Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 531

Jing Yiran made concessions and helped him, so he would naturally give corresponding benefits.

"Yang Muyan's whereabouts are hidden and elusive. You need to keep in touch with her. What I want to kill is not only her, but also her wings. As far as I know, she has some people in her own hands, who were trained by the Yang family in her early years. Everyone can't let go of them. The day Yang Muyan died was the day when deer returned to Jing's home. "

When Jing Yiran hears that Yang Muyan is dead, the deer can only be protected by the Jing family. She stares at jingyichen. She is about to say something unpleasant, but suddenly she thinks of something, but she can't help it.

At least jingyichen promised, will exchange blood for the deer, will not let her be killed in a city, this has been very good.

At least fawn is safe now. She doesn't need to kill again, and she doesn't need to be chased by many enemies.

I don't know why, some of the things that he thought were very difficult to do at the beginning, as long as he thought of fawn, it suddenly became simple and easy.

Jing Yiran is not sure if this means that he has fallen in love with fawn, because he has never felt like this before.

He always felt that for shangguanning, his feelings were just like. He wanted to annoy her, protect her, hear her voice and see her smile.

However, he never thought that he would yield to jingyichen for the sake of shangguanning, and would not let down his self-esteem for shangguanning.

But now, he is willing to give up all his dignity for the sake of fawn. He doesn't know whether he is out of gratitude, will be so kind to fawn, is it because she is stupid and willing to give everything for him, so he wants to fight to protect her.

Does he like fawn? Nature likes it.

Does he love fawn? Jing Yiran couldn't answer this question because he couldn't tell what love was.

All he knew was that he didn't want fawn to get hurt again. He wanted her to live a safe and happy life like ordinary people, just like Just like the present shangguanning, there is a husband who dotes her to the sky, and has a lovely son who doesn't need to face the bloody every day.

Fawn's previous experience was so miserable that she never felt love again since she was 14 years old and lived in the dark all the time. As long as she has gone through it, it will be hard for her to think of it.

Now, he relies on his own strength, in exchange for the deer's stability, he feels relaxed a lot.

"OK, give me yang Muyan, and I will dig out her power."

Jing Yiran still has a light conceit on his face. He is not afraid to fight with Yang Muyan. Anyway, he doesn't need him to fight with Yang Muyan's people in life and death. He thinks that he is much better than Yang Muyan.

With that, he turned and plunged into the darkness, ready to leave.

He and Jing Yichen have nothing to say. Although the relationship seems to have eased, both sides will not trust each other too much.

Jing Yiran walked out a few steps away and heard jingyichen's cold voice behind him: "after Yang Muyan's death, you can go to Mu Qing and take out the bullet. The success rate of his operation of this kind is more than 90%

Jing Yiran steps a meal, turn head to stare at jingyichen inconceivably.

Jing Yichen did not look at him. He left the beach one step at a time.

Who is willing to die if he can live?

Jing Yichen even gave him such a seductive promise, which is really worthy of his businessman nature!

They had reached an agreement on their deal, but he added weight!

No wonder his subordinates are so dedicated to him. It turns out that he is so insightful and generous!

Jing Yiran now knows why one of his subordinates doesn't work, and one runs faster than another. It turns out that he has never used the right way.

When he returned to his villa and looked at the villa, he remembered what AHU had said to him a few days ago.

"Second young master, our young master said that you live with fawn at a reduced price. Therefore, the house will not be sold for the time being, and it will be for you to live. The young master is so soft-hearted and easy to talk. If you treat him well, he will treat you well. You see, you are not getting along very peacefully now? "

In fact, when jingyiran returned to city a, there was really no place to settle down. Jingyichen gave him the house to live in, which immediately solved the problem of accommodation between him and deer.

Although it is taking his things to do human relations, but it is undeniable that Jingyi ran still has a slight vibration in her heart.

He was sitting on the sofa in the living room without the light on.

A small figure came slowly towards him and asked in a light tone, "why don't you sleep?"

Jingyiran heard this voice, spirit a shake, immediately got up, walked to the petite figure in front.

"You are awake!" There was some joy and expectation in the tone.

Jing Yiran now only needs to listen to a sentence, can distinguish two people.

He picked up the fawn and strode to the bedroom. He said in a loud voice: "let's go to bed."The fawn did not resist.

She gradually fell in love with the feeling of being held by jingyiran. Moreover, jingyiran's body is always warm, which makes her feel very comfortable. Her gene has been transformed by the virus, and her body temperature has been on the low side, because lower body temperature can inhibit the activity of cells and greatly prolong the life span of cells. In other words, if the destructive power of the virus itself is removed, the deer can To live many years longer than ordinary people.

This is also the most important reason why she has always been a baby face and baby voice.

Fawn has seen that kind of thing between men and women many times, but he doesn't understand what's good about it and why two people always kiss each other when they are together.

She didn't really know the word "men and women are different". Men in her eyes, there is nothing special, she can be indifferent to men's lower body, men's intimate action will not feel any wrong.

So, when Jing Yiran holds her to bed, she doesn't feel at all, and of course she won't push jingyiran away.

Instead, she took jingyiran as a big stove, curled up in his arms and closed her eyes with some satisfaction.

She had a severe virus attack recently, and her temperature was getting lower and lower. Even in June, she still felt chilly all over. Leaning on jingyiran, she was warm by his body temperature, which made the deer feel very comfortable.

Jing Yiran saw that fawn was so obedient that he hugged him and went to sleep with him. She even took the initiative to drill into his arms. She was very proud, and the corners of her mouth were raised.

However, he was not proud for a while.

Because some part of his body, which had been sleeping for more than a year, woke up again after being unconsciously rubbed by the fawn!

Wake up twice, all because of fawn! , the fastest update of the webnovel!