Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1376

Jing Zhi lay down on the bed with Zheng Yu in his arms, and said with pride: "my father is not that kind of person! He is the most reasonable. You are his daughter-in-law, and he will not drive you away! "

The reason why Zheng yuluo thinks jingyiran will drive her away is that when she was in the Zheng family, Zheng Jing refused to let Jing Zhi in. She was afraid that jingyiran would not let her in.

She pillowed on Jing Zhi's arm and relaxed: "I know, dad is very good. I used to come to see him every new year's festival. He didn't like me at first. Every time he saw me, he would beat me, but he kept it up. He probably felt that I had made a mistake when I was young and ignorant

"It was really bad when you were a child. Give me a nickname, alienate me with other children and say that I am the reincarnation of a blood sucking monster. You've seen too many cartoons, you!"

There are many memories of childhood that Jing Zhi can't remember clearly, but he was isolated and nicknamed. These things happen every day, so he is very impressed.

"Well, I can't be blamed for that. Have you forgotten that my sister and I were both broken by you! I've also seen that once a little wild cat scratched you and died the next day. Of course I'm afraid

"And such things?"

Jingzhi is a little surprised. He doesn't remember it at all!

If the cat really scratched him, it is likely that it also had injuries, infected with the virus before death.

He didn't have this abnormal tendency of killing small animals. On the contrary, he liked kittens and puppies since he was a child, but he was afraid that he would infect them and did not dare to raise them.

He was once bitten by a dog. As a result, he didn't get rabies. Instead, the dog died of eating his blood.

As for his fight against Zheng yuluo and Zheng Yuwei Jingzhi doubts: "I don't seem to have hit you?"

"Oh, is that my mistake? Who else but you thinks my sister and I are ugly? "

"I always thought you were beautiful."

This said, Jing Zhi is even more unjust. He liked the twins and sisters since he was a child, but he liked them, but they never paid attention to him.

"If I don't say you're ugly, will you notice me? When everyone says you're beautiful, I'm going to be sarcastic, so you'll remember me! "

Zheng yuluo couldn't laugh or cry!

She turned her head and fell on Jingzhi's chest and bit him: "how can you be so bad! How can a little girl like to be called ugly? You say I am ugly, I remember you, but I want to sell you! It's better not to show up for ever

"Oh, so you really sold me?"

"I didn't! I I'm wrong. Can't I be wrong? "

Zheng yuluo tooted his mouth and showed a pathetic expression: "after I sold you, I especially regret it. I have nightmares every day and dream that you come to suck my blood..."

Of course, Jing Zhi also hated Zheng yuluo, and he gnashed his teeth and wanted to kill her.

But later, I don't know what happened, he always can't do it.

Think he killed countless people, never hesitated, but a heart is deep in her tender voice, soft in a mess.

He also understood at that time, what can be called a killer!

Jing Zhi hugs Zheng yuluo into his arms and kisses Zheng yuluo's cheek like raindrops. His voice is deep and sexy: "are you stupid, dreaming that I suck your blood, do you still like me?"

Zheng Yu fell gently with a smile: "yes, like you, I feel that I have done something wrong, if you really are a blood sucking monster, you can live by drinking blood, then give all my blood to you, I can die, but I am not willing to let you die."

Jing Zhi was stunned, and a strange mood was rising in his heart.

Perhaps, he never knew how much Zheng yuluo liked him!

Her love, perhaps from a long time ago, he did not find, even she did not find.

Jing Zhi holds Zheng yuluo's hand and kisses her lips gently. She says softly, "little fool..."

The little couple had a good night's sleep, but Jing Yiran didn't sleep well because he had just returned from abroad. He got up at dawn.

Jin Xin just came back from the bar, he saw a sitting in the living room of jingyiran, he was a little surprised.

Jing Yiran saw him, but as he saw his relatives, he warmly welcomed him: "Lao Jin, come and sit down! I've been back all night and I haven't seen any of you! Jingzhi, did you not get into trouble? "

Jin Xin finally came back to his senses, and he yelled, "dear ones, you are back! Your son is so disobedient that you should take good care of him this time

They met several times when they were in North America. Jin Xin followed Jing zhihun to take care of his life, so Jingyi was very grateful.

Jingzhi is a bit of a loner. He doesn't like others to follow him all the time. However, he can only accept Jinxin and never dislike Jinxin's nagging him. It is estimated that when they were in the entertainment industry, Jinxin always nagged, and Jingzhi was used to it.Jing Yiran feels that her father has been compared with Jin Xin!

Jing Yiran feels relieved that a senior figure like Jin Xin has been following Jingzhi all the time. He not only gives Jinxin a house in the United States, but also says that if Jinxin doesn't have children in the future, Jingzhi will be his half son, responsible for supporting him.

Therefore, the revolutionary friendship between the two is quite deep.

When Jingzhi gets up and goes downstairs, he sees two men sitting in the living room, whispering intimately.

"Dad, old Kim, are you two talking bad about me! Only when you fight against me together will you two look like lovers

Jingyi glared at him: "don't talk nonsense! Besides, how many times have I said that you are going to call uncle Jin. Did you call old Jin

Jing Zhi said nothing: "the gentleman sitting next to you, surnamed Jin, has successfully turned himself into a 30-year-old man through micro plastic surgery. I call him uncle Jin, and he certainly doesn't like it!"

Jing Yiran turned her head and took a closer look at Jin Xin's face. It really looks like his skin is very good, and his previous wrinkles are gone!

Jin Xin is over 40 years old. Now he looks like a young man. Jingyi ran says with envy: "Lao Jin, how did you do this? Take me to have a try tomorrow

Jin Xin's eyes brightened: "are you also interested in this?"

He patted jingyiran's shoulder and said excitedly, "that's right! I used to see those female stars with plastic surgery, and I felt that I couldn't understand it. When I was forced to make adjustments by Jing Zhi, I found that it was wonderful! Now those little girls like to talk to me very much. No one ever paid attention to me before! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!