Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1609

Jingxi is still hesitating. The next day, she and Tan Ruyi go to Luo's house again. Luo Feiyang's parents are still very warm to them, but they don't let Luo Feiyang show up at all. Their words are very clear and will not agree with Luo Feiyang and Tan Ruyi's marriage.

Returning to the hotel in the evening, Tan Ruyi hides in her room crying, and Jingxi is also worrying in her room.

Things are very difficult. Luo Feiyang's parents are very clever. They say that they treat Tan Ruyi as a daughter. She is Lou Ruofei's cousin, Luo feiran's cousin, and Luo Feiyang's cousin. Where can a cousin get married?

Jingxi looked at the mobile phone upstairs, one by one SMS, suddenly realized that she was only concerned about other people's affairs, and did not remember that she had been separated from Lou Ziling for several days.

It's going to be half a month, isn't it? Or a month?

In the few days when she just left, she still felt nothing, even felt very free and interesting. Lou Ziling nervously called her every day, which made her feel very fresh.

But Zuo Jia's appearance made her have a sense of crisis.

She has learned the whole story from the short messages of Lou Ziling, and knew that they were classmates and classmates.

To be fair, Jingxi doesn't think Zuo Jia is a bad person, but it is because she is a good girl that the more likely Lou Ziling is to be moved, the more serious her sense of crisis will be.

If Zuo Jia is Li Zhi or Wu Wei, Jing Xi will not worry.

Lou Ziling has experienced a lot of worldly sophistication. He can see the quality of a girl at a glance.

Jingxi wants to pack things back home, but Tan Ruyi's things have not been solved, and she can't go.

She promised Tan Ruyi that she would help her with Luo Feiyang's parents.

There is a knock outside the door. Jingxi thinks it is Tan Ruyi. But when she opens the door, the person standing outside is the dusty Lou Ziling.

Lou Ziling walked into Jingxi's room, closed the door and looked down at Jingxi: "I'm not coming. Are you going to never go home? Or do you never go back if you don't solve your problems? "

Maybe I haven't had a good rest for several days, and I don't have time to clean myself up. Lou Ziling's face is full of fatigue. He has a short stubble on his chin. He hasn't shaved for at least two days.

Before, Jingxi always hated that his beard would prick her face, and Lou Ziling would clean herself up. It never happened that she didn't shave for two or three days.

"Hee, I don't want you to come home with me. I just want to tell you two things. First, Zuo Jia and I have nothing. I don't like her. Second, Ruyi's mother doesn't agree with her marrying to Luo's family, neither do I

Lou Zi Ling hugged Jing Xi for a while, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "I'm leaving. I'm waiting for you to go home."

He said to go, he really opened the door and left without even looking back.

He flew over the mountains and seas for more than ten hours to come to the United States just to say a few words.

Lou Ziling called a taxi and went straight to the airport. He called Tan Ruyi: "you and Luo Feiyang, your mother doesn't support it. You call her back. She says you don't answer your phone. If you don't answer your mother's phone, I'll kill Luo Feiyang!"

Tan Ruyi had been crying. Hearing Lou Ziling's angry and murderous words, she was scared to tears more quickly.

She wanted to explain to Lou Ziling, but she didn't say a word for a long time.

Lou Ziling didn't have time to listen to her cry, so she hung up the phone and boarded the plane.


Zuo Jia hasn't seen Lou Ziling for two days. She asked Lou Ziling's assistant and got only one reply: "the president is on a business trip.".

She checked with her airline friend and knew that Lou Ziling had gone to the United States.

His flight time showed that he only stayed in the United States for a few minutes.

It can't be a business trip.

Come and go in such a hurry, are you going to meet people?

Can let Lou Zi Ling fly to see for more than ten hours, Zuo Jia thinks that only Jing Xi should be alone.

It's just that she doesn't understand why she only stayed for such a short time.

There is no Lou Ziling in the company, but Zuo Jia still works hard.

She found that the company is quite weak in terms of outreach, some people seem to recognize Li Zhi, not Li Xiao.

This is very normal, Li Xiao is suddenly out of the people, some people suspect his identity is very normal.

Zuo Jia combed all these messy relationships one by one. She grew up in a political family and was very familiar with dealing with interpersonal relationships.

Others may not know her name, but a mention of Zuo Yan, w City no one does not know.

Her grandfather Zuo Tang is more famous and has great prestige.

Those who originally wanted to be difficult for Lou Ziling all gave Zuo Jia face, admitted Lou Ziling's identity, and cooperated in handing over the control of the Li family's assets.

Lou Ziling arrived at the airport of w City late at night and didn't want to go back to the manor. He didn't call home where there was no Jingxi. He went directly to the company.

It's very late. The employees in the company have already left work. The whole floor is empty. The corridor reverberates with the footsteps of louziling.On his way back to his office, he must pass through Zuojia's office. Seeing the light inside, he thought she had forgotten to turn it off.

He went in to turn off the lights, but saw Zuo Jia lying on a pile of thick materials fell asleep.

Lou Ziling stares at her soft face under the light. She doesn't understand where she attracts Zuo Jia. She even works so hard.

He's not here today. She can be lazy.

Others had already gone home, but she, a mayor's daughter, worked late into the night and fell asleep sleepily on the table.

If left mayor knew, it would be heartache to death.

"Zuo Jia!"

Lou Ziling called her in a low voice: "get up and go home to sleep."

He patted Zuo Jia on the shoulder. She woke up in a daze and looked up at Lou Ziling. She thought she was dreaming.

She has been dreaming about Lou Ziling every night recently. Now she can't tell the dream from the reality.

She reached out to touch Lou Ziling's face and murmured in a low voice: "eh, I didn't hide. It seems to be a dream."

Only when she touched Lou Ziling in her dream, he would not hide. In reality, he always kept a distance from her, even the corner of her clothes would not let her touch. What's more, Lou Ziling doesn't wear a mask at the moment. What he shows is his original appearance. He never wears a mask in the company.

Lou Ziling looked at her confused appearance and sighed in her heart.

He didn't want to hide, but he didn't expect Zuo Jia to touch his face.

These days, he has found that Zuo Jia loves to be clean and has a slight habit of cleanliness. He thinks his beard is ragged and his face is dusty. Zuo Jia won't touch it.

"Don't work so late in the future. Let's go. I'll take you home."

Lou Ziling finished and turned to go out.

Until Lou Ziling walked out of the office, Zuo Jia just woke up like a dream.

She patted her face hard, some incredible: "not a dream?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!