Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1351

The voice in the phone has been processed by a voice transformer. It sounds very mechanical.

Jingzhi frowned slightly and said in a cold voice, "don't play tricks. What's wrong with Zheng yuluo?"

"Do you want to hear? Ha ha ha, give me a million yuan first, and I'll tell you! "

The other lion opened his mouth and didn't say anything useful.

But Jing Zhi didn't even hesitate for half a minute. He said coldly, "how much is your account?"

"Oh, it's really rich! So simple! It seems that you are very fond of that shameless woman

The person in the phone reported an account number. Jing Zhi turned to Jin Xin and said, "transfer one million yuan to her immediately."

Jinxin was silly: "you are too easy to cheat! That's a million dollars? All your money came from the wind? "

"Shut up! Pay

"Go, go, fight. Anyway, the money is yours. You can spend it as you like."

Seeing that Jing Zhi's face was not right, Jinxin immediately turned on his mobile phone and transferred money to the other party.

Obviously, I received the money over there, and I laughed.

Jingzhi immediately asked, "tell me what happened to Zheng Yu! Don't play tricks, or you will have your life to take money, but not to spend it! "

"It's not so much, it's just that she'll be killed right away!"

"Who is it?! Where is she? Say it

"Give me another five million and I'll tell you where she is! If you don't, she will... "

Jingzhi sharply interrupted the other party's words: "I give it! Lao Jin, transfer money! "

Jin Xin also realized that something was wrong. Without saying a word, he immediately transferred another five million yuan to the other party.

Fortunately, the other side got the money, did not break his promise, quickly reported an address, and then hung up the phone.

Jing Zhi takes his mobile phone, turns on the navigation, and drives the car all the way to the address.


When she woke up again, her eyes were covered with black cloth, and she could only see some light.

Her hands and feet were tied, and she lay on the cold ground, not knowing where it was or what was going on.

Was she kidnapped?

"Oh, this girl wakes up quickly! How can I look at the stupidity, second brother, to make her sober up! "

All of a sudden, the rain fell on Zheng.


Zheng yuluo screamed and trembled with fear.

She tried to get up, but her limbs were tied and she couldn't get up at all.

"Who's tying people up like this? Loose quickly, or else the gold Lord will come in a moment. He said that he likes spicy food! Ha ha ha

Someone stepped forward and gave Zheng yuluo a rude kick and cut the string on her hands and feet with a knife. The other side didn't have any pity on her. The blade was extremely sharp. When cutting the rope, it also cut Zheng yuluo's hands and feet.

Zheng yuluo did not care about the pain from her hands and feet. She got up from the ground with wet skin. As soon as she reached out to untie the black cloth tied to her eyes, she was kicked to the ground from behind.

"Be honest! Move again, brother, you are welcome! Lie down for me. Who made you stand up

Zheng Yu fell on the waist and was kicked, burning pain.

She fell on the hard and cold concrete floor, and she was in pain and couldn't get up at all.

"Who are you? If you need money, I can give you a lot! Please let me go

Zheng yuluo's heart is extremely afraid that she has never experienced such a legendary kidnapping.

Last time, when someone robbed her, she was saved by Jingzhi before she was hurt or afraid.

She always felt that those things were far away from her.

Zheng yuluo didn't know that she was far away from all kinds of violence, not because she was lucky, or because the bad guys knew and feared Zheng Jing, the director, but because Jing Zhi, almost every day in the past, had stood by her side, quietly protecting her and removing all the hidden dangers for her.

Only Deng Kun's hidden danger, Jing Zhicai just gave him a little punishment, was cut off by Zheng yuluo, or Deng Kun was protected by Zheng yuluo.

That's why she suffered today's ordeal.

Several tall and strong men surrounded Zheng Yu, all staring at her with bright eyes.

She was wet through, and her clothes were tightly attached to her body, revealing her beautiful figure.

Someone approached Zheng yuluo and wanted to touch her face. Zheng yuluo's courage and strength came from nowhere. Suddenly, she slapped the man in the face.

The man immediately became angry and slapped Zheng Yu with his backhand.

The man was very strong, and Zheng yuluo's face swelled up immediately.

"Third, don't fight! If you beat her up, the gold owner won't give her money! When the gold master has enough fun, we can play whatever we want! "Zheng yuluo covered her face and leaned against the wall. Her fear was magnified infinitely. Her whole body was shaking. She didn't know what fate was to meet her.

Who is the gold master?

Why do you do this to her?

She doesn't remember offending anyone!

These people are ferocious. They are not good people at first sight. Zheng yuluo knows that if she falls into these people's hands, she will be worse than dead.

Zheng yuluo didn't know where she had been taken. She was in pain all over her body, and tears poured out involuntarily.

It's dilapidated. It's like an abandoned factory building. I'm afraid no one will know if she died here.

It was dark outside, and there were no lights in the workshop. All the light came from the flashlights in the hands of the men.

So, by the time they turned off all the flashlights, the factory quickly fell into darkness.

Several people swearing away, Zheng yuluo heard that they were talking to someone in the distance, arguing about the issue of remuneration.

Zheng yuluo couldn't listen to her or how much she was worth. She struggled to get up from the ground and ran barefoot in the moonlight from the window.

However, she was too naive.

Since the other party dares to let go of her hands and feet, she has already prepared for her escape.

Although the factory building is dilapidated, the walls are very high, the windows are also very high, and there is only one exit, but they are blocked by their people.

Next to the windows of the factory building is a large deep pool used for cooling in the past, surrounded by iron wire fence.

Some time ago, the autumn rain continued, the pool has been filled, and others dare not jump in.

Moreover, even if they jump in, they can still get into the pool and get people out.

Zheng Yu ran away for a while and found that he couldn't escape. Finally, he was in despair.

Someone slowly came to her. In the dark, Zheng yuluo was frightened and screamed: "don't come here! Get out of here , the fastest update of the webnovel!