Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 540

When the old lady left by car, Zhao An'an slowly came out of her bedroom on the second floor. Looking at the empty living room, she was distressed.

The endless pain soon annihilated Zhao An'an, making her no longer have a trace of strength to support her standing. She supported the wall and slowly sat down on the floor.

From now on, MuQing has nothing to do with her!

In her life, she will lose the man who spoiled her to her bones!

Zhao an is full of pain, but also a touch of comfort.

At least, MuQing is separated from her now, so she doesn't need to suffer from the pain of losing his wife. When she dies, MuQing will not be too sad.

His life will be happy and secure.

That's enough for her!

She can finally face the disease of her body calmly, and face the death calmly!

When Mrs. Zhao came back from Mu's house, it was already very dark. It can be seen that she had been talking with Mu Wensheng for a long time. Moreover, her face looked chilly. It was estimated that the conversation was not pleasant.

Zhao an has some guilt and self blame.

Grandma is so old, but she is still worrying about her, running about for her, and accepting other people's criticism for her. She should have been the old lady of Zhao family, but now she has lost her face because of her.

Zhao an an stepped forward, gently held the old lady's arm, squeezed out a smile that was even worse than crying, and said with a strong nasal voice: "grandma, you are back!"

Mrs. Zhao let her support her. As she walked in, she told her the result with a light expression: "the wooden family has already got my promise. You and MuQing will never meet again. They will marry each other and do not interfere with each other! Muwensheng, the old man, has already found several candidates for MuQing. It is estimated that she will force MuQing to go on a blind date tomorrow. You should stay at home and not go anywhere! "

Zhao an's mood is abnormal low, endure again and again, just did not let the tear fall down!

She won't allow herself to be so disheartened!

He's on a blind date. She's crying! She should be happy!

But it's hard to control your emotions.

She was so sad that she lost her heart. When she had dinner, she even took a fork to cut the steak and took the knife to her mouth. As a result, her lips were cut by the sharp blade.

Zhao Zhao came back from a business trip. Seeing her daughter's lost soul, she couldn't help looking at her mother and asking questions silently with puzzled eyes.

Mrs. Zhao gave her a reassuring look, indicating that Zhao an's situation was within her control.

Zhao Zhao was relieved and did not remind her daughter to use the knife as a fork and let her cut her lips. It's just a little skin cut. It won't cause too much pain.

She has to rely on her own now!

After dinner, Mrs. Zhao called Zhao Zhao to her room and told her the whole story. After hearing this, Zhao immediately beamed and praised Shangguan Ning for her intelligence and being a good girl willing to help her friends!

The mother and daughter, together to help shangguanning, sold their precious pimples which they had been taking good care of!

The next day, when Zhao An'an got up, she found that there was no one in the family. She went to ask the servant, "aunt Qian, where is my mother and my grandmother? Why not at home? "

Aunt Qian said with a smile, "Oh, my wife and the old lady went to visit our jewelry store. They said they wanted to take some decent jewelry from the store and send them to Dr. Mu so that he could give them to his friends as a gift to meet them."

What aunt Qian said was obscure, but Zhao An'an immediately understood.

Grandma and mom went to help MuQing pick out jewelry and asked him to give it to the girl on her blind date!

Zhao An'an almost fainted!

Have they ever considered her feelings!

Even if she owes Mu Qing, she doesn't have to repay it in this way! This is to disgust her to death!

This is what my grandmother and mother do!

Take his own luxury jewelry, help Mu Qing to please other girls, so that Mu Qing and other women get married as soon as possible! After Mu Qing got married, she died completely!

What are these things! As if she would regret not to marry Mu Qing, she was eager to help Mu Qing make a blind date. Are they Zhao or mu!

After listening to Aunt Qian's words, Zhao an didn't even eat breakfast, so she went back to her bedroom. After half an hour, she was hungry and groaning.

She remembered that she was angry at her patronage and forgot to eat breakfast!

Then she went back to the restaurant, sat down and bit the bread, as if the bread had much hatred with her.

Aunt Qian secretly looked at her and laughed quietly. Then she called Mrs. Zhao and reported the situation here.

After Zhao an finished eating the bread, he returned to his taste before he could drink milk.

Today, the tiger is not at home. She can be the king of the monkey! She can go out and play!The colorful world outside is full of fatal temptation for Zhao an, who can't sit still for a moment.

She immediately stammered, gulp down a large glass of milk, and did not change her clothes. She kicked off her slippers, put on her own sports shoes, and ran outside.

When she ran out of the gate, laughing and sighing, she suddenly remembered that she didn't even have a cent!

It's not that she forgot to bring her purse. It's that she has no money in it. In order to prevent her from escaping, Mrs. Zhao and Zhao refused to give her a dime!

However, it doesn't matter if she doesn't have money. She always has a way to get money and then she can go out and play! As long as she doesn't have a group of bodyguards in black who can shine blind people around!

Zhao an took a taxi and went straight to Lijing district.

There, shangguanning has pushed a pram, waiting at the door. She is also followed by sister-in-law, Li duo and Li Feidao, just like a young lady of a powerful family!

Shangguan Ning saw the bright face in the taxi and glared at her fiercely, but still helped her pay the fare.

Originally, Zhao an called shangguanning in the car and asked her to help pay the fare!

Zhao An'an got out of the taxi and threw herself on shangguanning. She hugged her and gave her a kiss on her face: "my beauty is the best. It solves my urgent need."

Shangguan Ning refused to wipe the saliva on his face, looked at her up and down and said, "how did grandma agree to let you out? Or did you just steal it? "

Zhao an wipes his slightly disordered short hair and refuses to answer shangguanning's words. Instead, he takes Jingrui out of the pram and gives him a fierce kiss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!