Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1398

Lou Ziling went with Lou Mingyang to the contract signed by Jingsheng group.

Lou Mingyang went to the company excitedly and boldly, and began to arrange the next strategic deployment to expand the production scale.

And Lou Ziling went home alone. He looked at the contract in front of him and sat there all night.

He was filled with a shame he had never had before.

Shame on yourself.

He is a man of intelligence and ability. Why can't he earn the glory of his family by his own efforts?

Why use a girl of fourteen years old to go?

No, it's not the life he wants!

He doesn't want to rely on Jingxi to get the resources of the Jing family. He doesn't want to spend his life so incompetent!

Lou Mingyang had been busy all night. When he got home in the morning, he found his son sitting in the room with red blood in his eyes.

He was a little surprised: "you didn't sleep all night?"

Lou Ziling did not speak, but his appearance was already obvious. The suit he went to see Jing Rui yesterday had not been changed. His clothes were wrinkled because he had been sitting in a posture for a long time.

"Why don't you sleep? Your mother and your sister don't care about you

Lou Mingyang wronged his wife and daughter. They didn't know that Lou Ziling had gone home. They thought he had gone to the company with Lou Mingyang!

Although Lou Mingyang was busy all night, he was in good spirits because he got a huge order. He patted his son on the shoulder: "did you stare at the contract all night? It's all due to you. Otherwise, the Jings would not have signed a contract with us so soon. You must have done a good job in Jingxi and moved the little girl. "

"Don't sit here. Go take a bath, change your clothes, and after breakfast, you can go to the racecourse and continue to teach the little girl to ride. We can't slack off just because we get an order!"

"Dad, I'm not going."

Lou Ziling's voice is a little hoarse, but it is firm.

Lou Mingyang was shocked: "why not go? Is it difficult for you, little girl? Are you angry? "

Lou Ziling shook his head: "no, she is very good."

She not only did not give him anger, but also from the heart of his appreciation, called him a teacher.

Instead, he reprimanded her.

"She's fine. Why don't you go? Just teach her how to ride a horse. When you were abroad, didn't you win the equestrian competition? The coach Jing Yichen invited for her is also very good. I heard that she has won many championships. If you don't go, all the chances will be lost! "

Lou Mingyang is a little impatient. He doesn't know what stubborn temper his son has made. He has been with Jingxi for such a long time. Why did he give up suddenly?

He has met Jingxi and talked to her. She is really a good girl to get along with.

His son's cold and arrogant and reticent personality makes him feel unbearable sometimes. However, Jingxi has praised him several times in front of Jing Yichen, which shows that the little girl is really a good person!

"Ziling, it's not a time for you to be capricious. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We must seize it. As long as we establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the king family and have a degree of trust, it will be natural for us to cooperate with others in the future! You'll be late if you don't leave. You can't let the little girl wait for you all the time

"I'm not going. Tell the Jings that I won't go again. I won't teach you how to protect Jingxi."

Lou Ziling looks cold, calm and calm. Obviously, he doesn't mean to joke at all.

Lou Mingyang's good temper will be driven crazy by his son!

He didn't raise a son, he raised an ancestor! The shelf end is bigger than the emperor, others want to get close to Jingxi, and they can't find the opportunity by all means. He's good, but he still dislikes it!

He seriously suspected that he had taught his son wrong before!

Lou Ming was so exasperated that he wanted to beat his son, but he couldn't bear to do it. He could only angrily say, "if you don't go, you don't want to go. Do you want to give me a reason? Do you think it's easy for me to fight for your chance to protect Jingxi? The king family lacks bodyguards? City a is short of riding coaches

Lou Ziling was silent for a long time and then said, "I don't want to use her."


Lou Mingyang was upset by his son!

"Listen to what you say! When did we use Jingxi? We are a fair competition! It was after the Ming Road. Jing Yichen nodded in person to protect Jingxi... "

Lou Ziling interrupted his father's words and said in a cold voice, "that's disgraceful! I don't need to rely on an underage girl to seek benefits. Didn't you teach me to rely on myself in everything? Without Jingxi, I can also get the support of Jingjia and make the company develop well! "

Lou Mingyang's voice gradually became colder, even sharp: "yes! Of course you can! However, it will take a long time. Jingxi is the fastest and most effective shortcut to success! There is a shortcut. Why not go? Did we hurt Jingxi? Not at all"If you don't want to take such a shortcut!"

"Ziling, you have too much self-respect! At this stage, there is no need! "

"No, if I don't have self-esteem, I can only say that your education is a failure!"

Lou Mingyang is very angry. Should he hate that he taught his son too square? He is to teach his son to have self-esteem, can not devalue himself, but accompany Jingxi also does not drop the price!

He wants to be a bodyguard himself, but jingyichen can't agree!

"She's just a little girl. She's not very clever. You're just playing with her. Is it hard?"

"It is because she is a little girl that I can't take advantage of her simplicity!"

Lou Ziling had thought all night and thought it out clearly. At the moment, her position was firm and clear:

"Dad, you asked me to try. If you haven't tried, how can you know that I can't develop my family! Jing family is not developed by marriage, not by women! I try my best to do it. Maybe the progress will be slower, but our foundation will be more stable and our confidence will be more sufficient! You have taught me so much that I must practice it! "

Lou Mingyang was stunned.

He never thought that would be the result.

He looked at the tall and handsome son, looked at his firm and confident appearance, and his heart slowly filled with an incomparable sense of pride.

Yes, my son is right. If he doesn't have such a strong self-esteem and is willing to please a little girl, it can only prove that his 21 years of education for his son is a failure!

There was silence in the study.

Lou Mingyang gave a long sigh of relief: "OK, no more! I'll explain to Jing Yichen, you can do it! My father is old. I have more to keep up with, but I'm not as good as you! Ziling, we'll depend on you in the future , the fastest update of the webnovel!