Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 571

The shop assistant didn't dare to offend Zhao An'an too much, but he also told the truth: "Miss, we have never had a 50% discount on Zhao's jewelry. The lowest discount is 20% discount. It's the same when Mr. Zhao comes. If you don't believe it, you can ask Mr. Zhao."

Didn't you say the boss was your mother? Then you call to ask where!

How could Zhao an ask Zhao Zhao that she would steal out? Maybe I'll be taken home in a few minutes!

Zhao an is a little crazy. She feels that she doesn't pay attention to the family business so much that people here don't know her!

In the end, Zheng Jing bought a necklace worth more than 5000 yuan with a 20% discount. This is the cheapest Necklace in Zhao's jewelry store. Of course, it was selected by Zhao An'an.

Out of the jewelry store, Zhao an an immediately reached out to Zheng Jing: "give me the money quickly!"

She thought that Zheng Jing would certainly refuse to give it to her. As a result, Zheng Jing put her purse directly in her hand: "it's all here. You can take it by yourself. I said that I'm very happy to spend the money on you!"


Zhao an pulled out her ears. She almost thought she had heard something wrong!

What a strange thing to hear!

However, Zhao an's whole mind was attracted by her wallet. She grabbed it in her hand happily and let Zheng Jing fart.

In Zheng Jing's wallet, there are 2000 yuan in neat order, as if waiting for her to rob, which makes Zhao an slightly confused.

However, she could not say that there was something wrong with her, so she just frowned and said, "how is that so?"

Zheng Jing was forced to jump because of her dislike. However, she could only endure it and said, "I don't know if I can meet you today. Next time I will be more prepared."

Zhao an nodded with satisfaction: "Oh, it's quite on the road! Come on, I've got the money. You can get out of here

"How can I do that? You help me pick out the gift. I should invite you to dinner. Let's go. I know a western restaurant. The steak is very good. I'll take you to eat it!"

Zhao an raised eyebrows: "do you still have money?"

"I don't have cash, don't I have a credit card yet?"

So, after picking out the gifts, they had a big lunch together. In order to walk, they took a walk together. Then Zheng Jing warmly sent Zhao An'an home.

When Zhao An'an comes home, he always feels that Zheng Jing is a little strange today. He didn't have such enthusiasm for her before. Although he was not as indifferent as Jing Yichen, he was basically indifferent. He didn't talk much and would never invite her to dinner. How come a 180 degree turn in the past two days?

Before Zhao An'an wanted to understand, a cold voice came from behind: "Zhao An'an, where have you been?"

Zhao an was startled. She turned around in a hurry. Her face was full of fake smiles. She said, "grandma, I just went out to play for a while. My home is too stuffy."

Mrs. Zhao's face was cold and her body was full of low pressure: "go out to play? You went to see Mu Qing! Mu's hospital has my eyeliner. Do you think I will not know? "

What? Eyeliner?

It's really insidious of grandma to engage in undercover work!

When Zhao an settled down, he looked like a ball of vent. He hung his head and said, "yes, I went, but I went to tell him to break up. Grandma, don't get me wrong."

"Well, this is the last time. Since you have decided not to marry Mu Qing, don't pester him. If you don't want to give up on him, you should marry him. Don't hang on so half heartedly! Our Zhao family has no such rules! "

Mrs. Zhao's voice was a little harsh, and Zhao an's head dropped lower: "I know..."

"However, since you don't want to marry Mu Qing, we should have a good discussion about your blind date tomorrow."


Zhao an's eyes almost fell out of her eyes. Her mouth was open and she could put an egg in it!

"Grandma, what are you talking about? Blind date? "

"Of course, MuQing can go on a blind date. Why can't you?" Mrs. Zhao took it for granted. In the middle of it, she suddenly changed her face: "why, you don't want to? Or do you think about MuQing

"No, it's not..." Zhao An'an was so shocked by the news that he couldn't even speak easily, "I, I, I How can I go on a blind date! This is not a house of harm

The old lady knew the meaning of her granddaughter. She was afraid that she would not live long enough and marry someone else in vain.

This is the last thing she wants to hear!

"Nonsense, what do you mean to harm others! I have found a willing person to accept your situation, except that the man has divorced and has a child. This is just the case. After you have married, you don't need to have children. You can go back to the child palace surgery directly, and reduce the incidence rate to the lowest.

removal of the uterus, the incidence rate can be reduced, but cancer cells may still be transferred to other places, and the removal of the uterus - for a woman, in fact, will affect the health, and will soon grow old.After all, Zhao An'an has not been married and has no children, so Zhao Zhao has not agreed to her to have the operation.

"What? Divorced? And kids? I'm going to be a stepmother Zhao an opened her eyes and looked at the old lady incredulously: "grandma, are you my grandmother? Did you pick up my mother? "

The old lady beat her forehead unhappily: "your mother was born in October, of course, or I will take care of you!"

"Oh, that's me. My mother picked it up!"

"Come on, stop talking nonsense! It's settled. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the man will pick you up for dinner. You are not allowed to sleep in! "

"Grandma, I'm not going! I don't want to be a stepmother Zhao an an directly sat on the ground, his face full of unhappiness, almost on the ground.

Old Mrs. Zhao didn't care whether she was sitting on the ground without any image. She said condescending: "if you want to be your mother, you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with MuQing tomorrow. I will immediately push the blind date there and you can choose by yourself."

"It doesn't matter at all! I married Mu Qing. That's not bad for him. Don't get married

"Then we will go on a blind date tomorrow. The man is our long-term gem supplier of Zhao family. You are so well dressed up that you are not allowed to lose face to the Zhao family."

With that, the old lady went upstairs and ignored Zhao An'an.

Zhao An'an sat on the ground, her eyes turned, and suddenly jumped up with joy: "blind date is a blind date. I'll give you a surprise tomorrow! Hum

The next day, Zhao an got up early and obediently changed into the clothes prepared by her grandmother. When she had breakfast, she was also filial to serve porridge and vegetables for old lady Zhao, which made her suspicious.

When the man's car came to Zhao's house, Zhao an got on the car and walked out only a few hundred meters later, she immediately showed her true colors.

She took out a knife from her body and put it directly on the neck of the man sitting beside her: "robbery! Give me all the money , the fastest update of the webnovel!