Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 153

Shangguan Ning voice fell, Shangguan rouxue's face immediately turned pale.

She did not know how much effort she paid for this film. She thought everything was arranged properly and was waiting to be the heroine. In the end, she killed a Shangguan Ning and asked the director to change her talents!

Isn't she an ordinary employee of Jingsheng? When did you become the director of the producer?!

Director and Xu Feng are surprised to see Shangguan Ning, do not know why she said so. Both of them were just wondering whether they were related to Shangguan after all. After all, this surname is rare and can not be easily met.

The director seemed to be very protective of Shangguan rouxue. He immediately said: "although rouxue has not acted in film and television works before, her acting skills are beyond doubt, and her fame is also very good. I don't know why Miss Shangguan doesn't use her?"

His tone seems to be very gentle, but there is a trace of dissatisfaction. She feels that Shangguan Ning has just come here and is making a fuss here. She does not seem to give face to him as an actor selected by the director.

But shangguanning, as the representative of the investor, has the absolute right to change the heroine.

He hoped Shangguan Ning could give him a reasonable explanation, otherwise even if he didn't make this play, he would insist on holding Shangguan rouxue.

"How long will we make this film?" Shangguan Ning suddenly asked a seemingly unrelated question, so that the director a Leng.

It will take him about half a year to complete the preparation

"Oh, half a year? May I ask, how many months is your chosen heroine pregnant now? Are you going to shoot with a big belly? Or did I just read the wrong script? This is not a youth idol inspirational movie, but a marriage and family drama? "

The director was shocked by Shangguan Ning's words and didn't return to God for half a day. Shangguan rouxue is pregnant?!

"Rouxue, what's going on here?" Shangguan rouxue has repeatedly assured him that he will not be pregnant during the shooting and will not delay the shooting, but now she is pregnant! Isn't she not married yet?

The director's voice has become very severe, he has been a director for more than 20 years, and he has never met such a situation of being teased by an actress!

Shangguan rouxue's face turned pale, and she reluctantly showed a stiff smile: "director, there's nothing wrong with this young lady. I'm not pregnant. I'm sure I can finish the film in the best condition."

One side of Xu Feng is not vegetarian, he put Shangguan rouxue's expression in the eyes, know that she certainly did not tell the truth.

Although I don't know how Shangguan Ning knew Shangguan rouxue was pregnant, but this is not a trivial matter. If she is really pregnant, there is no way to complete the shooting work, and changing the heroine midway will cause huge losses. At that time, he can't tell vice president Liang!

Fortunately, shangguanning followed him today, or he would not have fallen into the hands of this gentle woman in front of him!

"Mr. Zheng, we have cooperated several times before. I only recommend you to the group because I trust your character and admire your professional level. But if you don't know the physical condition of the actress, I think we need to talk about our cooperation again!"

The displeasure on Xu Feng's face is very obvious, anyone who finds this problem when the movie is about to start will be very angry.

"There are many experienced actresses in our group's Xingyao media, and they are all famous internationally. Although the salary will certainly be much higher, please re select an actor with high professional quality from them. Our group is not short of money."

After he finished, he immediately asked shangguanning for advice: "Shangguan, what do you think?" Like vice president Liang, Xu Feng only called shangguanning's surname to show his closeness.

Shangguan nodded and showed a faint confident smile: "we want to be natural and do our best. Director Zheng, you are a well-known director in China. Naturally, we should use well-known actors to make better works. Therefore, even if Shangguan rouxue is not pregnant, I will not use her. If you insist on using it, we will withdraw the capital. "

Her words, even knock with holding, than just Xu Feng's words more powerful, let the side of Xu Feng look at.

He has always felt that shangguanning is not fighting for anything. She is too gentle. She is afraid that she will not be able to control the crew. She has such a strong side!

"Director Xu, your suggestion is very good. Let's go back to the media department to draw up a list for the director to pick and see. Our group has also trained a lot of new people. If the director wants to use new people, he can also choose the best from them. However, it is not recommended to play the leading role in the first place. After all, the investment in this play is not small, and it is better to use famous actors."

Xu Feng immediately said: "good, it should be like this."

Shangguanning's words let the director find no fault at all. On the contrary, his own practice is somewhat untenable.

He nodded and did not look at Guan rouxue any more. He promised, "according to the requirements of your producers, we will choose famous actors together in the audition in a few days."After a few words, a few people settled the matter down, Shangguan rouxue was completely hung aside, and no one paid attention to it.

Her fingernails were deeply pinched into the palm of her hand, but she didn't feel the slightest pain. She just watched her helplessly. She didn't know how much time she had spent, how many people she had asked for, and how many times she had to accompany wine. She was coagulated by the Shangguan, and it was immediately destroyed!

Seeing that several people were about to leave, she immediately made a soft voice and said pitifully, "sister! You don't go, it's my fault, you forgive my previous capricious bar, I cherish this opportunity, you don't want to take revenge, OK? You can beat me and scold me, but you can't ruin my life

Xu Feng and the director were surprised to see Shangguan rouxue and Shangguan Ning, and realized that they should really be sisters.

Listen to the meaning of Shangguan rouxue, Shangguan Ning seems to be to see her?

Two people's eyes can not help but some subtle.

Shangguan Ning's feet, which she had originally stepped out, slowly drew back. She turned around and faced Shangguan rouxue, who was full of grievances but was very tolerant. She ignored the eyes of Xu Feng and the director. As long as they were with Shangguan rouxue, she could always see them, which had already been  already .

Shangguan Ning looked light, and the whole person seemed calm and elegant. He didn't feel angry, but said with no expression: "originally, I wanted to give you a way to live just now. Now I don't want to. I'm not cruel. I'm sorry for your wonderful performance."

"Director Xu and director Zheng, you two have heard that I am revenging for personal gain, so we will never use Shangguan rouxue as an actor after Jingsheng. Please cooperate more! In addition, director Xu, it seems that our department has been cooperating with the TV station. Let's talk about it. If they don't replace the host Shangguan rouxue, all cooperation will be terminated immediately! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!