Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 533

Besides Mu's Hospital, no one can prepare special blood for fawn in advance to exchange blood for her!

It requires not only a large amount of blood original fluid, but also doctors who can refine the technology, and even more needs a lot of money. These conditions can not be achieved in a short time in foreign countries!

But the deer blood exchange is imminent.

Jing Yiran was holding the fawn, her eyes were slightly red, and she said in a low voice, "fool, I'm not worth your hard work. Next time, remember that no matter what happens, you should take care of your own life first. I want you to live! "

In fact, the deer realized that he didn't care about his life.

If she was willing to abandon him and go back to a city alone and ask for jingzhongxiu to take her in. In the face of her uncle, jingzhongxiu will take her in. After all, he has taken in the fawn for so many years, and even his blood has been prepared for a long time. If she can save her life, jingzhongxiu will not be stingy.

He really didn't think he was worth the effort.

In his life, no one has ever been so kind to him. He is actually an illegitimate son under the name of the second young master of the Jing family. His mother is not on the stage. His father is tired of the house and Wu. He does not pay attention to him. Everyone else looks at Jing Zhongxiu's face and acts. Naturally, he will not really respect him.

He hated them so much that he wanted to climb to the top of the world to show them how powerful he was. They were blind!

But now, Jingyi ran suddenly did not hate.

Because he was warm and protected with his life, he didn't care about those who didn't like him, he only cared about fawn.

Fawn is a little slow in feeling, but she can distinguish the emotion of jingyiran.

She said faintly: "I thought you died after being shot. Since you are dead, I don't think it's meaningful to live, so I don't care so much."

He's dead, doesn't she want to live?

Jing Yiran was astringent in her heart.

He now regrets that he used the fawn. Fawn is so cold at ordinary times that he doesn't know that fawn has valued him to this extent. If he knew, he would not be so rash.

He almost killed himself and fawn!

"Later, although you woke up, I went to see the doctor for you. They all said that you can live for a year and a half at most in this situation. If you can't get the bullet out, you will soon become a vegetable. I just want to wait for you to fail, I will give you a shot, and then give me a shot, both of them are dead, it's very good. Anyway, I hate these viruses in my body. If I die, they will die with me

Jing Yiran has never seen a person who doesn't care so much about his life!

"Neither of us will die. I will not die, nor will you. Jing Yichen said that he would let Mu Qing take the bullet for me. The success rate of MuQing in this operation is more than 90%, and the possibility of my death is very low. "

He relayed jingyichen's words to the deer.

Jing Yiran has some feelings in her heart. Unexpectedly, one day, he needs jingyichen's words so much, and hopes to share them with fawn.

What's the matter! Clearly, the culprit is jingyichen, he shot that bullet into his brain!

Now I'd like to thank him!

"Well, that's the best. The wooden family are all good doctors, and Mu Qing is more reliable. " Deer light mouth, words of wood is very trust.

Jing Yiran obviously feels Xiaolu's sigh of relief. He can't help sighing. Human fate is really wonderful. Xiaolu is not very grateful to jingzhongxiu, who has sheltered her for many years. He is not so warm to shangguanning, who loves her as his own sister.

"I don't die, you'll live forever, right?"

"If you don't die, of course I will live, or who will protect you?"

Jingyi suddenly smile, this words said, let a person hear to know that she is a woman man!

But fawn said it for granted. She felt that she was much stronger than jingyiran, and she didn't think there was any problem with this.

Jing Yiran did not argue with her.

In the past, maybe fawn has protected him in secret many times, but his strength is too different from that of fawn, so he didn't realize it at all. He just felt it several times. When he was dying of injury, fawn would always accompany him in front of his bed at night.

Now want to come, jingyiran just feel some light happiness.

He can also use his own strength to protect the fawn now! He's a man and won't let a woman protect him from the wind and rain. He's going to shelter the deer!

"Sleep. I'm so warm that I can always be your stove, so it doesn't matter if you're cool. I can hold it comfortably."

Jing Yiran said, gently help deer cover the quilt, and then slightly adjust the posture, let her lie in his arms more comfortable.

It seems that he has never been so nice to a woman!

He was not a careful man, but now he is more and more careful. Because the deer this woman, than he this man also nerve big, he unknowingly became careful.If in the past, Jing Yiran saw a man so careful, but also worried about a woman whether her quilt was tightly covered, she would certainly scold that man for his mother-in-law.

But now, he did not feel that there was anything wrong with these things.

He even pays attention to fawn's monthly affairs, and helps her prepare feminine articles.

Because the two souls in her body didn't care about the monthly affairs at all. The last time she came to the moon was ten days ago, but she didn't know it at all. As a result, the bed sheets were dyed red.

Moreover, Xiaolu didn't prepare sanitary napkins in advance, so jingyiran went to the store to buy it for her.

Being able to work for Xiaolu and consider what she can't think of for her makes jingyiran feel fulfilled and satisfied.

He never knew that he was such a contented man.

It turns out that he used to be so dissatisfied and ambitious that he ignored many beautiful things around him. Fawn said that he had never lived for himself. He didn't like to hear it at that time. Now he wants to come. He has never lived for himself before!

He always wants to surpass jingyichen and defeat him.

But what if he could reach the top of the world? After all, no one loved him. He was a poor man.

And if there is someone around, two people warm each other, even if it is together to go to hell, go to the netherworld, it seems to be a pleasure.

The deer relaxed in jingyiran's arms, so he soon went to sleep.

Jing Yiran looked at her sleeping face, but made a decision in her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!