Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 143

Ah Hu knew what jingyichen asked, and immediately said: "the second young master suffered heavy losses. It will take at least five years to recover to the original strength. At least seven companies under his name are facing bankruptcy."

Jing Yichen nodded and said, "what about the family?"

Speaking of this, ah Hu also showed a simple and honest smile: "according to your expectation, we have set out to go to the hospital for paternity test."

He couldn't admire his young master. He had guessed all the ideas of jingyiran. The development of things was completely in accordance with his deployment.

"Well, arrange all the doctors so that you don't show off. As for the woman, when it's done, give her money and send her abroad according to her requirements. "

Chu Dan is a woman found in the night by jingyichen's people. She fabricates an identity and lets her go to the Jing family. She had a lot of boyfriends and didn't know who the father was. She had planned to kill the child. At the moment, someone was willing to pay her a large sum of money and send her abroad. Naturally, she agreed happily.

Of course, she knew that cheating the second young master of the king family was a matter of death, but she was fed up with the kind of life that was despised by others. She wanted to leave here and take a large amount of money to go abroad to start a new life.

So she was extremely active in this matter, acting more like a professional than a professional.

In an ordinary hospital in a city, jingyiran caused quite a stir as soon as she entered the hospital.

There is no way, he has a beautiful face comparable to a demon, tall and straight, temperament and evil charm, full of charm, the hospital doctors, nurses and patients are all crowded to him, want to get closer to him.

If jingyiran hadn't been tired and angry by jingyichen these days, if he hadn't met such a big belly woman who came to visit us today, he would surely give those young and fresh nurses a wink and whistle frivolously. At night, he would make an appointment to blow the sea breeze and enjoy her fresh lips and tender figure!

Unfortunately, he is not in any mood now. He just wants to get rid of the child in the woman's stomach so that he can go back to deal with the endless troubles.

If he goes back one minute every night, he will lose millions more. In this way, he will become a poor man in the morning! What will you take against jingyichen in the future!

This hospital is not of high grade, so its efficiency seems to be not so good. The old lady is very dissatisfied with Sun Tzu's selection of such a poor hospital.

"Isn't Mu's hospital very good? Even if you don't like Mu's Hospital, there are municipal hospital and X affiliated hospital. The level of doctors there must be better, and all of them are doctors we know. Why do you want to come here! Take a look at the environment of the hospital. What if the doctor's skills are not good and the child is injured? "

Zhang Rong is also very dissatisfied with the old lady's rambling scolding. She is sitting on the bench of the hospital with frowning brows. She is now Jing Zhongxiu's wife. She is the best place to go. When did she come to such a crowded hospital.

She had some regrets about coming to the hospital, but she was afraid that when the identification results came out, Jingyi cheated her that the child was not his, so she had to wait here.

Jing Yiran ignored them, just called the person under his hand and asked him to buy the doctor quickly so that he could operate on Chu Dan and take away the child.

Of course, he will not go to Mu's Hospital and other large hospitals, otherwise the doctors there will not be bribed by him if they give their grandmother as their ancestors.

He did not really want to do paternity testing, as long as the hospital can do abortion, all the same.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, it was their turn.

However, when Moran and Zhang Rong learned the result, they almost fainted.

The child was ordered by jingyichen to be knocked out by the doctor, and the appraisal results show that the child is jingyiran!

"It's impossible!" Jing Yiran patted the table directly.

How can he not know if the child is his or not!

Is there something wrong with the doctor's level or something else

He has been badly punished by jingyichen recently. Everything must be suspected that he is behind the scenes.

Jing Yiran thought of here, and suddenly took a cold look at the doctor who looked very professional and decent.

Unexpectedly, the doctor helped his black frame glasses and even showed a smile to him.

Mo LAN and Zhang Rong are both anxious and angry. They all want to scold Jing Yiran for his self assertion. They both know that Jing Yiran has been cheated by Jing Yiran. He deliberately tricked them to the hospital and let Chu Dan take the children.

The doctor saw that their two elders were very anxious and angry. They said, "to tell you the truth, it's a good thing to take away the child."

Hearing what he said, the two women's faces were a little ugly, but jingyiran's face was much better. He thought that his staff was reliable and his money had been spent. The doctor also comforted his family.

But under the doctor's words, listen to his face completely black into the bottom of the pot.

"Because the child was born with a congenital defect, it is estimated that he will die before the birth. I have a look at the physical condition of the pregnant woman, it seems that it is not bad, then the problem should be the maleHe said, turning to look at Jingyi ran: "this is the father of the child?"



The three men almost answered at the same time. Although the answer was quite opposite, the doctor seemed to see more of this scene. He nodded clearly and ignored jingyiran's flaming eyes. He then said, "I suggest that the young man go to a big hospital to have a physical examination, so as to know what the problem is, so as not to affect the next generation. I think you look yellow and your steps are flighty. Young people should be restrained. Otherwise, it's easy to be pregnant later, and it will be too late to regret. "

His body, jingyiran, knows that he has no disease! The quack is lying!

However, this kind of thing he can't explain at all, what's more, he can't find a woman to make her pregnant, so as to prove his ability!

Out of the hospital, Moran and Zhang Rong take Jingyi to Mu's hospital.

As for Chu Dan, she has been sent away at will by Zhang Rong. Now that she has no children, she has no value. Just give her some money and let her go.

Mu's hospital is a noble hospital. It not only has the best doctors and top-notch equipment in a city, but also has strong confidentiality. It will not disclose personal privacy. It is most appropriate to come here for jingyiran to have a physical examination.

What's more, Mu's hospital has the shares of Jingsheng group. To see a doctor here is equivalent to seeing a doctor at home. It's very reassuring.

The old lady was cheated by her grandson for a time. This time, she refused to believe him, did not listen to any explanation from him, and took him to Mu's hospital.

People like the old lady, who receive them, are naturally the current president of Mu's Hospital, that is, the great young Mu Qing.

Jing Yiran felt that he didn't know whether it was his own illusion. He always felt that when Mu Qing looked at him, his eyes and smile were quite strange, but when he looked at him carefully, he didn't have it. His tone seemed to be still so warm and his smile was full of sunshine. , the fastest update of the webnovel!