Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 146

Jingyichen reaches out and rubs his forehead. He is very angry at jingyiran's meddling.

If it was not for the photo he gave Xie Zhuojun, Xie Zhuojun only felt that Shangguan rouxue had a deep mind and no other major problems, there would not have been such a big crack. Maybe the two people have already started preparing for the wedding.

Jing Yichen's goal has not been to break up the two of them, but to let them get married, and then spend a lifetime of pain together!

If Shangguan rouxue left Xie Zhuojun, it would be too cheap for him! He has not seen through this woman, and has not got her "surprise". How can jingyichen allow Xie Zhuojun to quit halfway!

Isn't he deeply in love with that snake hearted woman? Then let this woman stay by his side forever!

"Ah Hu, let Xie Zhuojun's disturbance pause, let his company develop better. If we let him go bankrupt now, Shangguan rouxue will not marry him. Shangguan rouxue will deal with all the things for her, and the evidence will be left in our hands. Don't let Xie Zhuojun know. We will give him this gift when he gets married."

"Yes, young master."

Ah Hu's simple smile. He likes the feeling of entrapment in the back. Xie Zhuojun has been out of favor for a long time. The young master's hand is too clever. At that time, Xie Zhuojun will know the truth of the matter and will be angry to vomit blood.

"You can help them to get married quickly and save the night." The light way of jingyichen.

After two people get married, a lot of things can be exposed. In this way, they quarrel with each other, and they will certainly not have the heart to find trouble with Shangguan.

Ah Hu should be right away. Then he hesitated and said: "young master, Ji Minyu has resigned from the mayor recently. The father of the young lady has become the acting mayor in your name. Do you think you need to tell the young lady?"

Shangguanzheng uses his name to attract forces everywhere. Jingyichen knows about it, but he doesn't stop it.

The candidate for mayor has been decided for a long time. It is not shangguanzheng at all. Although Jing Yichen has the ability to help shangguanzheng get the mayor's position, how can he help him.

This man's pursuit of power has gone far beyond other things. He can climb up at all costs.

To help shangguanzheng is to harm shangguanning.

However, before this, let him climb higher, and then fall more miserable, in order to make him sober.

"You don't have to tell the young lady. I know it in my mind. If he wants to be the acting mayor, he will be addicted to the government for a month, and the new mayor will be selected in a month. In this period of time, no matter what he says to the outside people, there is no need to stop it. "

If Shangguan is prevented from taking over his name, he will surely come to shangguanning again. At that time, he will not know what means he will use.

Moreover, let shangguanzheng be the acting mayor will also play a great role in promoting Xie Zhuojun's marriage.

At the moment, Shangguan's villa is in a state of jubilation. Shangguan Zheng is full of red light. He drinks with Xie Dongfeng and talks about his future heroic words. It seems that he is already the mayor of a city.

Xie Dongfeng said congratulations, he also felt that the mayor should be on the official levy.

Generally speaking, if you are a deputy mayor, you will naturally become a real mayor. There is only one month to go before the mayor's appointment, and there is such a high demand for shangguanzheng that there should be no big problem.

He took a look at his son who had been out of his mind these days. He also looked at Shangguan rouxue, who had been considerate and gentle to his son, and finally made up his mind.

"Brother, why don't we add joy to our happiness? The two children are old and married. We'd better choose a lucky day for them to start a family."

Wang Lu, Xie Zhuojun's mother, said with a smile: "yes, I really like Xiaoxue. Let her be my daughter-in-law. I'll have a big fat boy again. My life will be complete."

Yang Wenshu was sitting next to shangguanzheng. There was an ugly red scar on her face and a piece on her neck. However, she was covered with thick powder. In addition to feeling that the color was a little dark and looked a little awkward, she was not ferocious. However, she now not only meets the guest to be able to apply a thick layer of powder, even sleeps also can smear, all day long is like wearing a pale mask, even the face is not willing to wash.

She has hardly seen people since she was scalded. If it had not been for Xie's family, she would not have come out to see the guests.

She had already hated Shangguan deeply and wanted to find her revenge, but shangguanzheng unexpectedly refused to let her go out, and coldly warned her not to go to shangguanning.

She kept all her hatred in her heart and was looking for an opportunity to retaliate.

However, she was in a good mood for the moment.

Xie's family offered to let their daughter marry, and she was very happy. First of all, her daughter will become a rich and powerful wife after she has a good home. Secondly, when Xie Zhuojun gets married, shangguanning will be heartbroken. This is what makes her most happy.Poor destroyed the capacity of Yang Wenshu still do not know, shangguanning has been one step married.

Shangguan rouxue put down his chopsticks and blushed: "you'll laugh at me. I'm full. I'll go back to my room first!"

She said that, then turned red and went upstairs.

Seeing her fleeing, Wang Lu couldn't help laughing. Shangguanzheng and Xie Dongfeng also showed a smile and began to discuss the marriage between the two families.

Although shangguanzheng feels that Xie Dongfeng can't help himself too much now, the Xie family is still a wealthy family with rich property. Recently, it seems that he has received several large orders, and the business is going smoothly.

If you have money, you can handle affairs easily. When he becomes the mayor, you will need a lot of money to manage human relations. Xie Dongfeng will certainly take the initiative to help.

Shangguan rouxue, the daughter of Shangguan rouxue, has always been obedient and obedient. If she can get married to the Xie family, she can be regarded as having found a good husband's family for her.

Thanks to the two families for getting married earlier. It's better for them to get married sooner or later!

Marriage can not be settled in a moment and a half, so a group of people discussed for a while, only set a general time, and the specific time still needs to see the master.

Xie Zhuojun was listening to them discussing marriage. He didn't have any joy on his face, but felt that he was blocked badly.

Jingyiran gave him the picture he had burned, but he still had in his mind Shangguan rouxue sitting in the arms of other men smiling, he always thought of Jili birthday party that day, she deliberately bumped into Shangguan Ning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!