Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 775

Mu's Hospital, Shangguan Ning quietly lying there, face is still ruddy, breathing evenly, in addition to the low heart rate some frightening, the rest as if asleep.

There was no pain, no other abnormality.

Jingyichen soaked the towel with warm water and gently wiped her hands and face.

He didn't know when shangguanning would wake up. In order to see her change, he always kept by her side as much as possible.

Jing Rui is still in jingzhongxiu. He has no time to take care of his son.

For jingyichen, shangguanning is more important!

If Jing Rui leaves him, he will get the best education with Jing Zhongxiu, and he can grow up quickly. However, if shangguanning leaves him, no one will take care of her.

The door of the ward opened, and Mu Wensheng and Mu Qing came in.

Jingyichen stands up and gives the position to the old man.

Mu Wensheng has examined Shangguan Ning's pulse for three times, and has done acupuncture and detoxification for her once, but it has not improved at all.

The same is true of Zhao an and Zheng Lun.

However, Zheng Lun's body toxin is less than Zhao An'an and shangguanning. Her hibernation phenomenon is the slightest. Her heart rate and blood flow rate are close to normal people, faster than the current Shangguan Ning and zhao'an'an.

If any of them can wake up, it must be Zheng Lun.

Yang Muyan didn't take Zheng Lun seriously, so the poison in her was the slightest.

Even so, Mu Wensheng did not dare to try detoxification easily.

He sat in front of the bed, after the pulse of Shangguan Ning, his frown still did not loosen.

"This is a new type of toxin. I have never seen it before. I have been exposed to similar toxins before. But after acupuncture, the toxins can be discharged from the body. It will not be like this now, and the effect is negligible."

Mu Qing's face was dignified and anxious.

He had been exposed to similar poisons, so just after analyzing Zhao An'an's situation, he thought he could detoxify. Unexpectedly, all kinds of antidotes were put into Zhao an's body, and there was no effect at all!

"Toxins have been spreading in their bodies. It's not impossible to force them out of their bodies. However, their physical strength will be greatly damaged. It is impossible to raise them in three or five years. The best way is to use antidotes."

Mu Wensheng can make the three of them wake up, but the sequelae will be obvious.

He won't force drugs until he has to.

"Grandfather mu, Yang Muyan is dead. I'm afraid there is no way to get the antidote."

Wood asked and wood green at the same time, wood green is lost voice: "what? Dead? "

"Well, I've had an autopsy. It's Yang Muyan."

Jing Yichen didn't say that Yang Muyan was killed by Jing Yiran. This is not important. What matters is that Yang Muyan is dead.

Has been pestering his female devil head finally died, Mu Qing is surprised at the same time, a big stone in the heart also finally fell to the ground.

"If you die, you'll die. It's a long dream. With her cunning personality, even if she gives us the antidote, it will not be true. Maybe it will make their situation worse. "

Mu Qing has a lingering fear of Yang Muyan's metamorphosis, and is also looking forward to her early death!

She actually put a time bomb on Zhao An'an, because the person he likes is Zhao An'an. Yang Muyan wants to blow her up. It's insane!

"Yang Muyan is dead. I'll make the antidote myself, but it will take me a little longer. I'll try it first. Fortunately, this kind of poison just makes them hibernate, and the damage is not big. "

Mu Wensheng soon left the hospital and went back to his own hospital. He began to keep trying to prepare and test drugs.

Mu Qing didn't stay in the hospital. It was enough to have jingyichen and Mutong in the hospital. What he should do most at the moment was to help the old man prepare the antidote.

The poison in shangguanning's three people is a kind of mild poison, which can't be overbearing and will kill them immediately. However, the more mild the poison is, the more serious the loss of human vitality will be, and the recovery will be very slow in the future.

Although Yang Muyan is dead, the net she has laid is still playing a role.

She died, naturally there is nothing to worry about, the net is light.

This is the most important reason why Jing Yichen has been reluctant to kill Yang Muyan.

Shangguan Ning, Zhao An'an and Zheng Lun, three fresh people, fell into deep sleep.

And the deer is also fighting with Yang Muyan's "God of death". If you are not careful, you will lose your life!

Jing Yiran was attacked one after another. Yang Muyan had already paid a high price to hire a large number of people to attack the Jing family.

It was jingzhongxiu who was attacked the most.

He took Jing Rui to live here with Huang Lihan. Around the villa, he had ambushed many people. Some people were impatient to wait. They went directly over the wall into the villa and wanted to kill jingzhongxiu and Jingrui at close range.It may be very difficult to kill Jing Zhongxiu, but it is very easy to kill a child like Jing Rui.

Jingzhongxiu stands in front of the French window on the second floor of the villa with Jingrui in his arms. He looks at the people in black who come in one after another over the wall in the afterglow of the setting sun. He can't help but say: "Lao Huang, you see, I haven't done anything for a long time. People in a city seem to forget my bad name."

His tone is light. Although he is talking to Huang Lihan, his eyes are lovingly looking at his little grandson in his arms.

He loves this grandson so much!

Jingrui looks like him very much. Every time he takes Jingrui out to play, people will know that it is his grandson.

"Really, I have to force me to do it in front of my grandson. Then I must win a bit of beauty, otherwise my grandson will laugh at me. He is very clever now, and ignorant and fearless. He is curious about everything and has great courage! Ha ha ha, there is a successor in our Jing family

Huang Lihan felt speechless about the endless dazzle action of jingzhongxiu.

Fortunately, he is shangguanning's uncle and Jingrui's uncle. Otherwise, jingzhongxiu doesn't know how to show off!

Every time jingyichen sends Jingrui to Jingzhong for self-cultivation, jingzhongxiu always has a heroic manner of "grandson in hand, I have everything in the world", for fear that others will not know that he has a clever and clever grandson.

He clearly remembers that the son of Jing Yichen is not like this at all, or even two extremes!

It's said that the next generation of relatives may be true. At least, jingzhongxiu is in pain, and Jingrui is not tired to hold Jingrui all day. Jingrui struggles to play by himself, and he can't help letting go.

It seems that foreground Zhongxiu doesn't hold jingyichen at all. What he pursues is a strict and cold education method. Otherwise, the father son relationship between him and Jing Yichen would be so rigid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!