Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 353

In the bedroom, there is a faint smell of blood. There are bloodstains all over the quilt, pillow and floor. Jing Zhongxiu and jingtianyuan are also bloodstained.

But jingtianyuan has woken up, although his face is still a little white, but it seems that after vomiting blood, the whole person has a lot of spirit.

Mu Wensheng is cleaning up his blood stained silver needle. He doesn't care whether jingtianyuan has just woken up from a critical coma, and he is picking up and swearing.

"In vain, I have spent so many years to recuperate you. This is just one thing, and you will collapse! If it wasn't for me, you would be in a coma. If you were a little later, the gods would not be able to rescue you! You are nearly 80 years old. You are not an 18-year-old. If you want to get angry, you should consider whether the anger will burn others or yourself first. "

"Don't call me if you dare to mess with yourself again next time. I'm here to see you straighten up! You're an old bone. If you toss it again, I'll stick all the silver needles into you. It doesn't work! I'm just a bad old man. Don't mess with me in the middle of the night next time. If I come here twice, I'll have to lie down in the coffin ahead of time. "

Mu Wensheng carefully put away his silver needle, and suddenly "bang bang bang" hit the bed. He angrily called to the old lady Moran: "what's the matter with you? My wife is not as noisy as you are. You have to toss Tianyuan to death before you are willing to do it!"

He had already known how jingtianyuan fainted on the helicopter. He wanted to scold Moran for a long time. Just as soon as he came in, jingtianyuan was in a dangerous situation. He was not in the mood to swear.

Now that jingtianyuan finally wakes up, he is in the mood to swear.

He was one year older than Jing Tianyuan and Mo LAN. He taught him a lesson without any pressure. In the room, he was the only one who could scold without any scruples.

"It's not a worry. If Tianyuan is dead, you can still have a flower by yourself?! I also want to let him accompany me to live to 150. Well, with you in, not to mention 150, it will be good to live through this year! "

"It doesn't matter if you mess with him when you are young. Anyway, his life is too hard to die. But now you don't look at the situation. It's still that bad temper. Tianyuan has let you spend your whole life spoiling you! I'm not supposed to be in charge of your family's affairs, but if I don't care, I'll be your full-time doctor if I have to pick me up by helicopter in the middle of the night. "

Mu Wensheng looks really angry. He has been scolding all the time. He is a special nagging person. He is not afraid of anything. Anyway, he is a miracle doctor. Others have to look up at his face, so he scolds him all the time when he is not happy.

"You give your own property to whom you love. You dare to move the old people of the Jing family. You've never seen a woman like you! Are those things active? Your mind is full of water. You are not afraid that the old bones of laojing's family will come out of the graveyard to settle accounts with you

Mu Wensheng is a person who values money more, because unlike the king family, the wood family is luxurious for generations and has a good family background. The wood family did not pay much attention to the practice of medicine in the early years, so it naturally did not earn much money. He can't stand other people's spending money at will. His own money is used to buy medicine. Now his family is Mu's hospital.

As soon as I heard that Moran stole a quarter of the Jing family's property to jingyiran, he really had the heart to beat people. If anyone dares to squander the assets of Mu's Hospital, he must fight with others.

Mu Wensheng knows jingtianyuan very well. He knows that Jingtian is not about money. He is about something left by his ancestors.

"I don't know how many times you die, I can produce poison gas! Indeed, I must live a few years less

He's still talking about it, and none of them said anything. Jingtianyuan is just a little weak lying there, listening to his swearing, and there is no special expression on his face.

Because he felt that he and Moran should be scolded.

However, perhaps Moran was also stimulated too much. When she heard Mu Wensheng scolding her for being so good regardless of her feelings, she quickly fell to the ground.



Jing Zhongxiu and shangguanning shout out at the same time, and then both quickly come to her side and help her up.

"Well, another one is dizzy. If you come to see a doctor with me, you don't charge for it. You've got free labor. You can be dizzy, right?"

Although Mu Wensheng complained, he reached out to explore Moran's pulse. After a few seconds, he released his hand: "this dead old woman is OK. Just lie down for a day and drink water. You don't need to take any medicine!"

He said, and sat down on the bed, also do not mind jingtianyuan spit out blood standing on his clothes, rolling his white eyes, said: "look at other people, fainting is like playing, you look at you, fainting is fatal! You've lived a lifetime in vain

Jing Tianyuan watched Jing Zhongxiu take Moran out, knowing that he was sending her to another bedroom for a rest. He said hoarsely, "OK, please don't yell. It makes me headache. This is an accident. I don't think it's so easy to die with you"Don't be afraid to crush me with such a big hat!" Mu Wensheng didn't buy it at all. He blew his beard and glared: "you'd better live well. If you have an accident, I'll have to go with me for half a life. I want to live a few more years."

Two people are saying, Jing Zhongxiu finished sending Moran, and came back.

Jingtianyuan said faintly: "Zhongxiu, let the servant take good care of your mother. She is also old, and her health is easy to go wrong."

Jing Zhongxiu nodded: "don't worry. The two doctors at home have already checked her body. It's OK."

"What can she do! She hasn't bothered at all these years. She lives like a fairy. Her body is better than you. She can't die if you die

Although Mu Wensheng's words are a little ugly, it is obvious that Moran is really nothing.

Jingtianyuan is sure that Moran is OK, and just slightly relaxed. Although he was angry that Moran had given the Jing family's assets to Jingyi and let him squander it, he didn't let her have an accident because of this.

Although Moran often makes mistakes, it is not easy for them to get to the present together.

Night has been very deep, jingtianyuan mouth although not say, in fact, the heart of the old friend incomparable gratitude.

He said in a hoarse voice, "you can stay with me tonight. Don't go back and forth, or I'll have to pick you up when I'm not feeling well."

"Well, I'm sure I'll live here. Tomorrow I'll give you another needle and some blood. I don't want to sit in your helicopter any more. It makes me look like the leader of the state. I'm so awkward!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!