Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 613

Although Jing Yiran was not cultivated by Jing Zhongxiu as the successor of the Jing family, he had all the education he should receive. Moran also invited many teachers in various professional fields. Although he did not have a serious class, he also experienced a lot of wind and rain when he grew up. He was familiar with poison gas.

He took only one breath and immediately found it was wrong, and then he heard the fierce running of the Tang Dynasty.

Just a moment's work, the room has been a vast white, simply can't see things!

With the memory before, Jing Yiran ran ran to the door quickly, took the door breaker to the induction area, and the door opened immediately.

At the same time, the room also heard the gentle female voice.

Everyone outside the door heard the sentence "your room will explode automatically, please confirm".

Two voices came out almost at the same time.

Just one is shouting "confirm", the other is shouting "shoot"!

After calling out "confirm", Tang shunian quickly stepped into the safety door which only allowed one person to pass through. However, at this moment, bullets outside the door flew towards him like raindrops!

A good sniper doesn't need to see the target, but only needs to hear the sound to distinguish the position of the target.

Of course, the fight is not very accurate, because it is impossible to distinguish the position of the target at the moment.

Jing Yiran stood outside the door. He could not see anything clearly, but he heard a scream from the Tang Dynasty, and then there was no sound.

When his people cleaned up the gas, there would be no one in the room!

Jing Yiran was paralyzed by the poison gas, and his whole body was stiff, but this could not affect his anger at the moment: "search quickly! He's injured. He must not run far. He's blowing up all the passages. Look where he's going


In the dark, bloody, and empty basement, Shangguan Ning holds jingyichen into his arms, tears falling uncontrollably.

"Yi Chen, where are you hurt? Shall I dress you up? "

Although she said so, she didn't have anything to wrap up for jingyichen.

Compared with jingyichen, her clothes are clean, but they are all stained with bloodstains. There must be a lot of bacteria on them. She dare not take them to jingyichen at will.

What's more, it's summer, and she's wearing a summer short sleeve sportswear and taking it off, there's nothing left.

Jingyichen is covered with blood all over her body. Her perfectly beautiful face is covered with stains, and her clothes can't even see the color!

Shangguan Ning has never seen jingyichen so embarrassed, so weak and powerless!

He seems to have used up the last trace of strength, lying quietly in her arms, even breathing a little weak.

Fawn stands firmly in front of them, kicking all the people who come up. She looks like an indefatigable robot. From the beginning to the present, her expression has not even changed a bit, only keeps punching and slapping.

A Hu has already completely fainted. His mind has been seriously affected by the drugs. He wants to attack jingyichen, but he is knocked unconscious by jingyichen. Then he is deliberately buried with many corpses by jingyichen.

Jingyichen used this method himself. Although it's very bad to be buried by a corpse, it's the best way to avoid those crazy people.

Jingyichen can hear shangguanning's words and feel the warmth from her body. But he is really tired to the extreme now. Moreover, the concentration of drugs in the air is very high, and his mind is also affected. In the fight just now, he himself seems to be crazy and overdraft his physical strength.

Originally, he could keep a little physical strength, but since shangguanning and Xiaolu are here, he is relieved.

There are deer in, how many people are not a problem, even if the other side has a gun, she will not fall down.

Her body has already broken through the limits of the human body, and her speed can soar in a short time and quickly approach the target. Those with guns in their hands usually die before they can aim at her.

Jingyichen is covered with blood, he was originally very uncomfortable, because it makes him feel very sick.

But lying in shangguanning's arms, he was extremely calm, and even ignored the familiar environment around him. He was just distressed that shangguanning followed him to suffer here.

Shangguan Ning didn't get jingyichen's response, and her heart was all pulled up. If she didn't feel jingyichen's heart beat and breath, she would not be able to sit still.

she gently wiped jingyichen's face with the corner of her clothes, and then began to examine the wound on her body.

This examination does not matter, Shangguan Ning was scared and his face turned white.

Jing Yichen's body is full of large and small wounds, some shallow, some are very deep, the deepest one, can already see the bones!

He was so badly hurt that he was still fighting with those crazy people!

Shangguan Ning wished that he could become the second Fawn and kill all the rest of them!Just now there was an explosion in the basement. Shangguanning was also injured. But now she can't care about anything. She carefully looks after jingyichen. If anyone who doesn't have long eyes wants to hurt him, she will shoot without hesitation!

Fortunately, fawn strength is strong, all close, she quickly threw out.

Jingyichen took a rest for a while, recovered a little strength, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Shangguan Ning's worried and heartache look, he reluctantly showed a smile and gently comforted her: "I'm ok, the blood on my body is all other people's, I just killed too many people, I just have no strength, go home to eat some delicious food, and I will soon recover."

Shangguan Ning heard that he could speak, and cried happily, but he told him: "don't talk, we can go out in a moment! You're going to be OK! "

She is not stupid, although his blood has other people's, but a lot of it is his own!

He just didn't want her to worry.

Her eyes were swollen with tears, but she was still trying to control her emotions. She tried to use the most calm language: "Dad is outside. He will come to us. If you hold on for a while, he will bring the doctor."

Jing Yichen knows his physical condition. His vitality has always been vigorous. Although he has lost more blood, his life will not be in danger.

He is not worried about himself or Xiaolu. He is only worried about whether jingyiran can seize the year of the Tang Dynasty. With so many means of Tang shunian, jingyiran may not be his opponent.

Tang shunian is tolerant and cruel enough, and he wants to get his finger on shangguanning. This man can't live any longer! , the fastest update of the webnovel!