Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 535

"I'm sure! Can you stop wordy? I can't stay with you for too long. If Yang Muyan's people find out, she won't believe me in the future! Hurry to draw blood. It's not you who's taking mine. It's really a little white faced material! "

Jingyi ran got rid of the scar and forgot the pain. He had just been pricked by wood green. Now he was irritated and couldn't help swearing.

MuQing was too surprised to quarrel with him. He asked him with a good temper: "you are so good to fawn, do you know?"

Jingyi Ran is infuriated, smell speech subconsciously return a way: "she certainly knows!"

"When were you with fawn? It's very deep! "

"We It's none of your business! Do you smoke or not? " Jing Yiran, a pair of peach blossom eyes, almost spit fire. How can this person like to pry into gossip so much? It's not over!

Mu Qing is just trying to test the relationship between him and fawn, but Jingyi actually acquiesces!

This is too mysterious. Jing Yiran has feelings for fawn!

Although the deer is very beautiful, her beauty is pure that of a little girl. Her eyebrows are delicate, she is innocent and lovely, like a doll. Most men will treat her as a child instead of a woman when they see her! Moreover, this is not the type jingyiran likes at all!

"Tut Tut, I can't see that your big radish will become a kind of infatuation one day! To give blood to others is to change one's face and be a good man of twenty-four filial piety! "

Jing Yi Ran saw the ghost of wood green, staring at him carefully for several times, as if he did not know him, Rao is always cheeky, even some embarrassed!

According to his former character, it is impossible to achieve this level for a woman. He now looks like a deep love whirlpool unable to extricate himself, for the sake of women willing to pay all the first love boy!

Mu Qing made a good joke about jingyiran, and said the ugly words almost all over the time. Then she began to draw blood for jingyiran.

Because before he came, jingyichen had already told him that he was going to draw blood for jingyiran, so he brought both the blood bag and the needle tube, and because he knew it was to draw blood for jingyiran, he took a dozen of 400 ml empty blood bags.

Give Jing Yiran blood, such a fair chance of revenge, how can Mu Qing miss it!

Soon, MuQing took 800 ml of blood.

But to the third blood bag, he hesitated.

800 ml of blood, for a healthy adult, basically has reached a critical point, and then draw blood, Jing Yiran will be comatose because of excessive blood loss.

Jing Yiran just felt a slight sense of powerlessness in her body. She didn't feel that she had anything wrong with her. Seeing that Mu Qing didn't smoke, she couldn't help staring at him: "how did you stop? Smoke

Mu Qing looked at him with disdain and kindly reminded him: "if I smoke you again, you will die! There is only a little blood in your body. According to your weight, smoking these will also make you feel weak. If you take it again, you will faint

"How much can I smoke at most?" Jing Yiran didn't give up. He wanted to give the deer more blood. Last night, he held the deer. Her body was so cold that he cherished it in his heart.

Mu Qing gazed at jingyiran like a monster. After a while, he said, "if you say it, it will be more than a thousand. If you have more, you will have to have another birth! But even if you smoke more than 1000, you will faint, but you can't die. It will be hard for many days. "

He can see that after jingyiran died once, the whole person has changed dramatically. He really loves the deer to the bone!

"It's OK. You smoke as much as you can!" Jing Yiran doesn't care about his body. As long as he can give a little more blood to the fawn, what is he suffering from.

Mu Qing feels that jingyiran has been confused by love now. He doesn't dare to make up his mind. He turns to the side of jingyichen and wants to listen to his instructions.

Jingyichen has not yet opened his mouth, but jingyiran is not happy at once. She says angrily, "surnamed mu, take my blood. What do you think he is doing?"

Mu Qing is too lazy to answer him. He wants to drain jingyiran directly, but jingyichen certainly won't agree. Jingyiran is still useful now and can't die.

Jing Yi Chen took a look at Jing Yi Ran, who was still alive and lively, and said, "smoke, until he can't speak."

Mu Qing agrees with Jing Yichen very much. He thinks that jingyichen is as black and cold as ever. He takes jingyiran to the point where he can't speak. It's really enjoyable!

Get the letter, wood green continue to give Jing Yi Ran blood.

When he reached 1200 ml, jingyiran finally couldn't speak. Finally, she was white, her eyes closed, and she fainted.

Well, it's too much!

Wood green helplessly to Jingyi ran back to 200 ml, but he still did not wake up.

Looking at Jing Yi Ran who fell into a coma because of blood loss, Mu Qing suddenly felt that he didn't seem so annoying.

This person is really a fool, after seeing fawn, he tried his best to be good to her, and didn't care about his own life.Mu Qing can understand this feeling.

If Zhao an needs blood one day, he will not hesitate to give her his blood.

"Ah Hu, let Li Feidao send jingyiran back. Be careful not to be found."

"Yes, young master!"

Deer late at night to see jingyiran was sent back in a coma, can not help frowning: "what's wrong with him?"

Li Feidao originally wanted to carry jingyiran directly into the bedroom. After all, jingyiran is so heavy that a little girl like Xiaolu can't hold it.

I didn't expect that the fawn took jingyiran easily. It seems that he is more relaxed than he is!

So far, Li Feidao has never met a man with greater strength than him. He can't help but take a look at the fawn, but he can't see what's special about the fawn.

"He asked our young master to draw blood for him today. He took a little too much, so he fainted. Dr. Mu said that he was OK. Just take a few days off and replenish blood. "

Li Feidao tells the story of ah Hu to Xiaolu one by one.

"Draw blood?" The deer was slightly surprised, "what's the point of drawing blood?"

"For a little deer."

Li Feidao thinks that the man with great strength in front of him should be Xiaolu, but he doesn't ask. He just turns all the things AHU tells him and leaves.

The deer stood there, holding jingyiran, who was much bigger than her, and looked bleary.

For a long time, she just looked down at the beautiful man with pale color in her arms, and sighed softly: "what a fool, what do I want your blood for?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!