Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 832

Zheng Lun's body began to improve, Shangguan Ning immediately took Jing Rui to the hospital to see her.

Jingyichen drives them to the hospital and talks with Zheng Jing about the things about Gu Qianyue found in the past two days.

Zheng Lun bleeding symptoms reduced a lot, oral ulceration began to improve, under the effect of drugs, the wound surface began to repair and heal gradually.

However, before the ulceration was too serious, now even if the healing process is relatively slow, she still can't speak, nor dare to have a relatively large facial expression, otherwise it will affect the wound, bleeding, will be unbearable pain.

See Shangguan Ning, her lips slightly up, very happy.

She finally survived, and now she has a good friend to come to see her. How nice!

Xiao Jingrui is still so cute. She looks like a doll. Her face is always taut and looks serious!

This is simply a reduced size of jingyichen!

Zheng Lun looks at little Jing Rui. He is in a suit with a white shirt inside, which makes him very energetic and has the feeling of a little British gentleman.

Such a child is really loved by everyone. Zheng Lun is soft in his heart and even wants to have such a child.

Jing Rui and Zheng Lun are not familiar with each other, but when his mother left home, she told him 800 times that he must show a familiar look. He also gave him a bunch of flowers and asked him to send him Zheng Lun who had escaped from death.

Jing Rui is very dissatisfied. Really, his father said that his first flower delivery should be for his girlfriend. Now he gives it to a woman over 20 years older than him. What's the matter?

He can't take such a loss!

With the bunch of flowers in his arms, Jingrui went to Zheng Lun's bed, put the flowers beside the bed, and said in a childish voice, "Hello, aunt, I wish you a speedy recovery! This bunch of flowers is specially bought for you by my mother. She hopes you like it

Is that clear?

This flower is not from him, but from his mother. It has nothing to do with him!

Of course, Zheng Lun knows that the flower must have been bought by shangguanning. Jing Rui is so small that he certainly won't buy flowers, not to mention Jing Yichen. Besides buying flowers for shangguanning, other people don't even take a look at them. How can they possibly buy flowers.

Zheng Lun wants to say thank you, but her throat is still burning and her tongue is hurting. She can't speak at all.

Knowing that she wanted to express her gratitude, shangguanning sat down beside her with a smile and said, "OK, we don't need to be so polite. You just have to take good care of it. When you can talk in a few days, we'll have a good chat. You and ANN are both in the hospital now. It's really worrying. I'll go to Germany to see her in two days after I've read it. You don't know, she's gone bald again, and she's a bald head. It's so bright that you don't have to light up at night! "

Obviously, it is also a painful thing, but the Shangguan Ning said so funny, Zheng Lun can't help but smile.

There was a smile in her eyes, but a little shame in her heart.

Zhao An'an is suffering more and more pressure than she is, but she is still optimistic and strong. She is not sad even if her hair is gone. She also plays jokes on herself all day long.

The reason why Shangguan Ning can laugh at Zhao An'an is that Zhao an doesn't care about others laughing at her. She has a very good mentality.

Maybe it is this optimistic and optimistic attitude that makes her get new life from death again and again!

It was a good thing for her. After suffering such a little, she was dying. She felt that she might as well die.

What a shame!

Zheng Lun's mental state has improved a lot today. Listening to shangguanning talking to Pei Xinhua, she felt their most sincere concern and heartache. She could not help but take a deep breath.

In the future, no matter what happens, she should be optimistic and strong. There are so many people who care about her all the time. What reason does she have to shrink back?

Zheng Lun looks at Jing Rui standing beside the bed, staring at the infusion tube attentively, and thinks that he is extremely cute and obedient.

She can't help but stretch out her hand and try to touch Jing Rui's head, but she is nimbly dodged by Jing Rui, and then she is staring at him with displeasure.

Zheng Lun laughed in his heart. Did this little guy like his father not like to be touched by others? Can such things be inherited?

She doesn't try to touch Jing Rui again.

In fact, children, like adults, have their own joys and sorrows. Their inner world is also colorful, and most of them are eager to be respected by adults, so they can't wait to grow up.

Zheng Lun respects Jing Rui's wishes very much. She gently waves her hand to him, indicating that she was wrong and apologizes to him.

Jing Rui is very surprised.

He is now two years old, but he has never met a person who respects him so much. Everyone thinks that he is a child, and they impose his own ideas and practices on him, even his parents.This was the first time he met an adult. He didn't treat him as a child, respected his ideas, and even apologized for his actions.

Oh, this aunt named Zheng Lun is much better than his aunt Zhao An'an!

Look at the quality of others, respect for children to win the respect of children!

Jing Rui has just begun to treat Zheng Lun coldly, but now she feels more comfortable.

Of course, it was just a little pleasing to the eye. He was still nervous and didn't speak. Then, taking advantage of shangguanning's talking with Pei Xinhua, he turned and ran out of the ward.

When Shangguan wants to ask Jing Rui to say hello to Pei Xinhua, she suddenly finds that her son is gone again!

It's killing me. I just know that I can't stop the rhythm when I run outside!

Shangguan Ning quickly said "sorry" to Pei Xinhua, and then ran after him.

Jingyichen, who is standing in the corridor and talking to Zheng Jing, sees his wife running out. He has a faint smile on his face: "don't chase him. Li duo leads people to follow him. He can't lose it."

Shangguan Ning put down his mind, but still complained about Jing Yichen: "it's you who spoiled him. He's so small. What if he was abducted one day! How unsafe it is outside now

"Don't worry, it's OK. My son is so smart that he needs at least my IQ to abduct him. There are few people in the world who have the same IQ as me. They won't fight against Jing Rui. "

Jingyichen praises her high intelligence quotient, but Shangguan Ning thinks it's reasonable. She nods and turns back to Zheng Lun's ward.

Zheng Jing looked at their husband and wife that kind of love beyond words, and his heart rose with envy.

In the future, can he and Zheng Lun do the same? , the fastest update of the webnovel!