Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 727

His clear and moist voice, immersed in Zhao An'an's heart, let her heart tremble and throb.

Mu Qing is proposing to her! Such a formal and romantic proposal!

This sea of roses, this luxurious diamond ring, this group of friends and relatives, this high-profile red banner of love, this helicopter has been hovering overhead!

He disappeared for four days. He had been preparing for the proposal!

Her tears couldn't stop any more, they fell down.

Crystal clear tears hit on the black marble steps, splashing small water droplets, it refracts the gorgeous light in the sun, silently announces its master's happiness to all people.

Zhao an stepped on the black high-heeled shoes, step by step slowly down the steps, went to kneel in front of Mu Qing, fixed to look at Mu Qing's eyes, in the eyes of all people looking forward to, she seriously said: "I do."

Thunderous applause broke out suddenly in the crowd. People drew on local materials, and held up handfuls of rose petals one after another, laughing happily, as if they had successfully proposed or been proposed.

Mu Qing was still kneeling there, incredible way: "what do you say?"

He must have heard it wrong! Zhao an said yes?!

Zhao an cried and laughed and repeated, "I will!"

Wood green rub all of a sudden from the ground to stand up, ecstatic to Zhao an an to embrace, holding her in place to turn several times before stopping!

He kisses her in front of everyone, hands her the rose, and puts on the heart-shaped diamond ring worth tens of millions.

Zhao An'an holds a rose and looks at Mu Qing. She is the happiest woman in the world!

She was happy straight tears, when Mu Qing gave her a ring, she could not wait to rush into MuQing's arms, choked: "you really hate, I haven't seen you for several days, but you have prepared so much without saying a word! How happy I am

Mu Qing gently kisses Zhao an's tears and hugs her with red eyes: "I'm also very happy, An'an, really happy, very happy!"

He also wants to cry now, very much want to cry!

Zhao an agreed to marry him!

He's not dreaming, is he?

God, if this is really a dream, then let him never wake up!

Six helicopters completed the mission, soon slowly rose to the high altitude, and then roared away.

A white luxury Bugatti sports car passes through the crowd and stops in front of Mu Qing and Zhao An'an.

The tens of millions of luxury sports car attracted a burst of surprise from the crowd.

A driver with a straight suit came down from the sports car: "young master, miss, please get on the bus!"

Mu Qing takes Zhao an an to the front of the car, opens the door to protect her and let her sit in. Then she goes around to the other side and sits in.

The driver also returned to the car, after confirming that both of them were seated properly, he started the car and left.

Luxury sports car slowly drove out of the campus on the carpet made of countless rose petals, then entered the traffic flow and quickly disappeared in people's sight.

In the sports car, Mu Qing still hugs Zhao an tightly. He is so excited that he can't restrain himself. He doesn't believe Zhao An'an will marry her.

He was afraid that everything just was a mirage. He even pinched his thigh and felt the pain. He just laughed.

Zhao an looked at his childish actions in his eyes, but his heart hurt badly.

Is he so happy that she said she would marry him? I hugged her tightly all the way, as if afraid that she would disappear.

Mu Qing still does not have that kind of reality until now, he holds Zhao An'an and asks carefully: "An'an, do you really want to marry me?"

This time, Zhao an was silent.

She did not answer.

When Mu Qingdun was in a cold sweat, his previous joy disappeared completely. His face was white and frightening: "An'an, you talk!"

Zhao an raised her face and tears poured out of her eyes like money: "I don't know how many days I can live. What do you want to marry me for? I will not marry you if I marry you

Mu Qing was very angry and said in a sharp voice: "nonsense! What do you mean, I don't know how many days you can live?! You can live long with me! Didn't I take you to Mu's research institute? We have developed a new drug that can fight cancer cells. Even if you have a relapse, I can save you! "

"Your medicine may not be able to save me. Cancer is a worldwide problem. How can you overcome it so easily. My own body, I know myself, my German attending doctor also said that the recurrence probability is more than 99%, I can't be the lucky one. So far, no one of my type of cancer has been able to withstand a fourth relapse. My next recurrence will be the third, just one step away from the fourth

Mu Qing's eyes are red, and they are full of red blood because of the exhaustion of days.He was staring at Zhao An'an, tears suddenly fell down.

He knew that Zhao An'an could not have agreed to marry him so easily!

What a fool he is! I believe it!

"You have promised to marry me. I don't care. You will be my fiancee from today on! We can get the certificate and hold the wedding banquet at any time

He hugged Zhao An'an and pressed her into his arms as if to rub her into his body.

However, his tone of voice, from strong and arrogant, soon became a prayer: "An'an, don't scare me, you don't talk nonsense, you will be OK, you will be OK! You are so kind. You must be one percent lucky. Don't leave me. How can I live if you leave me? "

His voice quickly became hoarse because of the ups and downs of emotions.

His hot tears directly fell on Zhao An'an's cheek, which made her feel more painful.

Mu Qing never shed tears easily!

He is as cheerful as she is. He is a man's perseverance and never cries.

But now, he cried for her.

Zhao an was distressed to cry out: "don't say, I'm so sad!"

She casually wiped tears for Mu Qing, and then directly kisses it. The kiss is crazy and lingering, regardless of a driver in the driver's seat.

In fact, at this time, there is no one else in her eyes, and there is only Mu Qing left in her eyes.

Mu Qing also madly kisses her. He knows that Zhao An'an's pain is heavier than anyone else's. she has been suffering a lot, and he loves her very much. , the fastest update of the webnovel!