Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 599

Since ten years ago, city B has implemented a new municipal planning. All the factories and enterprises in the old industrial zone have been moved to a new industrial zone with better location and larger area.

The old industrial area covers an area of more than 1000 mu. After the original factory was moved away, their factory buildings, some old equipment and green trees planted were all left behind.

Because of the serious pollution, the soil has been destroyed, and a small river flowing through it has become a stinking ditch.

Many people in city B know that the abandoned land was sold by the government to a rich businessman from other places at a low price. It is said that the rich merchant originally wanted to use the land to build a new residential building, but later, because of the shortage of funds, the half built residential building could not be continued.

As a result, this old industrial area has been completely abandoned.

Shangguanning followed the Buick business, and slowly drove into the abandoned residential area of the old industrial area.

There is only a river between this district and the abandoned factory building where jingzhongxiu is located. It is very close. Even from the distance, you can see shangguanning walk down from the car and follow a dozen men in black short sleeve T-shirts into an abandoned building.

However, although the river is not long and the flow is not rapid, the river was widened and deepened by the Tang Dynasty. When the river reaches this area, it looks like a vast ocean. It is not easy to go there.

Fortunately, he brought a helicopter with him. The traffic between the two areas was not a problem for him.

Shangguanning didn't see the scene on the other side of the river, but she saw the deer hidden in the dark.

She didn't know why the fawn, who was still at the edge of the scene ten minutes ago, arrived at her so quickly, but she only saw nothing and was led into an abandoned residential building by a group of ferocious men on guard.

The residential building is dark. There are ten entrances on the first floor. Each entrance is exquisitely designed. Moreover, there is no difference between the entrances. Even if outsiders find this place, it is hard to find the right one.

The entrance uses a fingerprint identification system and requires three people to press their fingerprints on the door at the same time before the door can be opened.

Shangguanning followed those people underground for a long time. After passing through six doors, she arrived at a basement.

The fawn killed a man who was similar to her quietly at the entrance, then put on his clothes, disguised himself as him, followed shangguanning and went underground with her.

In order to prevent the man's fingerprints from being used later, she cut off both hands of the man, disguised as her own, and exposed them.

Facts have proved that her action is completely correct, because all of the more than ten people in the line are not decorated, and each door requires fingerprint verification of three people, including the one killed by fawn.

However, to the basement, everyone is stagnant, only let shangguanning a person into.

The fawn can only wait in situ, but can't follow Shangguan to get in.

Shangguan Ning took a deep breath and slowly walked in after the door opened.

Through a long passage, the eyes suddenly opened.

A golden hall appeared in front of her.

Soothing music, wine red luxurious carpet, gold wall, high hanging dazzling crystal chandeliers, white tables and chairs, gold dishes filled with a variety of fresh fruits and desserts.

It's not like a basement, but a magnificent palace.

"Welcome to my underground kingdom, Miss Shangguan!"

A good sounding bass full of magnetism rings in the hall, which frightens Shangguan Ning.

She looked down and saw a gap in the floor of the hall. A man was slowly rising from the ground.

Shangguan Ning was a little surprised. The elegant man in front of him should be the year of the Tang Dynasty!

How much he likes the underground, so that he can build the underground into such a shape. She has a good memory, but she is still dizzy by the underground passages!

She doubted that if there was no one to lead the way, she could go out smoothly from here alone!

Moreover, it seems that there is a basement at the bottom of this hall, otherwise, it is impossible for Tang shunian to come up from below.

Tang shunian walked steadily and slowly to shangguanning and looked at her with a look of great interest.

A suitable white sportswear makes her look clean and energetic.

He has a long black shoulder length hair. There is a section of golden brown at the end of the hair, with obvious traces of scalding and dyeing. Tang shunian hated women's perm and dyeing most, because those old women who had tortured him had the habit of perming and dyeing hair. When he saw women dyeing their hair, he would feel disgusted.

However, to his surprise, he found that he did not hate Shangguan's hair dye!

Is it because she is too beautiful, too white skin, too clear eyes?Or was she standing there, not panicked or embarrassed, but quiet and calm?

She is like a magnolia blooming in the morning dew, white and elegant, fresh and quiet, her temperament is too special, elegant and gentle book air, mixed with a trace of indifference, but will not appear indifferent, she has incomparable affinity!

Tang shunian looked at her and felt that his dead soul was reviving!

Perhaps, his feeling now, can be described with an idiom: palpitating!

Tang shunian's lips showed a pleasant smile, and his eyes murmured: "it's better to see a hundred times than to see..."

All the photos are less than one percent of her own. He thought that her photos were beautiful enough. In fact, the photos only outline the beauty of her form, but could not show her charm.

Shangguan Ning was so close to the book year of Tang Dynasty that he heard his whisper.

Her brows frowned slightly, and doubts rose again in her heart.

Seeing is better than seeing? what do you mean?

Tang Ning's puzzled face is as good-looking as a good-looking scholar.

"Miss Shangguan, you are really special. You seem to care whether I have met you. It doesn't matter. It's not a secret. Jingyichen also knows it, so I can tell you. Because, I am very interested in you, so let people take a lot of your photos, look at them every day, so, I can't be familiar with what you are familiar with. I always feel that I have known you for a long time

Shangguanning didn't think it would be this reason.

Looking at her photos every day?

This feeling makes shangguanning feel uncomfortable all over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!