Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 765

Jing Rui doesn't know who he is, but as he grows up, he has the ability to distinguish between relatives and strangers.

His favorite person is jingyichen, which even shangguanning has to surrender. He grew up under the care of Moran.

He has always longed for a warm and warm home, and he has always attached great importance to marriage.

He didn't want to repeat his parents' mistakes.

He wants to give his children the best fatherly love. He wants to be a good father, just like jingyichen now.

Looking at jingyiran, the deer said in a soft voice: "my body has been transformed by the virus. Other aspects are very strong. The only thing that has weakened is fertility. My chances of having a baby are basically zero. "

Jingyiran has known about this for a long time.

However, at the moment, hearing this, he was still very sad.

He held the fawn in his arms, put his chin on her forehead, and whispered, "it doesn't matter. We can try. There may be a way for mu Wensheng. If not, we will adopt one. Before I do that, I have to make you my wife. "

The name of wife makes the deer's heart jump slightly.

She never thought that she would get married one day. She thought she would be lonely all her life.

She hugged Jing Yiran's waist and said in her unique baby voice, "it sounds pretty good."


In the wedding dress hall, Shangguan Ning and Zheng Lun are still helping Zhao an an pick up the wedding dress and dress.

This kind of clothes for Zhao An'an, all the same, she kept trying to try, also did not pick out a set that she felt special.

Zheng Lun looked at Zhao an, who wore the wedding dress, but was envious: "An'an, which set of clothes you wear is very good-looking."

I don't know when she will be able to wear such a beautiful wedding dress.

Shangguan Ning came over with a wedding dress in her arms and said with a smile, "Lun Lun, don't praise her. You will certainly look better than her in the future. She is a woman, and her skirt is just a kind of pants feeling when she wears it out!"

It's true. Zhao An'an has a heroic spirit between her eyebrows. Wearing her wedding dress is a kind of cool beauty.

Zhao an laughs and shouts, "waiter, I want to order a trouser wedding dress!"

A beautiful woman stepped forward, glanced at Zhao An'an and said with a smile, "I don't think it's necessary for you to order a wedding dress."

Her tone is a little strange, Zhao an's smile suddenly froze in the face.

Shangguan Ning and Zheng Lun are also aware of each other's hostility.

The waiter has been staring at Zhao An'an just now. Her eyes are full of coldness. Even though she is smiling at the moment, they don't feel any kindness from her.

What's more, her appearance is too delicate and beautiful, and every move of her wedding dress shows a kind of elegance and nobility that ordinary people don't have. How can such a person be a waiter in a wedding dress shop?

Zhao an looked at each other coldly and said, "what do you mean?"

The woman came to Zhao an's body, and suddenly reached out and patted her face. Her lips showed a strange smile and said, "Oh, I mean, you may die before you get married."

Her hands are cold without a trace of temperature, touching Zhao An'an's face makes her uncomfortable all over! Moreover, her smile was so strange that even her voice sounded gloomy. Zhao An'an, who had always been very courageous, stood up with sweat!

Shangguan Ning pulled Zhao an behind him, frowned at the woman in front of him, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Yang Muyan?"

Yang Muyan pick eyebrows: "Oh, or you are more intelligent, Congratulations, correct answer!"

Hearing that she admitted his identity, shangguanning three people were all shocked.

Shangguan Ning and Zhao An'an have seen Yang Muyan, but she is not like her before!

The reason why shangguanning can barely recognize her is because of her voice and temperament, as well as that kind of sinister feeling - she only felt that kind of deep-rooted evil in Yang Muyan.

Moreover, shangguanning knew that Yang Muyan had done the whole face. She specially adjusted her appearance to make herself different from before. In this way, it would be more difficult for jingyichen's people to find her.

Zheng Lun is the least daring. Now her face has turned pale with fear. She bit her lips and won't let herself make any sound.

Yang Muyan God unknowingly poisoned her, which is still an unsolved mystery. She almost became a mute by her. Now seeing Yang Muyan himself, Zheng Lun is not afraid of it!

Zhao an, who was not afraid of the weather or the earth, was frightened to see Yang Muyan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!