Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 553

In her plan, Mu Qing is the most insecure one. She is always afraid of hurting Zhao An'an, so she is timid.

If MuQing had agreed, the plan would have been implemented long ago, and there is no need to wait until now.

In fact, Shangguan Ning also wants to talk with Mu Qing. After all, they talked about it over the phone. Some things were said face-to-face, and the strength was relatively large.

She was about to say "yes", but a cold voice sounded behind her: "no!"

Mu Qing looks at Jing Rui in one hand. Instead of detracting from her demeanor, she has a more calm and noble feeling of jingyichen. Suddenly, she feels that there is no such tall and handsome father in the world!

Jingrui is very cute dressed by shangguanning. He is wearing a sky blue cartoon T-shirt and a white cotton pants with rabbit ears. He leans in Jingyi Chen's arms, biting his white little fingers and looking around with big black eyes.

Now his eyebrows and eyes are very similar to jingyichen. Father and son are carved out of the same mold.

Two people to that station, very eye-catching.

Mu Qing actually envies jingyichen very much in his heart.

Although Jing Yichen had been abstinent for more than 30 years before, he was almost always alone, and he was the hardest one among them.

But now, he's had his day.

Not only a gentle and virtuous wife, but also a lovely and intelligent son, the family is happy, life is very happy.

Not only Mu Qing envied him, but Zheng Jing also envied him. It's a pity that the two of them are hard to get along with each other. It's estimated that they had too smooth a life before, so that they would not get along with their marriage!

Every time Mu Qing sees jingyichen holding Jingrui, he feels that it is a very warm picture. He is so tall and cold-blooded. Facing the little Jingrui, he is just an ordinary man who loves his son.

Like other dads, he would tease him with a small toy, hold him high, and hope that he would grow up quickly. He would change his diaper without a trace of disgust - he is a very serious cleanliness addict!

Jing Yichen doesn't know Mu Qing's admiration in his heart, and he certainly doesn't care. What he cares about is that Mu Qing wants to talk with Shangguan Ning alone!

Why should he talk to shangguanning alone!

Jingyi Chen is not willing to, cold face way: "what words, in front of me to say."

Mu Qing is speechless. His possessiveness is too strong!

He just said something to Shangguan Ning, and he was still in their house. Even jingyichen would follow him!

"Yes, yes, in your presence!"

Mu Qing immediately compromise with jingyichen, there is no benefit!

In any case, what he said is not something shady. At most, it will make him feel shameless.

Shangguan Ning also helplessly shook his head, smiling to embrace jingyichen's arm: "said a word just, as for it!"

Jing Yi Chen looks at her one eye, light way: "as for."

Then, he took Shangguan Ning's hand and took her to the study.

Fortunately, Zheng Qing's eyes were embarrassed in the study.

In the study, Jing Yichen puts Jing Rui on his big desk for daily work and teases him with the wireless mouse on the desk.

Shangguan Ning sat on the chair beside him and looked at his father and son gently. When Mu Qing came in, he felt that he was so superfluous!

Seeing him come in, Shangguan Ning turned his head and said with a smile, "doctor wood, sit down quickly."

Mu Qing sat down opposite her, hesitated for a moment, and decided to get straight to the point: "sister-in-law, I think, the plan for An'an, or forget it!"

Shangguan Ning had expected that he would say so. The smile on his face did not change, and there was no sign of anger at all.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, Mu Qing did not agree with her plan, because during this period, Zhao An'an was sure to suffer a great psychological impact and would be very sad.

Mu Qing doesn't want to use this method to force Zhao An'an, which is normal.

"Mu Qing, do you think I am harming An'an?" Although Shangguan Ning is laughing, her tone is more serious.

Moreover, it was the first time that she called Mu Qing by her name. Unlike the past, she would call him "Dr. Mu" with some admiration.

MuQing was afraid that Shangguan would get angry and quickly explained: "no, no, sister-in-law, I know that you are for her good, but also for my good. I have absolutely no doubt about you!"

Shangguan Ning closed his smile and asked him directly, "what do you mean?"

"I..." Mu Qing is slightly a daze, he has never seen this kind of Shangguan Ning!

Calm, serious, sharp! There is no room for people to speak. It looks like you want to quarrel with him!

This is very different from her usually gentle and quiet!

Just for a moment, he felt that shangguanning was like a different person!

"You don't want to marry Ann?""No, of course I want to marry her!"

"Why haven't you married her now

"I..." Mu Qing was suddenly speechless by her.

"You want to wait for her to figure it out? Or do you want to live with her for a lifetime? "

Shangguan Ning's voice is a little cold, even with a touch of irony.

"Mu Qing, if she could figure it out, would she have thought about it for so many years? Why won't she marry you? She is just afraid that she will die and you will suffer with her and affect your stable life! She loves you too much. The more she loves you, the less she will marry you! If you want to wait for her to marry you, it proves that she doesn't care about you any more

"Are you going to wait any longer?"

"Are you afraid of hurting Ann? I'm sorry, this time is to let her hurt! Does not ache how can long memory? You have done so much for her, she has been used to, and did not feel too great, to put it bluntly, she did not know how to cherish! Of course, I don't want to hurt her, but if you don't wake her up, you can't be together all your life. Where does she come from? "

MuQing opened his mouth, but did not speak.

He didn't know how to refute shangguanning. Moreover, it couldn't be refuted at all! All she said was the truth.

"Maybe you can find other women without An'an, but without you, An'an will not look for another man. She is my best friend, and her body is in a healthy state. I can't let her die alone!"

"Sister in law, look at what you said. I won't go to other women, otherwise I would have looked for them. You have to believe me." Mu Qing couldn't help but retort in a low voice.

In the past, he just felt a lot of pressure in front of jingyichen. I didn't expect that shangguanning could give him so much pressure! He can hardly resist shangguanning now!

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