Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 710

Zhao an immediately pulled up his sleeve, revealing a section of white jade like delicate arm: "Hey, Hello, you are not serious, look, I was disgusted by your goose bumps up!"

Zheng Jing looked at her and couldn't help laughing: "I praise you, you don't want to, after not boast!"

In fact, Zhao An'an is really that kind of naive, lively, lovely and frank girl. She has a unique temperament that can make people relaxed and happy. When she is with her, she doesn't need any camouflage, so she can be herself at ease.

In fact, Zheng Jing has always appreciated Zhao An'an. She lives a free and unrestrained life. Except for her marriage to Mu Qing, she can't make a detour. She does all the other things with her own heart. She loves playing and playing, and is full of youth.

However, according to his original character, even if he appreciates Zhao An'an again, these words will never be said at will.

He is a somewhat introverted person. He is not very romantic and boastful. He has little experience with other women. The only person he can treat with heart is Zheng Lun.

Now say praise Zhao an an's words, in fact, even he himself has a goose bumps.

Because he has always regarded Zhao An'an as a boy. Now it's very awkward to praise Zhao An'an with such red fruits!

However, no matter how uncomfortable he was, he would not give up if he did not marry Zhao An'an.

Later, when she married Mu Qing, she would only harm Mu Qing and never harm him again. The world would become quiet.

Zhao An'an sees Zheng Jing not to speak, just looks at her quietly, she can't help but feel her face, some inexplicable way: "what do you think I do, I have something on my face?"

Zheng Jing's face did not change, light way: "nothing, you look beautiful, don't you let me see it?"

It's even worse to hear that!

Zhao an got up from the ground, went to Zheng Jing and looked at him with all his strength. At last, he suddenly asked, "if you are not serious, don't say you like me!"

Zheng Jing's cheek twitched slightly, and it took a long time to resist the impulse of laughing. He said, "I didn't say it. You guessed it yourself."

Zhao an is relieved.

If Zheng Jing likes her, how can she tell Zheng Lun!

She promised Zheng Lun that she would take care of Zheng Jing for her, and would never let other women take him away. If she and Zheng Jing

That must be finished!

Zhao an excites Lingling to fight a shiver, can't be impossible, Zheng Jing doesn't seem to like her at all!

It's she who's so thoughtful, so thoughtful!

All blame Li Feidao that dead pervert, she was he tossed out neuropathy, unexpectedly will think that Zheng Jing likes himself!

Zheng Jing certainly does not like her this type, he should be like Zheng Lun that kind of small birds, gentle and kind-hearted girl.

Zhao an relaxed and felt thirsty.

She took out two cups from a glass cabinet, poured herself a glass of water, and then poured a cup to Zheng Jing, and handed it to him: "Why are you here again today?"

Zheng Jing recently appeared in front of her frequency is very, very high, as high as Zhao an has no way to ignore.

"X university has been divided into my jurisdiction, didn't I tell you?"

Zhao an widened his eyes and shook his head vigorously: "no, you never told me! You didn't tell me such an important thing

"I walk around your school every day, don't you notice?"

"I found it! But I thought you were just coming to school for a visit

"I look so free?"

Zhao Anan stared at him for a moment and nodded. "Well, I feel you are very busy, much more relaxed than I am, and I have no time to go around campus every day."

Today, Zheng Jing is wearing a white shirt, a Navy police uniform, navy blue trousers and black military shoes. His legs are long and his back is straight. He is more and more tall and upright. He is heroic and extraordinary. He gives people a sense of security that can be trusted wholeheartedly.

Zhao An'an had never seen Zheng Jing before, but when he looked at him carefully, he could see that his facial features were very good.

Long eyebrows into the temples, eyes deep and introverted, nose straight, even slightly thick lips look very sexy, and his skin is that kind of healthy wheat, all over the body exudes masculine breath.

Zheng Jing is also full of muscles, but he and Li Feidao are totally two types.

His muscles are not exaggerated. They are hidden in his clothes. From the appearance, you can even feel that he is a little thin. But if you reach out and touch it, you can clearly feel that he is very strong.

He is the standard male model with thin clothes and fleshy clothes.

When a woman sees this kind of man, she will easily become a coquettish little woman, because he has too much sense of security.

Zhao an looked up and down the Zheng Jing several times. She patted Zheng Jing on the shoulder until her scalp was numb. She said, "I didn't pay attention before. You have a good leather bag! In the future, if you can't get along as a criminal police officer, you can also go to the entertainment industry. With your figure, even if you can't be a front-line actor, you can certainly attract a large number of female fans. "Zheng Jingxin said, "my acting skills are booming now. If I go back to the performing arts circle, he doesn't have to rely on his figure. He can be a movie Emperor just by acting!

Zhao An'an said, a little bit addictive, reached out and patted Zheng Jing's face: "the face is so handsome, it's just a little bit worse than MuQing."

Zheng Jing's handsome face suddenly became stiff and incomparable!

He wanted to clap Zhao an's hand directly, but he resisted it!

Shangguanning asked him to be infinitely good to Zhao An'an, yes, to her, not to start!

Seeing that he didn't respond, Zhao An'an took an inch, reached out and patted Zheng Jing's strong chest muscles: "the figure is so good, more green than mu Also strong so a little bit, Zheng Lun after the blessing! You can't be too cruel. Zheng Lun is so weak that he can't stand your toss. "

Zheng's bold words just let him drink!

"Cough, cough..."

Zheng Jing coughed and his face and ears were red. He didn't know whether he was choked or shy.

When he finally recovered, he pointed to Zhao An'an and said angrily, "Zhao An'an, can you be normal! You can say that in front of the opposite sex? "

Zhao an glared at him with disapproval: "why roar so loud, I am not deaf! Besides, I didn't treat you as a man, did you still treat me as a woman? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!