Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 155

Shangguanning returned to the company, and Lu Qin soon knew what she had done.

He patted her on the shoulder like an elder. A smile appeared on her serious face, and he said with some relief: "well done. You are the assistant of the president. Going out is the president's face. You should be strong at any time. No matter whether it is right or wrong, you should remember that you are always right!"

Shangguanning is not afraid of jingyichen. She knows what she does. Jingyichen will support her. Even if she wants to demolish the whole group building, he won't frown.

She is afraid of the rigorous Lu Qin!

He has a clear distinction between public and private affairs, and he never practices favoritism because of his position. Therefore, she is very worried that he knows about today's affairs, and he will reprimand himself for not separating public from private.

But I didn't expect that he was such a supportive attitude!

Lu Qin saw her face full of surprise, and he couldn't help but smile and said, "why, think I will criticize you for using your power for personal gain? If you embezzle the money from the film investment, I'm sure I will not hesitate to accuse and complain. But you are imposing authority on the outside world, and your decision is very correct. Mr. Zheng did not know how to use a new pregnant woman. If it wasn't for you, our group would probably suffer hundreds of millions of losses. "

"Externally, you can be more domineering than anyone else. If anything happens, Jingsheng will support you. At that time, you can even scold the director Zheng! In this way, when he cooperates with us, he will be more attentive and dare not fool us again! You should learn this from the president. He is a bully and unreasonable master. I have been in this position for more than 20 years, and I haven't seen anyone more horizontal than him. "

Shangguan Ning has some doubts. Is jingyichen such a person? But in front of him, he never said that Lu Qin was overbearing and unreasonable!

Oh, no, once, and only time, he took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate regardless of her wishes and her fever and dizziness!

Shangguan showed a smile, a little happy, Lu Qin said these words to her, she whispered: "thank you for supporting me, I will learn more from you in the future!"

Lu Qin saw that she understood his words, nodded, turned and went to deal with affairs.

Jingyichen there, the first time to know shangguanning's "revenge.".

A Hu some worried asked him: "young master, if Shangguan rouxue lost her job, Xie family will not let her marry in the past?"

Jingyichen said faintly: "it's OK. She should have lost her job. If it wasn't for keeping her out of anger for a Ning, she would have lost her life. Tell Liang Fushi, who is in charge of the media, that no matter what the young lady does, he will be satisfied unconditionally. If he fails to do well, he will clean the toilet for Jingsheng tomorrow! "

Liang Fushi is the direct leader of Xu Feng, one of the vice presidents of the group, in charge of media and public relations, and one of the elders of Jingsheng group.

When Jing Yichen took over the whole group, he was the most unconvinced one. At the beginning, he was still clamoring to say that if Jing Yichen was the president, he would go to clean the toilet and so on. After he had seen Jing Yichen's wrist and ability, he immediately turned the wind. He not only respected jingyichen, but also attached great importance to his assistant shangguanning, hoping that shangguanning could be in Jingyi Chen in front of him to say a few good words, let jingyichen forget him before, with him desperate to sing against each other.

Unfortunately, jingyichen is a man who has a grudge. Up to today, he is always blocked by "cleaning the toilet".

Therefore, when ah Hu's original words were passed on to Liang Fu Shi, he was in a cold sweat.

Although Liang Fu Shi is a man and over 50 years old, he was born in the public relations department, and now he is in charge of the public relations department and the media department. The gossip cells are 100 times more active than Mi Xiaoxiao, and he is very good at catching anecdotes.

As soon as AHU told him "unconditionally meet any requirements of the Shangguan assistant", he sniffed out an extraordinary smell.

As far as he knows, Jing Yichen is married. He has inquired about this matter from Lu Qin. Jing Yichen is always clean, like his father, he is not willing to touch women easily. They have always been infatuated with good men. Of course, except for Jing Yiran, who has a bad origin.

Jing Yichen thinks highly of shangguanning, which is far beyond the scope of general assistants. Moreover, Liang Fu found that as long as it is about shangguanning, Jing Yichen's reply will be very quick and detailed.

A man like Jing Yichen is not interested in an assistant. If he can be so concerned, it shows that shangguanning's identity is not just his assistant.

Liang Fu thought that shangguanning should be jingyichen's wife.

He was surprised by his bold guess, and then another person sat in the office laughing, feeling that he had guessed a big secret.

As a result, he quickly contacted the TV station and arranged for a new person to replace Shangguan rouxue and let Shangguan rouxue be laid off immediately!

Jing Yichen did not avoid his husband wife relationship with shangguanning, so he revealed a trace of information to Liang Fushi.

He had no intention to conceal the fact that he married shangguanning. Shangguanning was afraid of trouble and would not allow him to tell others. Otherwise, the whole group would have known.He hopes everyone knows that shangguanning is his wife and will be the mother of his son and daughter in the future!

Thinking of the child, jingyichen can't help but get angry. How can he work so long, Shangguan Ning's stomach still doesn't move?

Is his posture wrong? Or too few times?

It seems that we should try more tricks tonight!

When Shangguan Ning came out of the group building at more than five o'clock, a small black public stopped in front of her.

Walking down from the public, a handsome and noble man holding a red rose bundle showed a faint smile to her: "daughter-in-law, I come to pick you up from work and go home!"

Shangguan Ning took over the bouquet in amazement. His heart was filled with happiness in an instant, and the whole person felt elated.

She wanted to jump into his arms, but worried that it was still outside the group building. For fear of being seen by others, she stopped and looked around subconsciously.

Jing Yichen was quite dissatisfied. He went forward and directly held Shangguan in his arms. He felt her soft body and light fragrance. He felt better.

Shangguan Ning is worried about being caught by his colleagues, and he is busy pulling him to the humble public.

If someone finds out, there will be a big explosion in the group tomorrow! Those who visit monsters don't want to be recognized as real people.

As soon as she got into the car, jingyichen pressed her on the back of the car and kissed her deeply.

Shangguan Ning breath slightly disordered, stretched out his hand to push him, jiaochen way: "no kissing, how to be seen by others?"

Jing Yichen frowned with displeasure: "how, I kiss my own wife, still break the law? If anyone dares to say anything, he will be out of the group tomorrow! "

Shangguan Ning looked at his domineering appearance, "Chi" a smile.

See Lu Qin really is not wrong, jingyichen is really overbearing and unreasonable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!