Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 610

Two people who look at each other are not pleasing to the eye, both a pair of hate to bite each other's appearance.

But none of them could do anything about it. One of them had a bomb in his hand to control the life and death of a group of people. The other was carrying out indiscriminate bombing and was about to blow up the underground kingdom into a pile of scrap iron.

Tang shunian was biting his teeth, but he would never give in. He would not believe that Jingyi would ignore the lives of those people and force him to death!

Today's calculation is wrong. I didn't expect that Jing Yichen had already prepared his backhand. He broke through so many defense lines and went deep into the ground!

But Jingyi ran came back from the dead such important news, his subordinates did not inquire, so that he was touched by this man! It's disgusting!

For the year of the Tang Dynasty, today can be said to be a total failure!

He thought that the whole jingyichen did not succeed at all. Originally, he was sure to win, but there were loopholes everywhere, which had been calculated by jingyichen for a long time.

Today's primary goal is not to kill jingzhongxiu, jingyichen and his son, but to protect their lives!

Jing Yiran is so difficult to get away from him. I'm afraid it needs a lot of thought to escape from him.

Tang shunian was pale and supported on the ground. He was on guard against Jingyi, but he was thinking about his escape strategy.

Jing Yiran stares at the micro remote control in the hand of Tang shunian for a long time, then suddenly grins, full of evil spirit: "what are you doing with such a fierce reaction? Don't I know you can't be touched? How can I touch your face when you're so reactive? I don't like men, I like women

However, Tang shunian is now a startled bird. He has experienced men. He knows that some people don't like to play with men at the beginning. Many people are unwilling to be lonely and try new things. Only when they think that playing with women is boring and they want to try with men.

Jing Yiran is one of the easiest people to try!

That kind of humiliation, Tang shunian doesn't want to try again in his life!

Jing Yiran was born with a smell of evil spirit in her speech, as if she had to rush to tear people's clothes at any time. At this moment, the evil smile scared Tang shunian back and forth, until he touched the wall, he shrieked: "jingyiran, you go away! Or I'll blow them all up! "

Jing Yiran looked at the Tang Dynasty book year a pair to be strong and vowed not to follow the appearance, not from a face of black lines turn white eyes.

"Crazy! Who has such a strong taste! Let's not say that I have a normal sexual orientation, or that you are more than a star and a half uglier than I am, or that you are so old and old. Just talk about your mouth watering and disgusting things that you spit out, I want to leave you far away! Give me one hundred million yuan and ask me to go to you, and I will run as far as I can! "

Tang shunian's temperament is actually very good, and his appearance belongs to the kind of handsome. But if you compare him with jingyiran, there is no doubt that jingyiran is a perfect winner!

This world is more beautiful than jingyiran. I'm afraid one hand can count it.

In jingyiran's eyes, the book year of Tang Dynasty can only be regarded as "ugly".

He just touched the face of the Tang Dynasty book year, just deliberately angry, how could he really be interested in him.

Jing Yiran was afraid that Tang shunian would not believe him, so he immediately moved away from him, so as not to press the explosion button. If jingyichen was really killed, Jing Zhongxiu would never agree to give Xiaolu protection again.

With Jing Yiran's distance, Tang shunian was relieved.

He would take off his suit coat and take a bath immediately. But now, for fear of jingyiran's misbehavior to him, he had to endure the discomfort and sit in the corner of the wall in his dirty clothes.

He is so arrogant that he claims to be the master of the underground world. He is now the mayor of city B. now he has lost his old spirit and noble bearing. He wants to wash his face and take a bath!

He's getting out of here! Wait for the future to have the strength, then kill jingyiran this madman!

Now, he must cheer up and continue to negotiate with Jing Yiran. Otherwise, when jingyichen and the freak named Xiaolu kill all his people, and they leave the basement, his advantage will be completely lost!

"Jingyiran, you immediately let your people stop bombing, I want to go out!"

"OK, I'd like to go out, too. It's not a place for people to stay at all. Not only is there a strong earthquake every minute, but I have to endure the disgusting smell of those things you vomit every second!"

"Then you ask them to stop and stay away from me. I want to ensure my personal safety, or I will be in a bad mood and blow up your people directly!"

Tang shunian stood up, white face ready to go out.

He tightly holds the remote control which is equivalent to the life-saving symbol in his hand. As long as jingyiran has any change, he will immediately press the switch and blow up all jingyichen people!

As for shangguanning, he can't control so much. His own life is almost gone. Where can he care about a woman who just interests him!Of course, if he can live today, then shangguanning certainly won't have to die. At that time, he will have a way to get this woman!

Jing Yiran didn't know that Tang shunian wanted to run for his life at the moment, but he was still worried about shangguanning. He just thought that Tang shunian's calculating face was very eye-catching, so he directly said, "it's OK. You're going to die together anyway. If my woman dies, you can't live. Oh, I haven't told you another name of my woman. Do you want to hear it? I promise you'll be very surprised when you hear it! "

The problem has been around again. The whole person in the Tang Dynasty was almost tortured out of neurasthenia by Jingyi ran!

Isn't Jing's family always quiet? How come out of jingyiran such a chatter!

He can see that if Jing Yiran gets married, he will definitely be a crazy devil to show off his wife!

Under such circumstances, she still had to force him to listen to the story and identity of the deer. Even if she was the reincarnation of the Jade Emperor, she could not mention the Tang Dynasty's interest! Because this is a person who has nothing to do with him!

He has no enmity with fawn, so he doesn't need to provoke a monster of that kind. All he wants to kill is Jing Zhongxiu and Jing Yichen!

Oh, of course, now we have to add a jingyiran!

Anyone who touches him will die!

But now, under the eaves, he has to bow his head!

Tang shunian gnawed his teeth and said, "you say it! What is your status as a woman? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!