Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 372

Zhu ruotong's injury is more serious, so he chose to be hospitalized.

Zheng Jing's injuries were all skin injuries, so he didn't need to be hospitalized, so he said hello to Zhu ruotong and drove home alone.

His ear is still reverberating wood green deep words: seize what you want!

He knew that Mu Qing's words were all based on experience.

Zheng Jing knew all about MuQing and Zhao An'an, so he listened to Mu Qing's words.

But it's one thing to listen to, and another thing to face.

He didn't know whether he should take the world's public opinion and ignore the opposition and sadness of his parents and marry his sister!

For love, regardless of everything.

Is it worth it?

MuQing said that he had never tasted the taste of losing, so he was still hesitating and weighing carefully.

Is that right?

When Zheng Jing returned home, her parents went out to be busy. Now, Zheng's mother is in charge of the family business of the Zheng family. She can't always be at home with Zheng Lun.

It was still early, and the servant had not come to work. Zheng Lun was the only one in the family.

She was like an abandoned kitten, huddled in the corner of the living room, barefoot, wearing a thin dress with tears on her face.

Zheng Jing's heart was severely pulled.

He remembered the scene when he first met Zheng Lun.

The weather is cold and drips into ice. The snow that fell a few days ago has not yet melted, and there are few pedestrians on the road.

A thin little girl in a single dress was huddled in the corner. She had no shoes on and was shivering with cold.

She was very dirty all over her body, and she could hardly see her original appearance on a small face, but her eyes were clear and clear without any impurities.

She was like an angel who fell to the earth. She was starving, but she refused to beg from a few passers-by. Seeing him standing in front of her, she was obviously very scared.

She just subconsciously whispered, "brother, I'm so hungry..."

Although her face was dirty, she could still see her beautiful face.

She looks so much like her dead sister!

her voice is as like as two peas!

His sister once held his arm and said, "brother, I'm hungry!"

At that moment, his whole world was collapsing in an instant. In his consciousness, there was only a little she huddled in the corner of the wall.

He rushed to embrace her, desperately called "sister" and "Lun Lun", scared her to keep screaming and crying.

He thought his sister was back. He thought he had lost it.

However, he soon found that the little girl in his arms was different from his sister.

She was timid and introverted, she was miserable and lonely, she was black and blue, and she couldn't eat enough.

She was not her proud, vivacious sister, like a proud princess.

She should be two years younger than her sister, the whole person is thin without a little weight, as if with her sister, want to leave him at any time!

At that time, he decided that he must take her home, take her by his side, protect her from harm.

Zheng Jing stands upright in the living room. The past obliterates him and his grief devours him.

MuQing is wrong. He has not lost it, he has lost it!

Seven seven is not Zheng Lun, his sister, is no longer, completely, forever disappeared from his world.

What he tried to maintain was to let his sister stay with him forever. He was afraid of losing! He was afraid that if he did something wrong, he would be scolded by everyone, and she would be at a loss!

But now, July 7 is at a loss. She fell in love with him and was never robbed again.

Two figures of the same curled up and barefoot in two time and space overlapped, smashing all the camouflage of Zheng Jing all the time.

He walked quickly to Zheng Lun, then took her into his arms, one hand around her weak waist, one hand holding her crystal like feet.

The cold touch came from the palm of his hand, just like the feeling he felt when he held her foot for the first time more than ten years ago.

His seven seven, it's freezing.

"Seven seven..."

Zheng Jing murmured, always clear voice became incomparably hoarse, with obvious heartache and suppressed love.

Zheng Lun was hugged by her brother. She felt a little bleary and stiff for a moment, but she soon relaxed.

She likes her brother's arms, he has not held himself in this way for a long time.

All the cold in a moment to push away, all sad in an instant disappeared, she unconsciously called him: "brother, you are back..."

Before she had finished her words, she was stuck in her mouth.

Zheng Jing looked at her pink lip near her and bowed her head and kissed it.

He kisses her fragrant soft lips, Prys open her teeth, chases her flustered tongue, and tastes the beauty that no one has ever set foot in.From raw to skilled, it seems that there is a light year, and it seems that there is only a short second. He has completely lost his self-control from gentle to domineering, from tyrannical to fierce, from fierce to lingering. Because, Zheng Lun has begun to respond to him astringently and kiss him back.

Seven seven, I want to kiss you for a long time, too long, long to my own also can't remember from when to like you!

I am actually very clear, I know who you are, I know that your feelings are not family feelings, I have that kind of unspeakable heart, called love!

I'm just too afraid to lose you, I dare not admit my inner feelings, I'm afraid of others pointing at you! I can go to hell, but you can't, I just want you to live in the beautiful and warm sunshine forever, never to live that cold and dark life again!

I want to be your sunshine. When I don't want to take you out, I hear other people say, look, this is the brother and sister, who are married!

All the things, I can bear, I just can't bear any prejudice and accusation against you!

For you, I can give up my everything, including my future, including my happiness.

As long as you are happy, everything is worth it!

Zheng Lun's incredible eyes, she passively bear the kiss of her brother, feel like a dream!

Brother kisses her!

He likes her?

Did he hold her so tightly for fear that she would disappear?

A crystal tear drops from the corner of his eye, Zheng Lun closed his eyes, let his brother's fierce demand, she was astringent with his lips and tongue, soft fall in his warm arms.

She felt her whole body's blood was boiling, she felt her heart beat fast almost to jump out of the whole chest!

Her brother's handsome cheek was close to her cheek, and his high nose pointed to her delicate nose tip. His blazing breath and pleasant smell made her flustered and intoxicated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!