Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 356

Mu Wensheng nodded: "it's only a month old. I don't know whether it's a great grandson or a great granddaughter. Anyway, it's right."

Jingtianyuan laughed, and the whole person turned red and looked better than when he was not ill.

"It must be a great grandson. Our Jing family has passed it on for five generations in a row. Ah Ning must be a kid!"

Jing Yichen but suddenly stood up, usually so indifferent and cold, at the moment the joy and excitement on his face is no less than Jingtian.

He didn't care that there were so many people in the room. He went over directly and took shangguanning into his arms. His voice trembled slightly and said, "ah Ning, we have children!"

Jingzhongxiu is sitting on the sofa, and his face is full of joy. This is a great joy! He had to look for some decent things to give to shangguanning as a gift.

Even Moran, who had been looking forward to her great grandson, looked very happy.

Shangguan Ning was hugged in public, his face turned red instantly, and whispered in Jingyi Chen's arms: "so fast, is it true?"

She means that last month, she was still tested with a pregnancy test stick. She was not pregnant, but this month she was pregnant. She was a bit unbelievable.

Has it been a month? Why doesn't she feel at all!

Mu asked Sheng's ear was working well, and she immediately heard her murmuring.

He said with a straight face: "Stinky girl, you dare to doubt the old man's medical skills. The old man can even make mistakes in this, and he's still a fart! You should not be pregnant for a month. At most, it will be more than 20 days. I can detect your pregnancy without palpitation. It's very arrogant. I even ask whether it's true or not! "

Shangguan Ning was embarrassed.

Where is she suspicious of wood ask birth, she is just a time to know that he is pregnant, can not believe this good news.

She has been looking forward to the baby for a long time!

Shangguan Ning is embarrassed, but Jing Yichen is very kind. He immediately pulls Shangguan Ning to Mu Wensheng, and with a clear smile on his face, he says: "Grandpa mu, please show a Ning to see if she and her children need to be cared for!"

Mu Wensheng just wants to stare again. He has already cut his pulse. As a doctor with such rich experience, where does he need to see it again! Shangguan Ning has no problem with his health. He still looks at his fart!

However, before he could speak, jingtianyuan and jingzhongxiu both gathered around. Father and son said, "laomu, my grandson is right. You can show my granddaughter-in-law again, how can you be accurate?"

"Mubo, you just gave ah Ning a try for a while. What can you find? You'd better show it once more! "

Mu Wensheng is really going to be angry with his grandparents and grandchildren. When did his generation of famous doctors receive this kind of doubt, he feels that he has been deeply hurt in the Jing family, and the shadow area in his heart can not be calculated at all!

However, in the end, he succumbed to the "erotic power" of the three generations of Jing family, gnashing his teeth and re examining shangguanning's pulse.

This time, he was more careful than the last time. After a while, he took back his hand as if he had been electrified and slapped himself on the thigh.

The people in the room don't know what happened, they all look at him nervously.

As a result, he said angrily: "ah, my elixir of life, this girl has drunk a lot of it?! I said why he has such a good constitution. I dare to say that he has drunk my medicinal wine

When they heard what he said, they were relieved.

Jing Tianyuan asked nervously, "is this girl OK after drinking? Will it have any bad effect on my great grandson? "

Mu Wensheng's beard has been cocked up because of his words. The medicinal wine has been robbed by Jing Zhongxiu. He can't sleep with heartache until now, and even his beard is painful! At the moment, Jing Tianyuan even suspected that medicinal liquor was not good for pregnant women. How could he bear it!

"You've got a bargain and you've sold yourself! Don't give it back to me in the future, or you will not give it back to me! "

Jingyichen immediately said: "grandfather mu, I spent a billion yuan on the two bottles of medicinal wine. They all went to your hospital. You have to go back!"

Wood asked students smell speech, pulled his left a few beard, the heart finally comfortable some.

Of course, Mu Qing told him about the billion yuan, but he was just too much in love with medicinal wine and forgot about it all at once.

He looked at jingtianyuan with hatred, and finally said, "my medicinal wine is a rare treasure. She drank it when she was pregnant, and her constitution is good enough to go to Mars. The boy in her belly has more benefits! Wait. After he was born, the boy must be a combination of iron man and King Kong gourd boy. When the time comes, he will be too bad to control. Don't depend on me

Jingtianyuan suddenly burst out laughing. He was in a good mood. He was looking forward to focusing on sun.

Shangguan Ning did not feel that his constitution had too many changes. At most, it was not easy to catch a cold.What's more, what's the combination of iron man and King Kong Cucurbita? Her son has become a monster!

She doesn't want it. She just needs a chubby son.

Iron man It's fantastic!

But Jing Tianyuan thought the metaphor was very good. He liked it very much and said with a laugh, "my great grandson must be the dragon in the man! Girl, you will follow Yichen to Mu's house every month. Let the old man give you a pulse. His hands are more powerful than the B-ultrasound in the hospital! "

, "you really dare to assert yourself. Now has the final say, it's going to kill me! I have become the coolie of your family

Although Mu Wensheng complained and reluctantly on his face, he did not refuse.

Shangguan Ning heard that he had agreed and immediately said with a smile, "thank you, Grandpa mu. When I go back, I will bring you more herbs."

As soon as Mu Wensheng heard the word "herbal medicine", his eyes immediately brightened, and he even said with a smile: "Oh, Lao Jing, your girl is really on the road, and her words are much better than yours!"

A room full of people talk and laugh. The original solemn and solemn atmosphere of the Jing family is suddenly replaced by joy and joy.

Because Jing Tianyuan is in a good mood, he even recovers faster.

He held wood to ask about life and death. He would not let him go. He had to stay in the king's house for more days.

"You can live in my house. When the time comes, my granddaughter-in-law can see what's wrong. Your home is too far away from the city, so it's inconvenient!"

"Lao Jing, I said that you were so kind as to keep me here, so that I would be imprisoned in your house as a B-ultrasound envoy!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!