting the patient's number!

She just called shangguanning last night and heard that she might come to the hospital today, so she followed.

She won't admit that she came for the sake of ah Hu, who is not the same in appearance!

Fortunately, she doesn't know Zheng Lun, and it won't be too embarrassing to bring a gift.

She does public relations work. It's a piece of cake to deal with such trifles!

Mi Xiaoxiao's eloquence is first-class and well-informed. She talks to Pei Xinhua very well after seeing people and ghosts. Even Zheng Lun has been looking at her with good intentions, and she has not calmed down for a long time.


She said that the employees of Jingsheng group did not have any good faults, they all had abilities.

The atmosphere on this side of the ward is relaxed because of MI Xiaoxiao's arrival, but there is something dignified on the other side of the wall.

Zheng Jing poured a cup of tea to jingyichen, and then poured himself a cup. Sitting opposite jingyichen, he asked in a low voice, "jingshao, have you found out?"

Jing Yichen didn't touch the cup of tea. He had a habit of cleanliness. He seldom touched anything outside, even if it was prepared by Zheng Jing.

"Find out something."

Jingyichen's voice is faint, but his words make Zheng Jing feel frightened.

"Gu Qianyue should have been staring at Zheng Lun from a very early time. However, Zheng Lun was too wary of strangers, so it was very difficult for him to start. In the past ten years, he has bought many drugs and has been looking for opportunities to poison Zheng Lun. It gave him the best chance to make a blind date. "

"He also hired a dozen people to take turns to monitor your home and track your family. These more than ten people are all Yang Muyan's people. Yang Muyan also learned that Gu Qianyue wanted to kill Zheng Lun and began to cooperate. "

"Their method of tracking is very special, not tracking the whole process, but tracking in the vicinity of your home, and often three or two people tracking together, so that they will neither be found nor lose the target. This tracking method was designed by Yang Muyan. She used this method to let people track me

Zheng Jing cold sweat straight out, he is a criminal police, the system of learning tracking and anti tracking, the result was tracked for so long, unexpectedly did not find out!

Yang Muyan arranged her subordinates so carefully, which is really shocking!

"We How long have you been followed? "

"At least a year and a half. When you go out, you will not be followed, that is, you will be tracked at home and in certain fixed places, such as Mu's Hospital and the criminal police force. "

At home, that is actually equivalent to the nature of surveillance, only when you come to the hospital or go to work, you can be regarded as being tracked.

But this is also very terrible!

"Your life rules, everyone's living habits and personality characteristics, Gu Qianyue has been clearly checked, and detailed records have been made in his computer. My people hacked into his computer, got a lot of his information, detailed let ah Hu send you. Gu Qianyue is a computer genius. He has a lot of encrypted files on his computer, and it is difficult to hack them in without disturbing him. Therefore, more information may take a little time. "

Jing Yichen is a computer expert himself. He also has a group of experts who specialize in this field. He often does things like hacking into other people's systems. But it is still a little difficult not to disturb Gu Qianyue.

Zheng Jing is a little surprised that Gu Qianyue is a computer genius! All of them thought that he was a student of art. He was full of literary and artistic atmosphere. He didn't look like a computer person at all!

"According to the records made by Gu Qianyue, he wanted to kill Zheng Lun for a long time. It happened that Yang Muyan proposed to cooperate with him, so he agreed. The last time Zheng Lun was poisoned, it was his handwriting. Yang Muyan also provided the poison to him. Up to now, the person arranged by Yang Muyan still keeps in touch with Gu Qianyue and sends him poison every five days. In addition to Gu Qianyue, Yang Muyan also arranged for three people to stare at Zheng Lun. If Gu Qianyue fails, he can kill Zheng Lun for him. This is an agreement made by the two of them a long time ago. "

In fact, Yang Muyan not only arranged people to stare at Zheng Lun, but also arranged more people to stare at Shangguan Ning and Zhao An'an.

However, Zhao An'an is now in Germany, and those who stare at him have disappeared.

And Shangguan Ning has jingyichen around him. He has already cleaned up those people who stare at Shangguan Ning.

"Jingshao, can you get rid of those three people?" Zheng Jing never knew that there were so many dangers around Zheng Lun!

Fortunately, she is a quiet girl. She doesn't like to go shopping or go out to play. Otherwise, she may not have any problems.

Jing Yichen nodded: "is solving, died two, ran one, should soon have news."

Zheng Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and Jing Yichen helped.If the outlaws kill, they will be killed. Those people don't know how many lives there are, and their identities are not visible. Therefore, even if they are not, no one will pursue them.

"There's another important clue."

Jing Yichen said here, slightly pause, looked up at Zheng Jing, who was drinking tea with dry lips, and said in a low voice, "I asked people to do the DNA identification of Gu Qianyue and his parents."

Zheng Jing "Gudong" suddenly swallowed a large mouthful of tea and looked at jingyichen with wide eyes: "how can this happen! We have always thought that Gu Qianyue is his parents, his parents love him very much, even dote on him! None of the three people who knew them said that they had adopted him! "

"No, Gu Qianyue was not adopted. He was bought home by Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi from human traffickers. Twenty years ago, they didn't live in city a, they lived in city B

Jingyichen's cold voice seems to have lowered the temperature of the whole ward. Zheng Jing only felt chilly all over!

"The two of them did have a child before, but it was not a son, but a daughter, whose name was Gu Xi. Many people know this matter in his hometown of Gu Yingjie B city. They moved to city a just to find their daughter, who was abducted and sold to city a at the age of six. "

"In addition, my people found a picture of Gu Xi when she was a child in her maternal mother's house. At that time, Gu Xi was only four years old, but although she was very young at that time, I thought she was very much like another person

Zheng Jing's heart suddenly slightly jumps, subconsciously asks: "who?"

"Your sister, Zheng Lun." , the fastest update of the webnovel!