Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 369

After he came out of Zhu ruotong's ward, Zhao an looked around and found that there was no one. Then he asked in a low voice, "ah Ning, do you think Zhu ruotong will be separated from Zheng Jing directly? I look at her, as if you have already moved her! How can you become so powerful now? I think I'm going to learn from you! "

Shangguan Ning chuckled, reached out and pinched her flesh Du Du's face: "come, call the master to listen to first."

Zhao an's face suddenly darkened.

Shangguan took back his hand with a smile and said in a soft voice: "it's not so easy to let Zhu ruotong give up Zheng Jing. She is a rational person. Even if I am moved by her, she will not give up immediately. She didn't expect love at all. Naturally, she didn't care too much about whom Zheng Jing liked. However, I don't think she would like to see her marriage later. Zheng Jing still has a heart all over Zheng Lun. "

"They don't like each other at all! Bang, really, let me worry about it. I knew I would not do it any more

Shangguan said with a smile: "yes, you beat people indiscriminately. Next time, you can't do this again. Force can't solve any substantive problems. You should learn more from me and have a look. You have to use your brain! Now this society needs talented women like me, violent elements like you, how can we manage things well! If you hit Lun Lun's sweetheart, she must be distressed. Maybe you will have to make an apology later

Zhao an couldn't smile. He pointed to her and said, "shangguanning, how can you be more and more thick skinned? If you go on like this, you will teach my little nephew bad!"

She laughed for a while and then said, "but don't tell me, Lun Lun's crying is a pear blossom with rain. I don't know whether it's Zheng Jing's bastard or my righteous good sister. I can't do anything to see her cry like that. I think she should be the type that all men like. She is cute and charming. I have a strong desire for protection, not to mention men. Therefore, it is normal for Zheng Jing to like her, and to dislike her means that Zheng Jing is not a man at all! "

Zheng Lun is really a very attractive girl, because she is the same from the inside to the outside, which is pure and soft. There is no impurity in her eyes. She is kind and simple.

Zhao an an finally said that it is normal for Zheng Jing to like Zheng Lun.

How can you be indifferent to a girl like Zheng Lun?

Shangguan Ning admires Zheng Jing. He has already liked Zheng Lun, but he can still control himself. He even finds a girlfriend to make Zheng Lun die. He has strong willpower and is a real honest man. He will not ignore ethics because of his selfish desire.

Thinking of this, she said with a smile: "An'an, I want to support your ABC plan. Don't worry and dare to prescribe medicine to Zheng Jing! We're going to be bad guys once and send Zheng Lun to Zheng Jing's mouth. If he doesn't eat, we can't really be blamed! "

Can only blame Zheng Jing some aspect really has the question!

Zhao an an listened to Shangguan Ning's agreement, and immediately jumped up with joy: "ha ha, I knew that you would support me! If you let Zheng Jing marry Lun Lun Lun, it's more cost-effective. Otherwise, you'll have a loss if you marry anyone in the future

Shangguan Ning talks with Zhao An'an and goes back to Mu Qing's office. As soon as he goes in, jingyichen immediately meets him.

He looked at Shangguan Ning from head to toe and found that there was no problem. He seemed to be relieved.

Shangguan Ning felt that her husband seemed to be too nervous about her. She had been away for only a short time, and was afraid of something wrong with her.

Is that how he loves her?

Shangguan Ning heart is full of happiness, some sweet looking at him, whispered: "I am very good, the baby is also very good, rest assured."

When Jing Yichen heard her words, a faint smile appeared on her indifferent face: "well, good."

Zhao An'an didn't notice the little intimacy between the couple. Her attention was attracted by Zheng Jing, who was treating the wound opposite Mu Qing.

She was startled and said in a loud voice: "it's not serious. How did you get so many injuries?"

It's not all her fight, is it?

His cheeks were bruised, his cheeks were swollen, and there were dry blood stains under his nose. The brow bone had been wrapped up with wood green, and he was obviously injured. His ears were also bitten. His bare arms were blue and purple, all of which were scars. It looked really sad.

The leader of a city's Criminal Police Brigade, Zheng Da's criminal police, who made those people in the city scared, was beaten black and blue by a woman who only knew kung fu!

If this thing spreads out, Zheng Jing will lose his face!

However, Zhao An'an didn't realize at all. She was still surprised how Zheng Jing was beaten like this by her. She remembered that she didn't do much about it!

Zheng Jing looked at Zhao an's fair and beautiful face, and suddenly felt that he had not wanted to fight a woman to death for a long time!And now, he really wants to crush this little face!

She really deserves to be beaten!

Seeing the dangerous flame in his eyes, Zhao An'an immediately shrank behind Mu Qing and roared at Zheng Jing: "what are you doing? Look at me with this kind of eyes. You are very obscene. Do you know that! Not serious

Zheng Jing's nose was crooked by her anger. However, Zhao An'an was a woman and a good brother's woman. He could only swallow the evil gas, and his anger could only be repressed, making his face red.

And Mu Qing at the moment, the hand constantly to Zheng Jing's wound disinfection, bandage, but the heart is extremely tangled and suffering.

On the one hand, his woman actually tangled with Zheng Jing to such an extent that Zheng Jing's injuries were caused by close combat. Obviously, Zhao An'an must have been lying on Zheng Jing's body, beating and kicking, and the two people must be embracing and embracing. Moreover, Zhao An'an bit Zheng Jing with his teeth, and there were teeth marks on her ears, neck, arms and shoulders!

This kind of injury, seems to be more ambiguous! Deeply stimulated to his doctor's boyfriend!

How old is he to help Zheng Jing deal with this kind of wound! It was a cruel torture to him!

Does this woman have the consciousness of being a woman!

If she doesn't think of herself as a woman, how can she treat Zheng Jing as a man? Doesn't she think about the feelings of his boyfriend at all? , the fastest update of the webnovel!