Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1547

Jingxi is crying and hugging Lou Ziling. His breath is getting weaker and weaker. However, she doesn't know how to send Lou Ziling to the hospital in the wild!

In her desperation, a helicopter came quickly and landed on top of her head.

Jing Rui walks down from the helicopter and looks at his sister's embarrassed appearance. He says to the wood around him: "go and have a look. Are you dead?"

Jingxi cried and screamed: "brother, he is not dead!"

"Well, you shout so loud, it seems that you are not hurt. My mother insisted that I use the helicopter to pick you home, cheap boy!"

Muzen roughly gave Lou Ziling a look, with a dignified look: "the situation is not very good. He lost blood seriously, his back was severely burned, and his leg bone was fractured. It is a miracle that he can persist until now."

He waved to let people carry Lou Ziling to the stretcher. Seeing that Jingxi was ok, he could not care about her. He followed him into the helicopter for rescue treatment.

Jingxi struggled to get up from the ground and wanted to follow him to see Lou Ziling. But she had to take off her strength to pry the car open, and then she fell down with soft legs.

Jing Rui quickly steps forward and catches her. He picks her up. Seeing that her hands are covered with blood, her face changes slightly: "are you hurt?"

Jingxi shook his head: "it's not my blood, it's Lou Ziling's. You let me down and I'll go by myself. "

Jing Rui breathed a sigh of relief, holding her to the helicopter: "I am your brother, your brother! If someone else kneels down and asks me to hold me, I won't! "

He put Jing Xi on the cot in the helicopter. Seeing that she was going to see Lou Ziling, he pressed her shoulder and said, "there's Mu Sen, he can't die. The wood family is called the miracle doctor family. Do you think it's a white cry? "

"But But Lou Ziling has beaten my cousin before. "

"Oh, that Musen won't take the opportunity to kill him. It will smash the sign of the wooden family. He usually saves people first, and then kills them when they are alive and kicking. "

"No way, my cousin is not such a man! I believe him

Jingxi believes in Musen, but pushes Jingrui away. He goes to see louziling in a hurry, for fear that Lou Ziling will suffer a loss in his hand.

Jingrui sighs: "our family raised a talisman for louziling!"

The helicopter directly flew back to a city, Lou Ziling's condition improved, and Jing Xi had the mind to deal with his injury.

There was no wound on her body, only the skin on her head was broken. The doctor shaved a small part of her hair, filled her with medicine and bandaged her.

Two days later, her gauze was removed, and the wound healed well. She covered it with long hair and could not see any trace.

However, Lou Ziling did not wake up.

He was lying in the intensive care unit. He was very pale.

When he saw Jing Xi, he asked with a smile, "don't believe my medical skills?"

"No, I believe. I am Some worry about him. "

"He was hurt so badly that he must be in a coma for a few days, but he is in good physical condition and is in a stable condition

Jingxi nodded: "well, thank you, cousin!"

Musen smile, little cousin do not know when to start, do not call him "brother wood", changed to cousin this unfamiliar address.

Afraid of Lou Ziling's jealousy?

It's in a coma. I can't hear it!

"He has a serious burn on his back. This is burn medicine and scar remover. You can apply it several times more."


Jingxi took the ointment, but his fingertips trembled slightly.

Lou Ziling could have been spared such a serious injury. When the accident happened, she was safe and sound. It can only be proved that he was injured to protect her.

When in danger, people will instinctively choose to protect themselves.

But he didn't.

After Mu Sen checks Lou Ziling's physical condition and leaves, Jingxi lies down beside Lou Ziling, quietly weeping.

She hasn't seen him for more than two years. She thinks Lou Ziling has forgotten her.

It turns out not.

He cares about her and considers her life more important than himself.

Loushi Group bankruptcy, he is desperate and angry?

But she wasn't there.

His plan to enter the Li family may have been planned for a long time, and should have been about to succeed, but her intrusion disrupted his plan.

Jingxi is a little uncomfortable. She wants Lou Ziling to wake up now, so that she can apologize to him.

Then scold him again, why leave her disappear so long!

A week later, Lou Ziling wakes up, but Jingxi has forgotten anything he wanted to say, just a strong cry.

After a long pause, Lou Zi remembered what had happened before.

In fact, he was awakened by the pain. His back was burning with pain. His brain seemed to explode. His left leg was not only painful, but also itchy.

He knew that his leg was broken. He knew it when he had a car accident, but he had been holding on and didn't tell Jingxi.Lou Ziling grinned bitterly. Originally, she was lame in a wheelchair. Now, I don't need to install it.

Jingxi, crying and laughing, grabbed Lou Ziling's hand and asked him, "drink water?"


It took Lou Ziling a lot of effort to make a little noise from his voice. His voice became hoarse and ugly.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Before, he had been taking medicine to make his voice hoarse. This medicine was also saved!

Jing Xi raised the head of the bed to Lou Ziling and lifted him up slightly. Seeing that he looked miserable, he couldn't help but feel a little heartache: "you've got a burn on your back, isn't it very painful?"

Lou Ziling didn't speak, not only his back. He felt pain all over his body. His body seemed to be not his.

He took Jingxi to his lips cup to drink a few saliva, forehead has been covered with fine sweat.

He was surrounded by pain, even drinking water.

He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and asked, "how many days have I been in a coma?"

"A week!"

Lou Ziling frowned, so long? I don't know if there's something wrong with Li Zhi.

The accident came so suddenly that he didn't arrange to deal with Li Zhi.

"I'll be discharged tomorrow. Lend me your mobile phone!"

Jingxi a Leng: "you are still very weak, how to discharge?"

She held her mobile phone tightly and refused to give it to Lou Ziling.

He wants a mobile phone. He must be looking for his hand to pick him up!

Does he want to die when he leaves the hospital like this?

"I've been gone for a week. It must have been a mess. I have to go back. Give me my cell phone! "

Jingxi's eyes were a little red: "what are you going back to do? Can't we give up the Li family? "

"No way."

Lou Ziling gave her a clear answer.

At that time, he gave up the whole Lou group on his own initiative. He worked hard for so long, and the assets of tens of billions fell into the hands of Li Zhi. What is the purpose?

He's going to swallow up the whole Li family!

Moreover, Li Zhi almost wanted his and Jing Xi's life, this hatred, can't just so calculate! , the fastest update of the webnovel!