Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 367

Muxin looked at them and laughed and said, "An'an, Shangguan, I still have something to do in the hospital. I really can't stay any longer today. I'd like to thank you two for saving me from the third brother. If you have time to play with me, I'll go first."

Zhao an knows her very well and knows that she looks warm and soft, but she is actually a workaholic. She stays in the hospital all the time, so she doesn't stay with her. She says with a smile: "OK, I know that you only care about the patients in your heart. It's her blessing to have a doctor like you. Let's go now!"

Shangguan Ning also nodded with her and said "goodbye" with a smile.

When Muxin left, Zhao an asked quietly, "what's the matter with my little nephew? Is there really only one? Are you sure it's not twins? "

Shangguan Ning chuckled: "I'm sure that you have only a little nephew, or a little niece. He is now well-developed and is becoming peanuts from small soybeans."

Zhao an didn't feel good when she was pregnant before. Now she sees shangguanning pregnant and protects her as a national treasure. She is always careless. She even holds shangguanning's arm carefully, as if she were afraid that she might fall down.

She was so lively and active that she became quiet and calm at the moment, which made shangguanning unable to adapt.

"Ann, I'm not so delicate. You don't have to be so careful. It's OK. Just treat me as an ordinary person."

Zhao An'an glared at her: "how can I do that? You are a first-class protected animal, but I'm not protecting you, it's my little nephew!"

Shangguan can't resist her, so she has to bow her waist carefully.

At last, she also heard her feeling: "Oh, no wonder my brother has to keep watch on you. Now even I want to keep watch of you. I think you are very important now. It's better to guard you for 24 hours, otherwise I always feel uneasy."

Shangguan Ning grinned and said in a low voice, "that's because you care about me, so you want to take care of me all the time. Your brother is more serious than you now."

"Well, look, I'll say my brother is a perfect man? When he said he was perfect, you still secretly laughed at me, hum, don't think I don't know, your tone is so deal with, I have to be so stupid to hear it! Now, you have to admit that my brother is a good man in the world

Shangguan Ning thought of the way Zhao an introduced Jing Yichen at that time, and she couldn't help laughing: "yes, yes, Miss Zhao. I was a frog in the well at the beginning. I didn't know you were a silly sister who worshipped her brother's brainwashed. She didn't know that there could be such a wonderful man as your brother in the world! You adults don't remember villains, forgive me

Zhao an suppressed a smile and snorted, "OK, I forgive you. Who let me sell you and earn 100000 yuan of pocket money?"


Shangguan Ning opened his eyes and put out his hand to pinch Zhao an's fleshy face: "Zhao An'an, you've finally told the truth. I said you were so enthusiastic and determined that you had to introduce me. You dare to sell me money! If you sell me for 100000 yuan, I'm worth so much money? Thanks to me, I still treat you as a good man. You have no conscience. I want to revenge and sell you! And it's only a dime. If it's more than one cent, I'll be in a hurry. "

Zhao an once carelessly said that she had let out a slip of the tongue. She was so sorry that she could not help but say: "ah ah, ah Ning, misunderstanding and misunderstanding. This is a misunderstanding! You are my best friend. How can I sell you? I won't sell you for how much money I give me

"All right, don't explain. Explanation is a cover up, covering up facts!" Shangguan Ning is still pinching her face. When she pinches Zhao An'an's face and walks to Zhu ruotong's ward, her face already has two bright red fingerprints.

"You're really pinching me Zhao an tried to rub his face and grinned in pain: "this is my real face. Thanks for not being a plastic face, I would have been crushed by you."

Shangguan Ning ignored her, knocked on the door directly, and then entered the ward.

Zhao An'an quickly followed her and walked in.

Zhu ruotong's face was a little pale and lying on the bed. His face was covered with gauze and his arm was obviously injured.

When she saw them coming in, she shrank back obviously.

It seems that Zhao An'an has left a profound influence on her and Psychological shadow, it is estimated that she will never be close to Zhao An'an in the future, because people like Zhao An'an who don't play according to the routine are really frightening.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhu ruotong's voice is a little hoarse, but even if she was injured and lying there, she still had a fierce momentum.

Shangguan Ning stood in front of her bed with a serious look and a sincere tone: "Miss Zhu, we are here to apologize to you. Ann, she is so used to it that you are hurt. It's her fault. I'll compensate you for her fault. I hope you don't take it seriously. We've paid all your medical expenses. There's a reason for this. You know it. "

Zhu ruotong is not appreciative. She said coldly: "Zhao an beat me like this, but it's against the law. I'm a criminal police officer. I can take her back to the bureau at any time! No matter what happened, I was beaten is an indisputable fact! It's over if you hit someone and apologize? Wait, call back as soon as I'm ready! "Shangguan Ning was smothered by her, and suddenly some did not know how to speak.

It's really Zhao an who is not really good at this. It's not shangguanning's good at saying some dogmatic words.

Zhao An'an immediately stepped forward, grabbed Zhu ruotong's neck and said: "OK, the criminal police are amazing, aren't they? I'll strangle you now. You have the ability to cuff me and take me to the bureau! You have the ability to hit me

When Shangguan Ning saw her so impulsive, her head suddenly became big.

She quickly stepped forward to pull Zhao An'an: "An'an, don't mess around, let go of it!"

Zhao an didn't want to let go, but for fear of hurting shangguanning, she had to let Zhu ruotong go for a while and sat down on a chair in the ward.

After that, she opened her mouth carelessly and directly: "OK, I'd better make it clear. Don't try to marry Zheng Jing. He has been reserved for a long time without your share."

Zhu ruotong was choked by Zhao An'an, and almost died of breath. "Cough, cough," the big breath, slowed for a long time before breathing smoothly.

However, hearing Zhao an's words, she was not willing to show weakness: "I will not marry him, who will marry him? Are you going to marry him? Or his frail sister? "

Zhao an suddenly raised his head and looked at her: "now that you know, go away!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!