Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 605

For the first time in his life, Shangguan Ning has seen what killing people is like, and finally knows that the real strength of the world's second largest killer is so terrible.

She had seen hundreds of men around her and fawn. She was worried and despairing. For so many people, she had only six bullets, and could not kill them all.

However, even if the deer needs to be distracted to protect her, it is still able to deal with hundreds of people.

Her moves are not fancy at all. They are usually just a simple palm. If there are too many people coming over, she will also use both hands and feet, and her palms and legs will make the screams in the basement endless.

The deer hasn't played so happily for a long time. Maybe it's the reason that her body has been transformed by the virus. In fact, she is a little belligerent and likes to fight with people so happily.

She used to be bullied by others in the killer camp at the beginning. She was a tiny little girl and came to trouble her one after another. However, all the people who came to find trouble were defeated, and some even lost their lives. After defeating all the people, she became the best student in the killer camp, which made everyone afraid of her.

Because she is not afraid of death, and her attacks are very cruel. Fighting and killing people is a very exciting thing for her. Every time she fights in groups, her eyes will be particularly bright. Moreover, she finds that fighting can alleviate the pain brought by the virus, relieve her emotions and prevent her from getting lost.

Just like now, she smashes the viscera of a strong man with one hand, and blows another man out more than ten meters away with one punch. She will feel that all the cells in her whole body are alive. Her body is full of strength, and her mood becomes very good, so that her lips are full of smile.

The efficiency of Xiaolu is very high. She solved the hundreds of people around her and shangguanning after more than ten minutes, and the number of people surrounded by jingyichen in the basement was reduced by half.

Through the monitoring, Tang shunian can't help looking a little ugly when he sees his thousands of subordinates blinking.

He paid enough attention to jingyichen's strength. He thought that nearly 2000 people had besieged jingyichen and AHU. They could not have persisted until now. However, his subordinates were dying.

Every time she was besieged, Jing Yichen seemed to be about to fall, but she was always so close.

And Shangguan Ning brought in that petite woman in black, strength is even stronger than jingyichen! Killing people is as easy as eating and drinking water. Where on earth is this freak!

He didn't care about fawn at first, because the news he got was that although the woman named fawn was very strong, she seemed to be mentally unsound. Her mind should be only a teenager at present. However, the screen on the monitoring showed that her mind was definitely not a teenager. It was based on her reaction ability, ability to deal with danger and her IQ It must be very tall. It's a lot more than normal.

Nearly 2000 people were killed by two people, the heart of the Tang Dynasty is bleeding! I'm afraid no one will believe this kind of thing!

You know, although Tang shunian is rich now, it is not easy to cultivate 2000 dead men. Many people are not willing to live in the dark basement all day long. The underground air is not good, dark and humid, and bacteria are easy to breed. People live underground for a long time, they are easy to have physical and psychological diseases, so people die every day.

But he could not let these people in and out at will every day, otherwise his underground kingdom would soon be exposed to the eyes of the world.

Tang shunian hands into a fist, tightly clenched together, a handsome face a grim.

His hard-working staff will not die in vain, and his money will not be wasted. Jing Yichen and Jing Zhongxiu are all in the basement now. They must not escape this time!

At first, he thought that jingzhongxiu would die in × × ×, but he didn't expect that his life would be so big that he could escape a robbery.

Fortunately, he had other preparations, otherwise he would have let jingzhongxiu escape!

However, with the progress of jingzhongxiu, a lot of the monitoring in the underground passage has been destroyed. Now, Tang shunian has no way to control all the underground situations. What can be seen clearly is the location of Jing Yichen.

The only thing he can use now is the underground explosive device. However, once the explosive device is activated, a large area of collapse will occur in all the underground passages and basements. Jing Zhongxiu and Jing Yichen will die, and his subordinates will die.

Shangguanning may not survive, which is not what the Tang Dynasty wanted.

He has not yet tried whether he can meet Guan Ning. After waiting for so many years and being a monk for so many years, he finally meets a woman who is so interested in him. How can he let her die like this.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the explosives he buried will blow out the underground. In case jingyichen and jingzhongxiu are not killed, isn't he opening a door for them!

He has spent so much effort and waited for so many years to let the father and son go to see the king of hell, so that he can devour the family property of Jing family?

Tang shunian stood in front of the monitoring, watching his men die one by one. He was so angry that even his favorite mouse fell to death.He would never miss the chance to kill the king family and his son, so he directly ordered everyone to enter the basement over there. This time, he allowed his men to enter with guns.

Usually, Tang Shu Nian's underground kingdom is not allowed to carry a gun. He is the only one who is qualified to use a gun here. Otherwise, those people who are crazy will surely kill him with guns and kill their companions without reason.

But now the year of the Tang Dynasty has not taken much care of, if there is no gun, jingyichen's lifeblood can not be taken away!

He sent all his men to deal with jingyichen and jingzhongxiu, and then took the underground elevator and rushed to the ground.

Because, he had already felt the vibration under the ground - it was the earthquake like effect that the people in jingzhongxiu were bombarding with explosives.

Although the room where he lived was impervious to water and fire, and ordinary explosives could not be damaged at all, but the vibration caused by the explosives made him dizzy and uncomfortable. If he stayed there, he would have a concussion!

He has several underground worlds in city B. If this one is going to be ruined, he will change another one.

However, the ground had already been bombed by jingzhongxiu's men, and there was no complete land. Tang shunian did not dare to walk from the ground, so he had to return to the basement and prepare to leave through the spare passage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!