Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 349

After so many years, Moran's things have been sent almost.

But jingyichen's birthday, she rarely send things.

For one thing, even if she gave it away, jingyichen would just sneer and throw it away. Secondly, since Zhao Qing passed away, jingyichen is no longer a birthday.

Mo LAN knew that he might not want any other things she gave jingyichen, but he would definitely ask for the equity, because it represents the inheritance right of the Jing family, not just money.

So she would like to give all 10% of the equity to jingyichen. After all, this is the only thing he will accept.

But now her favorite grandson wants it.

Only so many shares, to whom?

Moran was a little embarrassed.

Seeing the hesitation in her eyes, Jing Yiran held her old hand and said, "grandma, I want these shares just to protect myself. He's not alone. I don't have any more... "

His voice faded.

Zhang Rong's death, his heart is really sad, even if she has a million kinds of bad, that is his mother, how can let others kill her! Especially the one who killed her is jingyichen!

"I just feel that my brother is getting stronger and stronger now, but my strength is getting weaker and weaker. I was afraid of being beaten by him since childhood, and I always feel that he will not let me go easily. So I want to protect myself with something more, so that he can't touch me easily. Isn't it, grandma

Moran looked at the very beautiful grandson in front of him, and saw the uneasiness and panic in his eyes, and his heart suddenly softened.

Jing Yiran is not wrong.

He didn't know how many times he had been beaten by jingyichen since he was a child. Even now, he said that he would fight, regardless of his face.

Jing Yiran is such a big man, and he is not a child. How can he say that he can do it on his own? Several times, he almost died!

After that, jingyichen will definitely hit him again. When she is an old woman, who can protect jingyiran again?

The old man and his son only recognize jingyichen, they are biased jingyichen.

Jing Yiran saw Moran's pity for him, and was pleased in her heart. She continued to tell her inhuman treatment and said how cruel jingyichen was.

Of course, in fact, he did not exaggerate. Jingyichen was really cruel enough to him.

Moran was gradually moved by him, she felt that perhaps leaving all the equity to jingyiran for self-defense is the most correct.

However, at this time, she was a little confused, and she felt sorry for jingyiran. She couldn't make a decision at all.

"Ah ran, you go back today and let Grandma think about it. When you think about it, grandma will come to you. The equity of Jingsheng is very important. It's not just a matter of money. "

Jing Yiran's fingers tightly clasped, but still toward Moran showed a smile: "OK, grandma, I wait for your decision."

He said, no longer entangled, strode out.

But the next day, he came again.

Today, he didn't mention the equity. He just accompanied Moran to feed the parrot, ate with her, and then went out with her to play cards with her old friends.

Three days later, Moran called Jing Yiran to his side and handed him a share transfer agreement.

"Ah ran, you've been working hard these days. You've been with me a boring old lady all day. OK, the nurse has decided to give all the shares to you, not to your brother. "

Jing Yiran's heart burst into ecstasy!

He could not hide the smile on his face. He hugged Moran and laughed: "grandma, thank you! You are the most beautiful woman in the world. I love you most

Moran laughed, too.

She patted her grandson on the back and said with a smile, "you boy, you will make me happy. I'm 70 years old. I can't look good anymore!"

She had a smile on her face, but she always felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She didn't know if the decision she made would cause any problems.

Jing Yiran accompanied her for a while, and then took the equity transfer agreement representing hundreds of billions of yuan and left.

However, the matter that he took the equity from Moran could not be completely hidden.

The first servant who knew about it quietly told the housekeeper.

The housekeeper just hesitated for a moment, then went into the study, called and told Jing Zhongxiu about it.

The study built in the scene is specially treated, which is the safest and won't be heard by others.

In this family, except jingtianyuan and jingyichen, only the housekeeper is allowed to go in and out freely. Although he is the housekeeper of Jing family, he has always been loyal to jingzhongxiu.

Jingzhongxiu is in England. Because jingyichen's wedding is next month, he has gone to England to check the wedding preparations.

After hearing the housekeeper's words, he was silent for a long time, and then he said, "tell the old man and the young master about this matter."Jing Sheng's equity should not be given to Jing Yiran.

He is not the successor of the Jing family and has no right to be in charge of Jingsheng.

So, what did he do to grab the shares?

There is only one possibility. He wants to control Jingsheng.

When the housekeeper heard Jing Zhongxiu's order, he should be right away. When he hung up, he immediately called Jing Tianyuan and Jing Yichen, and told them about the equity.

Jingyichen did not have any reaction, just said "I know" and hung up.

However, Jing Tian Yuan was very angry. Others were still there, and they had already patted the table on the spot.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Wensheng immediately laughed at him: "it turns out that your grandson is not a worry free material. A few days ago, I still laughed at me. Fengshui turns around, and I can laugh at you heartily! You see, what do you educate? You can't help but fight each other for the sake of family business! Look at my son and grandson. There is no one to rob, but they are all humble to each other. What a harmonious family atmosphere

Jingtian has long been used to being damaged by wood question. At the moment, he doesn't put it in his heart. He just scolds with hatred.

"The old woman, the older she is, the more confused she will be!"

"I know how to hurt that son of a bitch. I don't want to see what he has done recently! Yi Chen is trying his best to clean up the mess for him, he is good, stabbing at the back all day long! If it wasn't for him, how could Yichen be tied up! "

"I really want to kick him out of Jing's house! Even if they don't look like the king's family, they don't even have the temperament. Like his mother, they always know how to engage in some evil ways, and they can't get on the stage! "

Of course, Mu Wensheng is clear about the pile of bad debts of the Jing family. For this matter, Jingtian has no idea how many times he has been angry.

For a period of time, even the king's family did not come back, and he has been living here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!