Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1623

After explaining some important matters, he held Zuojia's hand and showed a loving smile: "Jiajia, my grandfather is not afraid of death. When my grandfather was young, he almost died several times, but he was not afraid. Grandfather just can't rest assured of you, you are 26, have not married, grandfather went underground, can't tell your grandmother. When your mother was your age, you were born for several years

His voice was very light and light. It seemed that he would disappear at any time. It seemed that he would disappear from the world at any time.

Zuo Jia sobbed: "grandfather, I'm married, I'll get married right away! You wait. Don't go away. Can you watch me get married

Xi Guohua's dim eyes suddenly brightened, but then went on: "jiajiajia, don't mess around, your life-long happiness can't be careless. In the future, remember that you can't just look at people's appearance. If you haven't married before you are 30 years old, remember to try to get along with Rong ting. He is the best child that my grandfather has ever seen. You can forget what Lou Ziling is. He is not suitable for you. You must listen to my grandfather's words and remember! "

Zuo Jia didn't miss the glimmer of light in her grandfather's eyes. She made up her mind in an instant: "grandfather, I like Fu Rongting very much, you wait, we get married! You are not allowed to sleep. I'll go to Fu Rongting and we will have a wedding. You must attend! "

Xi Guohua was shocked: "Jiajia, you Don't mess around. That's not what my grandfather meant

Zuo Jia hugs Xi Guohua, who has become thin because of illness. Then she wipes her tears and runs out of the hospital with her bag.

Not long after Zuo Jia left, Xi Guohua fell into a coma again, but this time it was different from before. Maybe he couldn't rest assured that his granddaughter would wake up every few hours. When he woke up, he would ask, "is Jiajia back? Is Rong Ting here? "

Zuo Jia has always kept in touch with her mother, and she was encouraged by the news.

She flew to K city by plane all night. When she arrived at the camp where Fu Rongting was stationed, it was already light.

The soldier who guarded the intersection of the road was still the soldier whom Zuo Jia had seen last time.

When the soldiers saw her, they saluted immediately: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Zuo Jia looked at him and thought, he really called right.

"I'm looking for Fu Rongting. Please call him for me."

The soldier saw that her eyes were red and swollen. She cried and did not dare to delay. He immediately called Fu Rongting with his walkie talkie.

Zuo Jia didn't wait too long, Fu Rongting in military uniform appeared beside him.

The soldiers, afraid of disturbing them, retreated a lot.

Zuo Jia looked up at Fu Rongting, and his voice was a little light: "I have something to ask you to do for me."

"I will help you with your help. Get in the car!"

Zuo Jia was pulled into the car by him. Seeing him leave the camp quickly and drive to the city, she couldn't help asking him, "where are you going to take me? I can't go anywhere now. I have to go home quickly! "

Fu Rong Ting's eyes were fixed on the road in front of him. He said faintly, "we're going to the Civil Affairs Bureau now, get a certificate, get married, go?"

Left Jia a Leng: "you all know?"


"I know I'm a little selfish." Zuo Jia lowered her head and her voice dropped, "but this is the only hope to save my grandfather. He only likes you to be his grandson and son-in-law."

Fu Rongting nodded: "well, I know. Now, do you want to go home or go with me to the Civil Affairs Bureau? "

"I don't have my account book. Can I get my card?"

"With me, you can get the certificate as long as you take yourself with you."

Zuo Jia immediately nodded: "OK, go!"

More than two hours later, Fu Rongting and Zuo Jia came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau with a small red book.

Zuo Jia is in a trance. Is she getting married? How does it feel like a dream?

She and Fu Rong Ting have no husband and wife's feeling at all, unfamiliar fierce.

"Do you want me to accompany you home?"

Fu Rong Ting's voice was flat and could not hear any emotion. However, Zuo Jia felt that he might not be happy.

With his conditions, you can find a girl who loves him deeply, and live a lifetime of love.

Instead of being forced to marry by her, as she is now.

"Will accompanying me back delay your mission?"

"It's a coincidence that you came here. The task was just finished last night, and all the criminals were arrested. Today, I just need to be escorted to prison. I'm not in charge of the rest. "

Originally, the escort should also be led by Fu Rongting. This is a good time to receive credit.

But in Fu Rong Ting's eyes, how much credit is not as important as Zuo Jia, so today's credit, he even do not want.

Zuo Jia can see the fatigue on Fu Rongting's face. His military uniform is even stained with grass and mud, and his trousers have dried up and turned into black blood.

"I'm going to buy the right clothes and take a bath. I can't see your grandfather in this way."

Fu Rongting is very efficient. He went to the nearby shopping malls and hotels, bought clothes, took a bath, cleaned himself up and got on the plane with Zuo Jia.He didn't eat all night, drank three bottles of mineral water on the plane, and his thirst disappeared.

Zuo Jia is sorry and uneasy. She apologizes to him in a low voice: "I'm sorry..."

Fu Rong Ting didn't care: "it doesn't matter. When I carry out the task, I often don't eat or drink water for a long time. I'm used to it."

Listening to him say so, Zuo Jia was more distressed. She asked for food for Fu Rongting. She watched him eat quietly. She remembered that she did not eat anything.

But she was worried about her grandfather's condition. She couldn't eat anything. She only drank a cup of milk.

They went back to the hospital without stopping, and Xi Guohua was still in a coma.

When he woke up again, Zuo Jia and Fu Rongting called out to him in one voice: "grandfather!"

Zuo Jia looked at Fu Rong ting in surprise. Fu Rongting's handsome face was smiling, as if he was very happy to marry Zuo Jia. He said to Xi Guohua with a smile: "grandfather, I'm married with Jiajia!"

Xi Guohua's eyes widened: "really?"

Fu Rongting gently touched Zuo Jia, took out the marriage certificate and put it in front of Xi Guohua to show him.

Zuo Jia regained consciousness and quickly took out her copy: "grandfather, it's true. We have got the certificate, but we still need to have a wedding. Can you help me? I don't trust anyone else! "

Xi Guohua was not the only one who was shocked by them. Zuo Jia's parents and Fu Rongting's parents were also shocked!

Are these two too efficient?

This marriage certificate is not fake, is it?

Fu Rongting hugged Zuo Jia's waist in front of all the people and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. Then, ignoring Zuo Jia's shyness, he held her hand and formally asked Xi Guohua for advice: "grandfather, do you think it's better to set the wedding date? Where is the location? How about a few days with my grandfather

Xi Guohua suddenly came to the spirit, even his face seems to be ruddy: "good, good! Lao Fu, come on, let's sum up! Zuo Yan, what about your father? Call him, too. His granddaughter is going to have a wedding , the fastest update of the webnovel!