Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1471

Lou Ziling was easily thrown out of the room, Luo Feiyang hands and feet and used to climb up from the floor, feel very ashamed!

He has always been a fierce fighter, but he can't beat his cousin, almost no opponent!

But he has repeatedly failed in what he is best at!

Luo Feiyang clenched his fist, "bang bang bang" smashed the door of Lou Ziling: "Lou Ziling, open the door for me! I will fight you! If it's a man, he will come out and fight with me openly and honestly

The building in the room ignored him directly and turned off the computer to go to bed.

"Lou Ziling, I'm not afraid of you! I was just not ready to be restrained by you, not count, come again

"Do you think you can catch up with Xi Xi Xi? I tell you, she's mine! I'm better than you. I can protect her. Stay away from her in the future

There is still no movement in the room. Lou Ziling is not like Luo Feiyang's expectation. He uses the method to excite him.

Luo Feiyang angrily rubbed his hair.

Facing Lou Ziling, he always feels powerless when he punches on cotton.

Every time he uses the method of arousal to Fu jimoxuan, it works very well, and even it is very useful to Luo Feiyao. How come he has no effect in louziling?

Luo Feiyang stood in front of the door of louziling. He wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out why. In the end, he could only come to a conclusion that he was not sure: maybe Lou Ziling didn't like Jingxi at all?

Otherwise, I must come out and fight with him!

Lou Ziling did not come out to fight with him, but attracted Luo Fei to take his life.

Luo Fei glanced up and slapped: "I don't sleep in the middle of the night. I cry and howl in front of other people's room door! Go back to bed

Luo Feiyang "ouch" a, the back hot pain, he bared his teeth and grinned: "brother, you iron sand palm big become?! You broke my spine

"You deserve it!"

Luo Fei grabs Luo Feiyang's ear and drags him away: "don't think you can do whatever you want without anyone here. If I see you challenging Lou Ziling again, I won't have any pocket money this month! You drink from the north and the west, you! "

Luo Feiyang's ears hurt and he almost cried, but he can't care about his ears now. If he doesn't have pocket money, he is a beggar!

He has spent all his money this month, so let's point to the next month!

Today, I blackmailed Ji Moxuan for a meal and a car. Can't we blackmail Ji Moxuan every day?

Ji Moxuan is very refined. I won't be cheated again next time!

"Luo feiran, be kind! That money is my father's, just put you there, you have no right to deduct my pocket money! Profiteer! Shameless

Luo Fei grasps to listen to the younger brother actually dare to call him with a surname, drag Luo Feiyang into the room, after closing the door, crackling is a beating.

When Lou Ziling heard that the world was finally quiet, she felt much more comfortable.

It seems that Luo Feiyao is not without merit. At least, his means of punishing Luo Feiyang, the second ancestor, is still very effective.

Thanks to Luo Feiyang has such a cousin, otherwise he can be arrogant to heaven.

Lou Ziling went to the bathroom, took a bath and changed his clothes. When lying on the bed, he unconsciously touched the tooth mark on his chest.

The bedside lamp emits a light yellow light, shining on Lou Ziling's chest. The tooth marks have changed from red to cyan purple, which is clearly visible.

Lou Ziling looked at it quietly for a while. She slowly pulled up her clothes and lay on the bed. After a long time, she fell asleep.

The next morning, Lou Ziling was woken up by Luo Feiyang, who was very active and excited.

"Lou Ziling, get up soon!"

"Lou Ziling, you are a pig. You sleep so long!"

"Ha ha ha ha, Xi Xi won't like you, she likes me to be diligent!"


Lou Ziling looked at the alarm clock at the head of the bed. The time shown on the clock was 5:20 in the morning!

This madman!

Didn't Luo Feiyang sleep late last night? How to have the spirit to start to toss in the morning? neuropathy!

There was a lot of noise outside. Lou Ziling couldn't sleep for a while.

He got up with a cold face and decided not to come home tonight!

Louziling in pain did not know that Luo Feiyang was an alien. He was born with little sleep. He could sleep three or four hours a day.

When he was in the United States, he used to call Jingxi in the early morning, which made Jingxi miserable.

Now, he doesn't harm Jingxi any more. He begins to harm Lou Ziling.

One of Luo Feiyang's bad tastes is to shout out all those who sleep late. He not only called Lou Ziling, but also Lou Mingyang's husband and wife, Luo Fei and Lou Ruofei, and even his servants.

All of them were woken up by him. They could only get up helplessly. Luo Feiyao only wore pants, not even his coat and shoes. He picked up a badminton racket and chased Luo Feiyang all over the villa.

"Come here! Luo Feiyang, you run again, believe it or not, I'll kill you! Wake everyone up early in the morning. It seems that you can't remember the beating before. I'll help you remember it again! "

Luo Feiyang was afraid that the badminton racket fell on his body. He ran away in the villa. He didn't forget to shout: "kill! Help! My brother is going to kill my brother for a little pocket money

However, Luo feiran, nicknamed "Scud", ran faster than anyone else. Luo Feiyang could catch up with him in any way. He was black and blue in a short time.

Lou Mingyang's family are scared to stop, afraid of breaking people.

Lou Ruofei hugged Luo feilou's arm and urged him: "feilou, don't fight. Feiyang's nose is bleeding! It's all small things. Our family got up very early

Fiancee all came forward to persuade, Luo Fei plundered this just to stop, if not be afraid to frighten Lou Ruofei, he just hit more ruthless.

Luo Feiyang also felt that the fight was light. He wiped the nosebleed carelessly and grinned: "sister-in-law, you are very kind to me! However, your badminton racket is too strong

I beat him so many times, but it's not bad!

"This is my latest racket. It's light and durable. I can give you a few more!" said Lou Ziling, who is not fond of talking

Luo Fei swept slightly a Zheng, then laughed: "good! A dozen! "

Luo Feiyang cried: "no! You go too far. The racket is for playing, not for hitting my head! "

All of them were amused by his miserable and pitiful appearance, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed. Lou Ruofei was busy helping Luo Feiyang with the wound, while Tan Zhen was laughing and went to prepare breakfast with the servant.

After talking about Mingyang, he reminded him not to play in the living room.

Only Lou Ziling, after washing, changed into a suit, did not eat breakfast, then drove to the company.