Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 519

In May of a city, the climate is pleasant, the breeze is blowing, and the fragrance of flowers is blowing. On the beach by the sea, there are girls who love beauty wearing skirts and playing in the blue sea water.

Perhaps it was because she had fallen into the sea, and now shangguanning is a little scared of the sea water.

Although Lijing community is close to the sea, it is a little remote because of its location. There are few residential areas and few people go to the seaside to play.

But the environment here is very good. Today, the weather is sunny, the sun is warm, and the air is fresh. Shangguanning takes Jingrui for a walk along the beach.

Jingrui is now one and a half months old. The little guy grows very fast. He can eat and follow without making any fuss, which makes shangguanning very comfortable.

Most of the time, she takes care of her son herself. Yuesao just helps. Today, she takes her son out for a walk. She doesn't bring her sister-in-law or any other servants. She just follows Li duo and Li Feidao, as well as Jing Yichen, a tall and upright father.

Jing Yichen, dressed in brown casual clothes, follows Shangguan Ning with a baby carriage in his hand.

Shangguan Ning holds Jingrui in his arms and talks with his son who doesn't understand anything with a smile.

"Come out to play. Is ruiruirui happy? Well, mom can see that. You are also very happy. You like to come out and play, right? That ruiruirui wants to grow up quickly, and then he can come out to play. He can dig sand, pick up shells, and like other little brothers, he can take a bucket to catch small crabs! "

Jing Rui doesn't understand anything, but it doesn't prevent him from feeling his mother's happiness, so he smiles happily and bends his eyes.

He is still too young, shangguanning put on a lot of clothes for him, and put on a lovely little hat, the whole person is wrapped up tightly. He's a little uncomfortable, he's been stretching his arms and legs.

Coax him forward, holding him patiently.

All her attention was on her son, and she didn't notice that someone was staring at her all the time.

However, Shangguan Ning did not notice, but jingyichen did.

Some of the people in that life are tall and tall. They are dressed in gray sportswear, baseball cap, sunglasses and big masks. They are even more tightly covered than Jing Rui, the baby. It makes people feel that he can't see the light at a glance.

Jingyichen pupil micro contraction, but just a light look at that person, then take back the eyes, pay attention to his wife and son again.

With him, no one can hurt their mother and son.

Shangguan Ning doesn't dare to stay outside for too long, for fear of freezing Jing Rui. He comes out less than an hour and goes home immediately.

However, even if she only went out for an hour, she felt much more alive. After staying at home for more than a month, she was finally able to go out.

She sat in front of Jingrui's crib, singing children's songs to him in a light tone, which made the whole family more happy and lively.

Jingyichen leans by the door and looks at her lovely wife coaxing her lively and lovely son. She just feels extremely satisfied.

He wants to clear all obstacles, remove all hidden dangers, so that his wife and son can go out to play at any time.

At night, shangguanning has already gone to sleep. Jingyichen kisses her lips gently and gets up again.

Out of their bedroom, he enters Jing Rui's baby room.

Since Shangguan had a baby, Jingrui did not live in their big bedroom any more. Instead, he was watched by his sister-in-law and lived in his own separate baby room.

Moon sister-in-law sleep is very shallow, very shallow, jingyichen came in, she immediately woke up.

Jingyichen waves her hand to indicate that she will continue to sleep. Then she goes to the baby bed and looks at Jingrui's lovely sleeping appearance. She can't help but smile.

He picked up his son's fleshy white tender hand and gave him a kiss. He tucked in the quilt corner for him. Then he got up and strode out.

After entering the elevator, ah Hu immediately whispered: "young master, the second young master is back!"

Jing Yichen nodded: "yes."

If he had guessed correctly, the tall man with a baseball cap that he saw at the seaside today was a scene of serenity.

He was brave enough to show up in front of him!

If he can kill jingyiran once, he can kill him a second time!

"Our people are staring at him all the time. He is sitting on the beach now, probably I'm waiting for you. "

Ah Hu stopped for a moment and then said the following words.

Because he really can't think of, why does Jing Yiran hit the muzzle of a gun as soon as he comes back.

Didn't he know that the young master would not be merciful to him?

Jing Yichen also has some strange behaviors.

This style of sending people is not like him. He always likes to make small moves behind his back.

"Go and see. He must have something to rely on."

Jing Yichen's tone is light, but her face is calm and confident.

Late at night, the sea, the wind is very strong, very cold, so big beach, only jingyiran sat there alone, with the night, it seems to have a bit of lonely taste.Jingyichen slowly approaching, AHU followed.

Since jingyichen was nearly killed by the killers hired by the Yang family last time, ah Hu has been following jingyichen. No matter where he goes, no matter what kind of occasion, ah Hu will surely stay by his side. If he has something that can't protect jingyichen, then Li duo will certainly be around jingyichen.

Jing Yichen comes to see Jing Yiran, a Hu, of course, can't let him come alone.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Jingyi stood up and looked back.

When jingyichen came near, he said faintly: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

It is said that people's character will change a lot after they die once. Jingyichen looks at jingyiran's manner and tone, and thinks that this is still very reasonable.

In the moonlight, Jing Yiran's face was white and frightening. Obviously, he was shot by him, and so far he has not recovered.

But this is not the most important, the most important thing is that his impetuous and arrogance are much lighter.

I haven't seen her for more than a month, but Jingyi has become introverted and calm.

Jing Yichen frowns slightly, this is not what he wants to see.

Because this is equivalent to the opponent becomes strong, loopholes and defects in the reduction, he is moving towards maturity!

However, Jing Yichen didn't pay much attention to it. He had confidence to deal with the mature jingyiran.

"Now, the best way for you is to remain anonymous, find a place where no one knows you and live the most ordinary life. Back here, you have only one way to go - the dead road."

Jing Yichen has killed jingyiran once. Although he is not dead, it still means that hatred has been reported. Seeing him again, jingyichen has no strong intention to kill.

Of course, this is because he can also feel that jingyiran's heart is not as vicious as before. , the fastest update of the webnovel!