Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 378

Lan Yu's voice is a little hoarse, like being ground by sandpaper.

Mu Qing and Zheng Jing were frightened by her voice, and a sentence appeared in their minds at the same time: the face of an angel, the voice of the devil!

Lan Yu has specially put on makeup today, but how to make up can't hide her pale face.

Mu Qing felt that if she took off her makeup and her hoarse and ugly voice, she would be a real version of a fierce ghost.

She just sat there quietly, and there was a gentleness of a lady in her body. Now when she opened her mouth, it was all destroyed.

No wonder she refused to speak before, even if Mu Qing took advantage of her, she just asked Jibo for help in silence.

Jing Yichen has no reaction to Lan Yu's horrible voice, and has no emotion for what she says. It's like Lan Yu is not talking to him. He just looks at Ji Bo coldly, which means that he can explain Lan Yu's identity.

He directly ignores Lan Yu. Obviously, he feels that Lan Yu is not qualified to speak to him.

Jibo was angry for a moment, but Chao MuQing and Zheng Jing explained: "you two, this is my fiancee, Lan Yu, who will participate in the financial business operation of Jishi group in the future, so I will bring her with me today."

Mu Qing is very rare today wearing a formal dress, pure white custom-made shirt, black handmade suit, wearing a light gray tie, tie clip is able to light blind diamond type, hair is combed up, showing his full forehead and good-looking eyebrows.

The simple and elegant white shirt makes the pale wood green more and more elegant. He doesn't look like the president of a hospital, but a star in the idol heaven group. He is handsome and dazzling.

Lan Yu looks at him and can't help but feel a little lost.

Mu Qing's eyes brightened, showing her a handsome and romantic smile - this is the strongest weapon he has practiced for ten years to hook up with girls. It has always been a disadvantage. Except Zhao An'an, he kills all women from eight to eighty years old!

Of course, even the boyish Zhao An'an will be killed by his smile, but Mu Qing doesn't know it.

Lan Yu, who has always been very calm and calm, was a little flustered when she saw his smile. Even her pale cheek showed a trace of abnormal blush.

Mu Qing was very satisfied with her reaction.

Look, not all women are good at jingyichen!

He is as cold as ice. He is not fit to live without a little smoke! Only the gentle Shangguan Ning could stand him, and another woman would have been frozen to death by him!

Perfect, such as jingyichen, has been compared by himself. Mu Qing is very complacent.

He held Lan Yu's small hand on the table again and said with a bright smile: "Miss LAN, it's really a good fortune to see you today. I don't know where your family lives? I'm free today. I can take you home later. If you don't want to go home, we can have a candlelight dinner. What do you think? "

The blue feather who just shook hands with Mu Qing was still self-confident. At the moment, her face was full of blush. She was so shy that she almost gave her Qi halo to Ji Bo next to her.

Jibo took Mu Qing's hand away rudely and said angrily, "Mu Qing, do you have any sense of shame? Lan Yu is my fiancee, and you also have your own fiancee. What do you mean by your moves?"

Ji Bo thinks that he must not have looked at the Yellow calendar when he went out today, so he was so unlucky. He was tricked by jingyichen and MuQing again. After a while, would he be teased by Zheng Jing again?!

Mu Qing dare to wear a green hat for him in front of his face!

Although Lan Yu and he have no real name, but in the eyes of outsiders, this is his Jibo's fiancee. Other men want to get their fingers, at least wait for him to be away?!

Is it when he is dead to flirt with Lanyu so openly?

Mu Qing had no sincere apology: "ah? Oh, I'm sorry. I just saw Miss LAN sick and weak. I can't help feeling pity. Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to rob your woman. My woman has gone after me. I don't need to rob you. It's hard for you to have a woman for so many years

In fact, he really didn't want to touch Lan Yu. This woman made him feel very bad. Her eyes were full of ferocity. When looking at people, it was like gangrene with bones, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

But there is no way. The task Jing Yichen gives him is to contact this woman. He has to go back and wash his hands several times, and then use a disinfectant bubble to clean his hands.

Jibo looked at Mu Qing's frivolous appearance and was not angry.

Fortunately, Lan Yu is not his real fiancee, otherwise he can't leave the tea house today, because he will die of spitting blood out of their anger.

Seeing Ji Bo's face flushed and his neck thick, Mu Qing felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. He continued to ask, "Xiaoyu, aren't you from a city? I've seen all the beauties in a city, but why don't I have your shadow in my memory? You are so weak and beautiful that if I had seen you, I would never have forgotten you. "Of course, Jing Yichen can't arrange such a gruesome line for him. This is purely Mu Qing's on-the-spot performance, and he is adding drama! The original line only has the sentence "you are not from city a", not even "Xiaoyu".

Just a moment later, Lan Yu's face had returned to normal.

Her face is pale, and her lips are covered with a morbid white, only a pair of eyes, dark, with a cold light, like a hungry wolf in the mountains, ready to devour all the people present.

MuQing's words have aroused her vigilance, but she has made up the perfect identity problem, not afraid of any cross examination.

Lan Yu stares at Mu Qing and says hoarsely, "I'm from a city. I live in the suburbs. The blue family is just a small family. It's normal that you haven't seen me."

Hearing her hoarse voice, Mu Qing wanted to pull out her ears, because it was too bad to hear. It was a kind of torture to listen to her voice!

But he had to lead her on.

"Lan is a rare family name. What does your family do? How can you know such a powerful young master like Jibo? You are a step up to the sky

"My family is a wholesaler of small commodities. It's just a chance to know my fiance, just as I know you."

There was something wrong with this, as if she had deep feelings for Mu Qing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!