Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 803

Zheng Jing knew Pei Xinhua's loss. He laughed and said, "she is very good. She can eat and sleep. She can't see the depression of cancer at all. All the top doctors in the world treat her. At present, her condition is quite stable."

Pei Xinhua sighed: "Alas, she is also a poor child. Thanks to her good character, she will break down first. Where can I eat and sleep?"

After learning about Zhao An'an's illness, her resentment about Zhao An'an's refusal to marry her son and her turn to marry Mu Qing dissipated.

Now she finally knows why Zhao An'an always refuses to marry. It turns out that she is afraid that her illness will delay others.

Pei Xinhua himself lost his daughter. He knew the feeling of heartache. He was afraid that Zhao Zhao would suffer more than anyone else.

The children are all the flesh from the mother's body. If the child is gone, the pain is no less than the heart being dug away.

She thought that after Zheng Jing married his daughter-in-law, she must also treat other people's girls as their own daughter-in-law. All of them were brought up by her parents with painstaking efforts. If she married into the Zheng family, she should treat them well.

She will not be a bad mother-in-law in the future.

However, Zheng Jingxian had to find a girl to marry.

"Son, your mother has asked you to introduce someone. You can meet him sometime."

Zheng Jing shook his head decisively: "no, mom, I'm not free. I'm very busy with my work."

Pei Xinhua would not be cheated by him. He reached out and hit him on the shoulder and glared at him: "don't make excuses! This time I'm introducing you to a very good girl. I'm from forensic medicine. I'm just in line with your work. You'll have a common topic in the future. "

Forensic medicine?

Don't you know him from a city?

However, there are seven female forensic doctors in a city. Except one married, the other six did not marry out. I don't know which one Pei Xinhua introduced to him.

Either way, he can't go on a blind date.

Otherwise, it's not hurting other girls.

Zheng Jing took a deep breath and said in some serious words: "Mom, I know all the female forensic doctors in a city, but I don't like them. No matter which one you introduce, I won't go there. It has nothing to do with work. I don't feel that way about those girls. "

Pei Xinhua was angry and anxious: "what do you like? Whatever you like, mom will go and find you something to come back to! "

Zheng Jing was silent for a moment, then he said softly, "what kind of I like, don't you already know it?"

Pei Xinhua said in a sharp voice: "I said, no way! Lun Lun is your sister

She knew, she knew that Zheng Jing always thought about Zheng Lun in his heart!

Pei Xinhua is going to be mad by his son!

She is in her thirties. How can she not understand her mother! How can't you understand the world!

However, what made Pei Xinhua almost faint was what Zheng Jing said next.

"Mom, I want to marry her. We are not related by blood. You know, I can marry her

Pei Xinhua can hardly believe his ears!

"You, you I beg your pardon? Tell me again

"I will marry her, turn her into your daughter-in-law, and let her give you a grandson, Ma. This is a good thing, so that Lun Lun will always be at home with you and will not marry into someone else's house."


Pei Xinhua slapped his son directly!

You don't even have a finger trembling! She is your sister, since the day she entered our house! If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you! She married to someone else's house. What's wrong? If she married, I'm not her mother? I don't need her to accompany me in this way. I haven't heard of any parents who don't want their daughter to marry and let her marry their son! That's no use for me

Of course, she was not willing to let Zheng Lun leave home to live in someone else's home, but she would be willing to let Zheng Lun leave home again!

Even if her own daughter is still alive, she will also let her daughter get married quickly. It is impossible to leave her daughter at home all her life. It is not to love her daughter, but to harm her!

It's the same with Zheng Lun. Pei Xinhua doesn't think it doesn't hurt her to marry her daughter out. On the contrary, in order to make her daughter marry well, she doesn't know how many unmarried young men she has asked about!

Zheng Jing was slapped in the face by Pei Xinhua. He didn't hide at all.

His face burning pain, obviously Pei Xinhua really angry, so under a very heavy hand.

He felt guilty and apologetic to his mother.

Pei Xinhua really regards Zheng Lun as his daughter, which is totally different from his feelings towards Zheng Lun. He has always consciously realized that Zheng Lun is actually Qi Qi, and she is not his own sister. If he has always regarded her as his own sister, how could he fall in love with her!

Zheng Jing stood there straight with firm eyes: "Mom, since these words are useless, then I will not make any explanation. I am sure I will marry her, and there is a way to marry her, but it will certainly make you and dad sad. I don't want to use it until I have toPei Xinhua was almost angry by her son. Her face turned pale. She reached out to Zheng Jing and said in a hoarse voice, "well, you have hard wings. You dare to threaten me! I'll leave it here today. If you two want to be together, unless I die

Zheng Jing slightly stagnated, tone some helpless way: "Mom, you can't talk so bad, what dead ah live, this kind of words can't be said casually."

"Do you think I'm just saying it casually?"

Pei Xin Hua Leng hum a, gnash teeth way: "if you dare to come nonsense, I will die to show you! This is not the end of the world. You are the only two left in the world. You must marry and have offspring! You should stay away from Lun Lun. She is not sensible and has been damaged by you! She used to be the most obedient child

Pei Xinhua finished and left with a cold face.

Looking at her back, Zheng Jing could not help but smile bitterly. It seems that it is not so difficult to marry Zheng Lun. His original plan needs to be adjusted, otherwise Pei Xinhua will be very angry even if he marries Zheng Lun.

In her room, Zheng Lun heard the dispute between her mother and her brother. Although some of them didn't hear clearly, the voices of the two people's last words had been raised a lot because of their anger, so she listened to it for a while.

She knew that her brother confessed to her mother, and then met with the most fierce and clear opposition from her mother.

She held her plush toy rabbit in the corner, some sad, some self blame. , the fastest update of the webnovel!