Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 474

Jing Yichen's heartache is so fierce that she can't wait to fly to her and take her away from the dangerous place and hold her in his arms!

She is still pregnant, standing at such a high place, it seems that she may be pushed into the sea by the people behind her at any time!

If you can, jingyichen would like to jump directly from the plane to break jingyiran's neck.

However, he can't do anything now, watching shangguanning standing in such a dangerous place!

The sea crossing bridge has been surrounded by jingyichen's people, but his heart is still very strong, for fear that shangguanning will encounter an accident.

At the edge of the bridge, Shangguan Ning has also seen jingyichen, and has seen his powerful and shocking lineup!

Four helicopters were hovering overhead, and there were a row of six airships at the foot. The bridge had been closed to traffic. There were countless police cars parked near the shore, and countless policemen were carrying guns.

Naturally, she knows the strength of the Jing family, but she has never experienced the strength of the Jing family with her own eyes.

Standing by the bridge, Shangguan Ning didn't have much fear.

She's just worried that it's going to be bad for her children.

The bridge is a high distance from the sea level, bow is the blue sea, the sea is deep, it looks like a big mouth, ready to swallow people.

Shangguan Ning hands gently stroked his abdomen, trying to calm himself down.

Since jingyichen has come, she has nothing to worry about. In any case, jingyiran will do whatever she asks her to do. She will not go against any of his wishes, which is in her best interests.

At least, she hasn't been harmed in any way since she woke up.

Shangguan Ning didn't know what happened. All she knew was that the fawn followed her. She smelled something strange on the deer, and then she quickly fainted.

Open your eyes again, and it's already on the bridge.

Obviously, a certain fragrance on the fawn made her fall into a coma, and then jingyiran took the opportunity to take her away and brought her up here.

She never thought that fawn would do such a thing!

She took fawn as her sister, cared for her and took care of her, but in the end she was stabbed in the back.

I don't know why Xiaolu is helping jingyiran. She clearly remembers that when Xiaolu meets jingyiran, she will never be polite to him. No matter which fawn, she is very willing to give jingyiran a hard hand.

Shangguan Ning is not willing to believe that Xiaolu is such a person, but the fact is in front of you, and you can't believe it.

However, today's matter can not be prevented at all, she and Jing Yichen can't understand everyone's heart.

Just now jingyiran called jingyichen, she had heard it.

Jing Yiran wants to use her to exchange with jingyichen the equity of chengjingsheng group in exchange for the inheritance right of Jingjia!

Although she did not hear what jingyichen said, but from jingyiran's reaction, jingyichen must have agreed.

How can this work!

If all these things are given to jingyiran, jingyichen will have nothing!

Jing Yiran is also too shameless, simply despicable! It's shameless to seize her as a pregnant woman to force jingyichen. Even if such a person gets the inheritance right of Jingsheng and Jingjia, how can they have great development? The Jings are in his hands, and they must be completely destroyed by him.

It is not a day or two for shangguanning to confront jingyiran. She is not afraid of him, but the people around jingyiran have been holding guns at her. As long as she moves a little, that person is very alert.

Shangguan Ning really wants to scold Jingyi. He is just a madman and an idiot. He knows how to use such a bad trick.

However, she did not dare to scold her. Now she was enraged by jingyiran, and there was no benefit in it. Maybe the child in her stomach would suffer as a result.

She is so easy to be pregnant for seven months. She is about to give birth. Her infinite maternal love gives her infinite courage and forbearance.

Shangguan Ning looks at jingyichen from the helicopter down the ladder, on the bridge, step by step toward her.

His steps were very firm, big and quick.

His face was cold, and his whole body was full of fright and cold, just like the God of death coming out of hell.

The sea breeze in early spring is cold and piercing, and Shangguan Ning's whole body is about to be frozen. However, when she sees jingyichen, she is soon wrapped up in warmth. Even the seemingly terrifying deep sea water does not seem so frightening.

Compared with Shangguan Ning's calm, Jing Yiran is angry and flustered!

What's going on? Jingyichen has mobilized all the strength of the Jing family?

How could he come so fast!

It's helicopter, airship and police car. What are you doing?!

How can his treatment be higher than the most wanted criminal in the movie!Compared with jingyichen's powerful strength, the several people he brought looked like beggars!

Jing Yiran the rest of the corner of his eyes saw several people under his hand, his legs and stomach were shaking. The one who took the gun couldn't even hold the gun!

What a bunch of useless things, this scene was scared!

In particular, his own several people, all are a pair of to shrink back, but Yang Muyan to the person, a face of fierce, it seems that they did not pay attention to the Jing family.

Jing Yiran doesn't know what these people think.

These people follow Jing Yiran all the year round, knowing that he has done a lot of bad things, but every time he can get out of the way, because he has the blood of Jing family, no one will really let him die.

But the people under him are not the same. Jingyiran did a bad thing, and the one who suffered must be a small minion. The people who helped him to do bad things must be punished by Jing Yichen. They can't even die if they want to die!

Yang Muyan's subordinates have never seen the means of Jing Yichen, so they are fearless. When he knows, they will not be as fierce as they are now.

Jing Yichen soon came to them. His eyes only looked at shangguanning. The rest of the people, he didn't even give a look.

Seeing Shangguan Ning's pale face, he was not hurt and his spirit was good. His anger could be suppressed without breaking out.

"Ah Ning, are you ok?"

Hearing his voice, shangguanning almost shed tears.

But she fought back her tears and tried to look calm: "I'm fine."

In fact, standing by the bridge for so long, her stomach has begun to feel uncomfortable, but she can't say anything. She believes in jingyichen. Jingyichen must be more anxious and angry than she is at the moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!