Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1607

Luo Feiyang couldn't get in touch with them, so he had to call Lou Ziling.

When the phone was connected, there came a soft voice like water: "Hello, Hello!"

Luo Feiyang was stunned. He took his mobile phone and looked at the phone number.

Yes, it's Lou Ziling's mobile phone number!

Luo Feiyang full of doubts asked: "this is not Lou Ziling's mobile phone?"

Left Jia on the other end of the phone said, "yes, it's his. He left his cell phone here. Do you have anything to do with him?"

Luo Feiyang also did not care to look for Lou Zi Ling. He wrung his eyebrows and asked, "who are you? How can you take Lou Ziling's mobile phone? "

"My surname is Zuo. I'm just a friend of Lou Ziling. Are you his friend, too?"

Luo Feiyang snorted coldly: "I am not his friend, I am his fiancee's friend! I warn you, Lou Ziling is engaged. You should stay away from him, or I will be rude! "

He doesn't care about the relationship between the person on the other end of the phone and Lou Ziling. Anyway, he will threaten him first!

His arrogant and domineering nature has not been exposed for a long time. Now he is quite impolite to shout.

But Zuo Jia is not tan Ruyi. Although her voice is gentle, she grew up in a rich family and is not a girl to be bullied.

Luo Feiyang's attitude makes Zuo Jia a little angry. She wanted to clarify the relationship between her and Lou Ziling, but now she doesn't want to explain.

"Sir, does engagement have any legal effect? Even if they get married, there are countless divorces. If they are engaged, can they ignore their fiance? I've been with Ziling for several days, but I haven't seen his fiancee! "

Zuo Jia's voice is still gentle, but her tone is not so polite.

She is the daughter of the mayor, her grandfather is the Minister of foreign affairs, and her grandfather is a general of the army, commanding thousands of troops. In such a prominent family, few people dare to bully her.

The only one who can bully her is Lou Ziling.

But Lou Ziling was very polite when he talked to her. He didn't even pierce the window paper to avoid embarrassing her.

"If your friend Miss Jing doesn't cherish Lou Ziling, what's wrong with me to love him? I won't be far away from Lou Ziling. I'll always be by his side. If your friend doesn't want him, please remember to tell me that I am willing to marry him and accompany him all my life! "

Luo Feiyang was angry enough, he also wanted to scold two words, but the mobile phone has already sent a busy tone, the other party actually hung up the phone first!

He was so angry that he almost dropped his mobile phone, but when he calmed down, he suddenly realized that what he said was Lou Ziling, not Li Xiao!

She mentioned Jingxi. She knew that the person engaged to Lou Ziling was Jingxi!

That is to say, she knew Lou Ziling's dual identity!

Luo Feiyang looks dignified gradually. To know that louziling and Jingxi are hiding from everyone, those who know Lou Ziling's identity are very close relatives.

Is this woman close to Lou Ziling?

Luo Feiyang is anxious to call Jingxi, but Jingxi's mobile phone has been turned off. Tan Ruyi's is also off. He can't find anyone he wants.

Lou Ziling found his mobile phone lost, is in Luo Feiyang and left Jia talk half an hour later.

He drove back to Zuojia's home to get his mobile phone. Zuo Jia seemed to know that he would come back, and had already been waiting for him at the door.

He was taken care of by Zuo Jia today, so he met mayor Zuo Yan in Zuojia's home.

At the same time, he also saw Zuo Yan's love and doting on Zuo Jia. Zuo Yan even said frankly: as long as his daughter is happy, let him do anything.

Zuo Jia lives alone in a house, located in a beautiful suburban resort.

In order to show his integrity, Zuo Yan took his wife to live in an ordinary residential area, but he was not willing to let his daughter suffer. He bought a villa for her and sent servants and bodyguards to take care of her daily life.

She cooks well every day. In fact, she doesn't need to take care of herself.

She called Lou Ziling to meet Zuo Yan, and the dinner was all made by her own hands.

Zuo Jia, wearing slippers and standing at the door of the villa, saw Lou Ziling driving over and handed him his mobile phone: "Ziling, I want to apologize to you first."

Lou Ziling took the mobile phone and asked lightly, "what's the matter?"

"I'm not supposed to answer your personal calls."

Zuo Jia's voice was very light, "you didn't save the other party's number. I thought it was your work partner's call, so I took it. I didn't expect that he would be your fiancee's friend."

Lou Zi Ling frowns slightly, Ji Mo Xuan? Or Luo Feiyang?

He turned on his mobile phone and took a look at the call record Luo Feiyang.

I'm afraid things are a little bad. Luo Feiyang likes to make up a lot of stories about him and Zuo Jia in an instant. Will Jingxi misunderstand him?

In front of Zuo Jia's face, he dialed Jingxi's phone, but he still couldn't get through.

"Miss Zuo, please don't answer my phone in the future."

At the moment, Zuo Jia also has some regrets. She is too impulsive and says something she shouldn't have said. She doesn't know if Lou Ziling will be implicated."What I may say is not very nice. Your fiancee's friend is very aggressive. I can't help but quarrel with him."

Lou Ziling knew that it was no ordinary quarrel between Zuo Jia and Luo Feiyang, but it was no longer meaningful for him to care about them.

He didn't stay in Zuojia for a long time, and soon returned to the manor.

The manor was cold and quiet. Lou Ziling walked alone in the lonely pines and cypresses, and felt that Jingxi was beside him.

She was so cruel that she just threw him away.

He is not used to her around him, she appears every day, he has been used to her around him, she ran out of mischief.

He thought for a while and sent a text message to Jingxi, hoping that she could see the message when she got off the plane and call him back.

But until the next day, Lou Ziling did not receive a call from Jing Xi. He called, either shut down or busy.

He couldn't help laughing bitterly. Now, Jingxi must be angry and didn't answer his phone.

Lou Zi Ling Cao's breakfast, a little absent-minded went to the company.

Zuo Jia arrived earlier than he did. She was wearing a lake green dress and followed Lou Ziling into his office.

She put a thick pile of information on Lou Ziling's desk and whispered, "this is all the projects that your company has applied for in the government in the past two years. I've got all the approval done for you, and you can start the construction of these projects."

She looked calm, as if to say a trivial matter.

Lou Ziling slowly walked to her side, solemn tone: "thank you very much."

These projects were originally under the control of Li Zhi. Her influence in the government was deeply rooted. Many people did not believe that she was dead. They were still loyal to her and refused to cooperate with Lou Ziling.

What Zuo Jia has done is equivalent to clearing away countless obstacles for him, and his prestige will be enhanced unprecedentedly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!