Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1374

Jingzhi has not danced for several years, but he is still very professional. He takes Zheng yuluo to the dance floor and shakes it gently. Zheng yuluo is always stumbling and falling into Jingzhi's arms several times.

I don't know. I thought she was throwing herself in her arms!

She put her hands on the waist and hugged me slightly

Zheng yuluo felt that these were all romantic scenes in the movie, but he didn't expect that it could actually happen in his own life.

What's more, when it really happened to her, her first reaction was that she was distressed by Jingzhi, afraid that she would step on his feet.

Jingzhi saw through her thoughts at a glance, and he held her with a low smile: "fool, if you step on it, how much do you weigh? It doesn't hurt. Just step on me

Zheng yuluo stepped on it, and his hand was held by Jing Zhi. He walked slowly in the middle of the dance floor with his rhythm.

The music has been tuned into a soothing track, and many couples are embracing each other, passionately cuddling and kissing.

In this way, Zheng yuluo doesn't feel embarrassed that she and Jingzhi are too close. On the contrary, when she sees a girl kissing her male partner, Zheng yuluo is also shy to kiss Jingzhi.

She felt that this was the boldest thing she had ever done in her life!

But she just felt happy to do so!

Jingzhi also kisses her, fondly touches her hair, and protects her with all her heart for fear that she will be hit by other people on the dance floor.

Zheng yuluo asked him in a low voice, "my box of diamonds, did you give it to me?"

Jing Zhi said with a faint smile: "yes."

"So many diamonds have been given to me all of a sudden. Don't you fear that I will turn my face and refuse to recognize people?"

"I don't think so much. I just think those diamonds are most suitable for you. You can keep them for fun. It's rare that there are 19 diamonds with the same size and color. It's only 10 million yuan sold. It's hard to buy so many diamonds at once. "

Jingzhi pinched Zheng yuluo's delicate chin helplessly: "but I didn't expect that you forgot me directly. I was a little worried before. If you forget me, will you also not see the diamond I put for you and be picked up by others. I'm relieved to know that they're still there. "

Zheng yuluo leaned his head on Jing Zhi's body and said, "I drowned on purpose. I can't find you, and lost you, I think it's better to live than to die. Maybe I can take root in your heart after death? After all, that's what happens in TV dramas. "

"Nonsense, don't have such an idea in the future!"

Jing Zhi didn't expect that the reason for Zheng yuluo's drowning was so naive and moved him.

Just to leave a mark in his heart, she chose to die?

Jingzhi suddenly hugged her and whispered in her ear, "don't do stupid things in the future. In case I die accidentally one day, you are not allowed to seek shortsightedness."

"No, I will not live if you die! So, you'd better live well! "

"Well, we're all alive, so there's no problem."

However, even if both of them are alive, there are still problems. For example, jingyiran learns that her son is married and flies back from northern Europe without stopping.

When Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo come home from the bar, they can see jingyiran standing in the middle of the living room with a suitcase.

Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo are both stunned. For a while, I didn't respond to it!

Jing Yiran is also stunned. He knows his son is married from jingyichen, but jingyichen doesn't tell him that the man he married is Zheng yuluo!

Isn't this nonsense?!

"What's the matter with you two?"

Jingyi frowned and her tone was harsh.

Zheng yuluo quickly took his hand out of Jing Zhi's, stood still and called him in a low voice: "Uncle Jing, you are back home!"

However, Jingzhi directly pulled Zheng yuluo's hand back and held it tightly. She would not let go of her struggle.

He smiles at Jingyi: "Dad, when did you come back? Why don't you call me so that I can pick you up! And ah, the rain falls, your name is uncle Jing, this is our father, you have to call dad, quick, call people

Zheng yuluo was a little embarrassed and called out: "Dad!"

"No, it's too low. My father can't hear you. Speak up!"


Zheng yuluo gritted his teeth and raised his voice, but he was embarrassed to look up. He kept looking at his toes, as if he had made any mistakes.

Jing Yiran was almost angry to death by her son. She asked Zheng Yu to call "Dad" when she came up. It was just for blocking what he wanted to say directly!

I haven't seen you for such a long time. I have a long heart!

It's OK. Zheng yuluo called "Dad". He promised it was not, and he didn't either.

Dad, why don't you listen to the rain, but you don't hear it? Come on, it's raining. My father's back of ear has developed into malignant deafness. Let's shout againBefore Zheng yuluo called, jingyiran could not stand it: "OK, OK, don't make trouble! Now that you've all got your certificates, can I ask you to get a divorce? "

"Don't you tell me about your marriage? Or do you want me to know that my son is married until I have my grandson? Can you rely on your work? "

"Yes, I wanted to give you a grandson and tell you about my marriage with yuluo. But who is so immoral that he divulges my secret? Is it my brother? He promised me that I would tell the news myself. How could he turn around and tell the secret? "

Jingyi ran gas straight stare: "you have a brother, I have no brother? You and Jing Rui dare to cheat me together? If your uncle hadn't told me, I'm still in the dark now! "

He took a look at Zheng yuluo, who had been lowering his head all the time. He felt that his brain was pumping and pumping.

Who is not good to marry? You must marry an enemy home?

When I was a child, I pinched it to death and I forgot it?

"If it rains, go back to your room first. I'll have a word with Jing Zhi."

Although Jing Yiran has always disagreed with Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo, his attitude towards Zheng yuluo has always been quite good. In those years when his son disappeared, Zheng yuluo would come to see him every year, and he couldn't afford to lose his temper.

What's more, now that Zheng yuluo is his daughter-in-law, how can a father-in-law lose his temper towards his daughter-in-law? If you want to blame, you can only blame your own son for not striving for success!

He wants to beat Jing Zhi now!

Zheng yuluo obediently upstairs, before leaving, she also looked at Jing Zhi worried.

Jing Yiran is so angry that she seems to have to deal with Jingzhi severely. It's very frightening.

Jing Zhi shows a soothing smile to her, which makes her feel at ease.

Jing Yiran won't hit him. How angry he is. , the fastest update of the webnovel!