Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 658

"What did you promise me?"

Zhao an persevered in questioning, she can ask to understand, and must ask wood to give her an accurate answer, otherwise today is not a white noise!

The old man was almost in tears.

Girl, please let go. My trousers and coat are the same. They are all made by my daughter-in-law. The cloth is very soft. Her needlework is not very good, and the sewing is not strong. If you tear off a leg of my pants later, where should I put my old face!

Mu Wensheng clutched his pants tightly with one hand and his forehead with one hand. He said with black lines on his face: "I promise you won't drive Mu Qing out of the wooden house! Is that all right? "

"This one alone won't do. What else?"

Mu Wensheng's face turned white, red and white, and the sweat on his head was dripping: "I allow him to continue to be a doctor in Mu's hospital! Dead girl, let go! I'll kick you if you don't let go

His trousers are about to be torn off by her!

"These two are not enough. What else? There's one more important thing! " Zhao An'an is very happy. He grabs the leg of his trousers and shakes. Mu Wensheng finally agrees. Great! Mu Qing can be the president again. After he holds the power, he will not be bullied by other doctors!

Wood asks in the heart that restless where!

Just now, it was the dead girl who swayed around and pulled off his sleeve. Now he starts to shake his thigh again. Are these pants not protected?

He was afraid of any accident, and did not care about the dignity. He quickly said: "good, good, I promise you, let Mu Qing be the president! Let go of it

"You have your word, and you must not go back on your word!"

"Count your word, do not repent!"

"Today, we will let Mu Qing be the president, and we can't drag it!"

Dead girl, is it over!

"OK, just for today, don't drag!"

Zhao an won a complete victory, and his heart bubbled with joy: "ah, grandfather mu, you are really the best grandfather in the world! If only I had a grandfather like you, I could live ten more years! "

Mu Wensheng thought, thanks to my granddaughter like you, I would have to live ten years less!

Zhao an didn't know what Mu Wensheng was thinking. She just saw that his face was so ugly that she wanted to stand up and make amends to the old man. As a result, she sat on the ground for too long and her legs were numb. She almost fell down together.

Zhao an subconsciously wants to grasp things to balance his body, and as a result, he "pricks" again.

Zhao an was stunned.

Mu Wensheng also stayed.

Finally, his trousers were not saved. One of his trouser legs was torn in two by Zhao An'an, revealing his white thigh.

"Oh, grandfather mu, I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I used too much energy just now, but Your clothes are not strong enough

Well, I still dislike the poor quality of his clothes!

The eldest daughter-in-law also studies medicine, but her own hobby is to make clothes, and she also specially seeks the master to learn for a period of time. He used to wear many clothes made by his daughter-in-law. Other people in his family have also worn a lot of them. The situation has never happened today. The clothes made by hand are certainly not as precise as those made by machines, but they will never be torn and broken!

Zhao an is too strong!

Mu Wensheng wants to cry without tears. This smelly girl definitely has a grudge against him in the last life!

He didn't want to pay any attention to Zhao An'an at the moment. He lifted his feet and went out, and he walked very fast.

I can't help it. I'm slow. What if Zhao An'an tears his other trouser leg in half!

Zhao an, holding a sleeve and a half of the trouser legs in his hand, ran after him in a hurry: "Grandpa mu, slow down, wait for me, your sleeves and trouser legs are still here! Don't you want it? "

In front of the wood asked students smell speech, suddenly under the feet of the wind, walk more urgent.

Waiting for the banquet hall, came to the outside of the small square, a large family of wood to see their father's appearance, all stunned!

After staying in it for a while, how can I come out in such a mess? The appearance of a bare arm and a bare leg is really worrying - is this a robbery?

Today's banquet hall belongs to a five-star restaurant of Jingsheng group. Who dares to make trouble here and die?

Before people could get back to their senses and figure out what was going on, Zhao an ran after him, shouting "grandfather Mu" and waving his handkerchief Er Fabric.

wood family felt as like as two peas in Zhao Anan's hands. She looked very familiar when she came near. The cloth in her hand was exactly the same as the dress that she wore.

Can't it be that the sleeves and trouser legs of the old man were torn off by Zhao An'an?

Sure enough, Zhao an ran to the old man gasping for breath, and said apologetically, "Grandpa mu, I'm really sorry. Tomorrow I'll have someone buy the strongest and most beautiful clothes for you to send home. I really didn't mean to. Your clothes are so easy to pull, and I don't use much effort!"The old man is so old. How can he run so fast! Her body looks better than her, worthy of being a miracle doctor. She is really good at maintenance!

After hearing Zhao an's apology, the doctor's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Wooden family a face suddenly, only a middle-aged woman's face a little embarrassed.

Zhao an's voice just fell, watching the bustling jingtianyuan, suddenly "ha ha" laugh.

Mu Wensheng's face became more and more ugly when he heard jingtianyuan's unfriendly ridicule.

It's a shame to lose my hair today!

Look at his embarrassment with bare arms and bare legs, jingtianyuan will surely take it out and laugh, which will make him shameless for a long time to come!

Zhao An'an is a real disaster. You must stay away from her in the future.

Jingtian yuanyuanyuanmu Wensheng's face became more and more ugly. He was so angry that he walked to Zhao An'an and stopped laughing.

He patted Zhao an on the shoulder, as if Zhao an was his granddaughter, and said in a loud voice: "Oh, An'an, what a good job! This old man has been showing off his clothes to me today. He said that his daughter-in-law made it for him. It is comfortable and sweaty. It's Flax but not flax. I've long thought that his clothes are not pleasing to my eyes! I didn't expect that you were brave enough to tear up his clothes. What a relief

Zhao an was shocked. The clothes on the body of Mu Wensheng turned out to be made by his daughter-in-law! , the fastest update of the webnovel!