Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 615

Jing Yichen's brows wrinkled deeper.

Deer's blood contains viruses and toxins, although ordinary people drink it will improve all aspects of the function in a short time, but the sequelae will be very obvious.

In the next week, shangguanning will feel the bones all over her body are sour and painful, because the virus has invaded her body and forcibly transformed her cells. These transformed cells usually do not survive for long and will die one after another.

When old cells die and new ones don't divide, it's the time when the pain is most severe.

And the more blood you drink, the more severe the pain will be and the longer it will last.

Fortunately, those viruses can't survive in other people's bodies for a long time. The body's own immune function will fight against those viruses until the virus is completely driven out of the body. The deer's body has been transformed by the virus since childhood. Her parents have been injecting the virus to cause her gene mutation. Her body has adapted to the virus and will not reject it. Her immune function is completely different from that of ordinary people.

Shangguanning's immune function has always been good. There is no problem in fighting against the virus.

However, deer only focus on pain, but not others. Jing Yichen is more worried about another problem - the virus in the deer is very powerful, which can transform human genes and make the human body produce the maximum degree of evolution, but this evolution has a very high price, that is, infertility.

Xiaolu is 26 years old this year, but her affairs in the past few years have not been very accurate.

Mu Wensheng once carefully examined the deer's body. He concluded that the virus promoted the evolution of her body, and her cell activity was nearly 100 times that of ordinary people, which made her more suitable for fighting and surviving in harsh conditions. Obviously, the weak period of a woman once a month is not conducive to survival, and pregnancy will make her combat effectiveness plummet. Therefore, infertility is evolution The results.

Fawn never cares about pregnancy. Her temperament is cold and her emotion is indifferent, so she has never considered this point.

Jing Yichen, however, attaches great importance to this kind of thing. He still hopes that shangguanning will give him another daughter.

What's more, the virus in shangguanning's body must take several days to metabolize, and these days, she is bound to be unable to feed Jingrui, and Jingrui can only drink milk powder.

Seeing jingyichen frown, Shangguan Ning immediately explained: "it's nothing to do with Xiaolu. She just let me drink it to protect me from the influence of drugs. And she didn't drink much. Don't worry about it!"

She didn't know what sequelae would be, she only knew that she felt really good now and couldn't be any better.

Her eyesight was at least twice as high as before. She felt as if she was looking at the world with a magnifying glass. The original fuzzy basement is now very clear. Moreover, she always feels that she has endless strength. She must not feel tired when she runs out of the basement with jingyichen on her back!

It's just that she's only a little bit bad, that is, she's hungry and hungry, and she wants to eat.

Jing Yichen has long guessed that this is the reason. Otherwise, fawn would not let Shangguan drink her blood.

He nodded gently and said softly, "OK, I know. But don't drink any more next time, and you are not allowed to go to dangerous places. For things like today, you are not allowed to follow next time. "

Shangguan Ning nodded obediently, but thought in her heart that no matter what danger jingyichen met in the future, she would follow her regardless.

Finally, jingyichen was carried out with a simple stretcher made now. He has many wounds on his body. If he goes out by himself, his injury will be aggravated.

With a stretcher, he was not arrogant. He was carried out of the basement, and then took a helicopter with Shangguan Ning and Zheng Jing to Mu's hospital.

Mu Qing here immediately received their three patients, busy.

However, Jing Yichen's injury was the most serious. Mu Qing handled the wound himself. Zheng Jing's leg was injured. Although it looked frightening, it was not serious. The current president of Mu's Hospital, Mu Tong, also came to the battle to operate on him.

Although Shangguan Ning was not injured, it was Mu Wensheng who came to give her a physical examination.

Because only muwensheng has studied the virus in deer for the longest time and has more experience in dealing with it.

Blood tests showed that the normal cells in shangguanning's body are being engulfed by the virus. The virus content in her blood has reached the peak and will soon be in a state of decline. In other words, the sequelae will begin to attack in an hour or two.

After Mu Wensheng checked her out, he said to Jingzhong, who had been waiting for Shangguan to surpass Jing Yichen: "it's OK. It will be hard for a few days. These days, she needs more nutrition. Her energy is overdrawn by the virus. Of course, your grandson can't eat milk these days. Drink milk powder

Jing Zhongxiu knew for a long time that shangguanning would not be able to feed Jingrui these days, so he didn't feel surprised to hear Mu Wensheng's words.

As long as the virus can stay in the body for a long time, it will not hinder the metabolism of the virus.He didn't go to see his son, who was injured all over, because he was not worried about his son's health. After a few days' rest, he would certainly recover. However, shangguanning's virus hidden danger was relatively large, so he would be more concerned about it.

Shangguan Ning can't let Jing Rui eat milk, and immediately remorse himself.

She doesn't want her son to drink milk powder. No matter how good the milk powder is, it's not as good as breast milk!

Wood asked students see Shangguan Ning sad, immediately smile, said: "eat milk powder for a few days and eat that little guy, change the taste is also good! It's a small matter. There's another big thing I haven't said yet. Will you cry when I say it

Shangguan Ning was teased by wood and felt very embarrassed. Because when she went to the hospital, her face was still covered with tears - she was frightened by jingyichen's injury.

"What else can I do for you?" she asked uneasily? That's it. I'll be fine. "

"You'd better not get pregnant in the past two years. You must wait until your body completely recovers and the cell activity returns to the normal value before, then you can give Jing family more children!"

It turns out that the virus in the deer is so lethal!

Shangguanning was shocked.

Fortunately, she already has Jing Rui. Although she still wants to give birth to a younger sister, she is not in a hurry. She wants to concentrate on raising Jing Rui first. If there are two children of similar age, she will inevitably neglect to take care of them.

Shangguan smiles at Mu Wensheng. She wants to say that this is not a big deal for her. However, she turns to think that the deer is full of this virus. Isn't it

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