Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 542

The driver took a look at Zhao An'an, and said that you even haggle over a few dollars. He also went to the most luxurious Zhao jewelry store in a city, amusing you!

However, he couldn't control where the passengers wanted to go, so he told Zhao An'an: "this bus doesn't go to Zhao's jewelry store. You need to change to bus No. 17 at the next stop, and get off at the international city station."

"Ah? Transfer? "

What a trouble! She thought, direct!

Oh, it seems better to take a taxi. It's fast, convenient and comfortable!

Zhao an got off the bus at the next stop. According to the driver's uncle's instruction, he took bus No. 17 again. It was so easy to get to Zhao's jewelry store.

Zhao An'an seldom comes to her jewelry store. On the one hand, she is not interested in jewelry; on the other hand, she can't use her for any business. Therefore, the people in the shop don't know this lady.

Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Zhao came to the store not just to pick out jewelry. They talked to the store manager and then to the shop assistants to understand the daily business situation.

Zhao Zhao visits almost every week. Mrs. Zhao doesn't come often, but the people in the shop don't know the owner.

When the two biggest bosses arrived, all the shop assistants were in a good mood and spoke with a smile on their faces.

Zhao an did not dare to get too close for fear of being found by the old lady.

She went into a cafe opposite the jewelry store, ordered a cup of coffee and sat down by the window.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the two men picked up the jewelry and boarded a Rolls Royce to pick up the old lady.

Zhao an came out of the coffee shop in a hurry, but did not care to ask them what jewelry they had chosen. She reached out and stopped a taxi, got on the car and said, "master, keep up with the Rolls Royce in front of you!"

"Don't worry, you can keep up with me," the driver said

Ten minutes later, Rolls Royce stopped in front of a western restaurant, and then the old lady and Zhao Zhao got out of the car and entered the restaurant.

Zhao An'an also got out of the car and entered the restaurant.

Zhao An'an has been to this western restaurant many times. Before opening her own western restaurant, she had come here many times to learn from other people's environmental layout and service, because this is the best western restaurant in city a, and many celebrities like to come here.

Zhao an didn't expect that Mu Qing's blind date was chosen in such a good place. You know, a meal here can cost an ordinary white-collar a month's salary!

What a face to the woman!

Zhao an is sour. She hasn't dated Mu Qing in such an elegant and luxurious place! The place where they dated was not romantic at all, except at home, the hospital!

Although there are a lot of reasons to be attributed to her, but saw Mu Qing dating other women in such a romantic place, she was still angry!

She was so angry that she wanted to find Mu Qing and beat him up!

I just broke up with her yesterday, and I'm going to have a blind date today!

Zhao an didn't think about it at all. Today's blind date Mu Qing was forced by master mu. She only felt that she was heartbroken and heartbroken. All kinds of tastes mixed together, which made her strong and optimistic want to cry.

She has been with Mu Qing since she was 17 years old. She has loved him for 11 years, and her love for him has been deeply rooted in her bone marrow!

Mu Qing dotes on her and is used to her. When she loves her, Zhao an doesn't feel how much he dotes on him, nor does he think that their love is so difficult and profound.

She only felt that Mu Qing was right for her, and she accepted it calmly, so she didn't cherish it.

She always quarrels with Mu Qing. She is very willful. She doesn't know how to take care of Mu Qing. Mu Qing seems to never need her care. He is taking care of her wholeheartedly!

But now, the old lady has clearly told her that she has lost MuQing!

Until now, Zhao An'an deeply realized that the original loss of Mu Qing, she should have such a panic! So not adapted!

She found that she had been just wishful thinking that she would be very generous and generous to let Mu Qing marry other women! But in fact, she is very stingy, knowing that Mu Qing is going to make a blind date, she comes here regardless of everything!

If you wait until Mu Qing gets married, Zhao an is not sure if he will run out of control and smash the scene to destroy the wedding!

Zhao an clenched his fist, tried to suppress the anger in his heart, and walked to the ordering place without expression.

The first floor of this western restaurant is the kitchen and the place to order and check out, the second floor is the elegant seat, and the third floor is the elegant room.

Zhao An'an used to be a frequent visitor here, so the waiter recognized her as soon as she arrived, and warmly exchanged greetings with her: "Miss Zhao, you are here! I haven't seen you for so long, but you are more and more beautiful! What would you like to eat this time? "

The waiter's ability to tell lies is getting higher and higher. Which one of her eyes thinks she is beautiful?

Hair is messy, clothes or loose home clothes, face is not good-looking, Zhao an does not need to look in the mirror to know how embarrassed he is now!However, she was not in the mood to talk to the waiter. Besides, she stretched out her hand and didn't smile. People praised her. Could she still curse?

She was in a bad mood, but she couldn't get angry with the waiter. She adjusted her tone and asked calmly, "did the two women who came in just now ordered a private room or a private seat?"

Zhao An'an didn't come to dinner today. Seeing Mu Qing dating other women, she was so angry that she was not in the mood to eat!

What's more, she has a total of 90 yuan left in her body. She can't even afford a drink here, let alone a steak!

She wanted to know if MuQing was on the second floor or the third floor. If she entered the elegant room, she would not be able to peep.

After hesitating for a long time, the waiter told Zhao An'an where the two women were sitting.

The two women are new customers. The one in front of her is an old customer and a platinum VIP, so you can't offend them. Besides, it's not against the rules of the restaurant to tell her where they are.

"They were in the elegant seats, but they didn't order any food. They said they were looking for someone, and they left soon."

Zhao An'an nods to find someone. That's right! He must be looking for MuQing, so that he can give him jewelry and send people.

Zhao an was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. She felt that it was hard to find such a grandmother and a mother with lanterns!

Even if she delayed Mu Qing, even if she was sorry for Mu Qing, she didn't have to treat him so well!

He's looking for other women. They even send jewelry to people. It's intentional to piss her off! , the fastest update of the webnovel!