Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1602

"This is modern, not ancient!"

Jingxi doesn't believe that Lou Ziling will like her cousin, and Tan Ruyi can never like Lou Ziling. She is scared to death when she sees Lou Ziling.

However, she had a disagreement with Lou Ziling on this matter, and she felt that she should not force Lou Ziling to promote the marriage between Luo Feiyang and Tan Ruyi.

"Well, I helped me. You can't support it, but you can't object to it."

Lou Ziling is helpless. He is really against Tan Ruyi's marriage to the Luo family!

What's good about Luo's family? His sister and sister are going to marry in the past. Luo Feiyang had pursued Jingxi before and had countless girlfriends. Tan Ruyi didn't mind. Is it because "men are not bad, women don't love"?

Luo Fei plundered countless women. He had enough fun and married a virtuous lady.

Lou Ziling had been very concerned about this before. He felt that his sister had lost money, so even if he had a nominal girlfriend, he had never touched them.

"OK, I have no objection. You can do whatever you want. Ruyi is not a child any more. If she wants to marry to Luo's family, I will be her support."

Hearing that Lou Ziling is willing to escort Tan Ruyi, Jingxi just smiles.

"All right, you go home first. I'll stay in a city for a few more days. When Ruyi's business is finished, I'll go back!"

Jingxi is in a better mood and kisses Lou Ziling, and then drives him away.

"I'll accompany you back to your house tomorrow and meet your parents before I go."

If Jingxi wants to stay in a city, Lou Ziling is not at ease. He has to hand her over to Jing's house and let jingyichen protect her. Then he can go back at ease.

Jingxi think should also let Lou Ziling go to her home, or come to a city, they will not see them, a bit unreasonable.

The next morning, louziling took Jingxi to Jingjia.

Different from the previous visit, jingyichen is now more moderate towards him.

Shangguanning, to say nothing of it, was almost as if he were his own son.

Lou Ziling is relaxed. The treatment he gets at Jingxi's house is the same as that of Jingxi. The strangeness gradually disappears and looks like a family.

After lunch, Lou Ziling went back to w City. He couldn't have been playing with Jingxi in a city. Many things were waiting for him to deal with.

His foundation is still too shallow. He needs to have in-depth contact with various government departments to fight for more rights.

The mayor of W city is a newly appointed middle-aged man in his 40s, whose name is Zuo Yan. He is a well-known family. He has been honest and strict with himself since he became a political official. He has almost no weaknesses and no black spots.

Lou Ziling two years ago with the help of Li Zhi's power to take a large area, to now have not been approved.

The money has been paid, but the government forbids it to be used for commercial purposes.

The land has been abandoned, all kinds of building materials are piled everywhere, and the losses are tens of thousands every day.

There are many other situations like this.

For example, his company's tax review is particularly harsh, and the documents submitted are often called back for revision.

Every day there are big and small things, all pressure on a person's shoulder.

Meeting with the mayor has become an urgent matter for Lou Ziling.

But Zuo Yanxin took office three fires, in the most sensitive period, no one would like to see.

But Zuo Yan didn't see Lou Ziling, and his daughter Zuo Jia did it for him.

Dressed in a proper white suit and skirt, she received Lou Ziling in Zuoyan's special reception room.

Lou Ziling saw Zuo Jia and was stunned slightly.

Her whole temperament is very similar to his sister Lou Ruofei!

Elegant and graceful, she is a girl trained by a great family.

The only difference is that Zuo Jia is much more beautiful than Lou Ruofei.

She only wore a plain white suit, but gave people a beautiful feeling of spring.

"Is Mr. Li? I'm very sorry. My father went to the provincial meeting. He said that I must receive you well today. The company of Li family has made great contributions to the economic development of our whole city. The government will certainly provide more preferential policies to Mr. Li. "

As soon as she opened her mouth, she said all the official polite words that Lou Ziling had heard countless times. However, her voice was soft and soft, which made people unable to get angry at all.

Lou Ziling is a little cautious.

He didn't know whether Zuo Jia pretended to be so gentle and beautiful, or whether she was really natural.

If it is, but he can not see a trace of camouflage, which can only prove that her father is a more powerful role than her.

If not, Lou Ziling doesn't understand Zuo Yan's intention to let his daughter receive him.

The worst thing is to find a vice mayor to receive him. What's the matter with his daughter?

Lou Ziling was sitting in a wheelchair with a mask on her face as before. She said faintly, "thank you very much."Zuo Jiachao showed a shallow smile and personally made tea for him. Then she brought it to him: "you are just like the rumor."


"What's in my rumor?"

"Iceberg beauty!"

Zuojia's smile widens, and two shallow pear eddies appear on her cheek, which adds three points of sweetness to her already excellent appearance.

Lou Zi Ling is still indifferent: "I do not live up to my name."

People all over the city know about his disfigurement. He is in a wheelchair, and his legs are not good, and he has nothing to do with a beautiful man.

"That's what everyone says. I just came here a short time ago, and I heard all the rumors about you. You are the most famous celebrity in w City."

Zuo Jia's eyes are clear, and her curiosity is not concealed.

Lou Ziling's heart suddenly filled with a strange idea, Zuo Yan should not be to satisfy her daughter's curiosity, so let Zuo Jia receive him?

So he dotes on this daughter?

If so, maybe he can find a breakthrough from Zuo Jia.

He has met countless people who are curious about him. Zuo Jia seems to have restrained himself.

When Jingxi first saw his appearance, they all took off his mask.

"Mr. Li, I majored in plastic surgery. If you don't mind, I may be able to help you look at your face."

Lou Ziling raised her head and met Zuo Jia's hopeful eyes.

He seldom meets people like Zuo Jia who play cards out of common sense. Does Zuo Yan know that his daughter wants to take him as a mouse?

"No, thank you very much."

Of course, he couldn't let Zuo Jia look at his face closely. "I thought Miss Zuo was a government worker, so she would receive me instead of the mayor. Today I come to talk about business. I will naturally go to see a doctor when I see a doctor."

Lou Ziling's tone is not too cold, but it is definitely not gentle.

Zuo Jia said softly, "don't get me wrong, Mr. Li. I do work here. My father doesn't cheat on others for personal gain. Plastic surgery is just a hobby of mine. I just can't bear to be disfigured. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!